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Searched scripts for "" Showing 1 to 3000 of 5942 results
Script Type Rating Down
test.vim utility 15 1324 example utility script file -- used for testing vimonline
test.zip utility -5 1077 example of a set of scripts zipped together
test_syntax.vim syntax -1 961 example syntax file upload
ToggleCommentify.vim utility 117 9052 comment lines in a program
DoxyGen Syntax syntax 242 14094 DoxyGen Highlighting on top of c/c++/java
keepcase.vim utility 181 3711 Functions for doing case-persistant substitutions
ifdef highlighting syntax 173 8012 #ifdef highlighting in c/c++/idl
vimbuddy.vim utility 355 6814 Vimbuddy: An absolutely unuseful little thing
buffoptions.vim utility 6 2333 Per-buffer options/menus/maps
fortune.vim utility 6 2389 put a signature file at end of e-mail (BRAM)
drawing.vim utility 35 2824 Ascii drawing primitives with mouse in vim GUI (box, arrow, line). (unstable)
ctags.vim utility 45 4291 Display function name in the title bar.
closetag.vim utility 1008 30169 Functions and mappings to close open HTML/XML tags
htmlcmd.vim utility 34 5392 Rich HTML/XML commands
ccase.vim utility 547 10733 Script to setup maps/menus to add in using Clearcase.
compiler.tar.gz utility 0 1561 [Defunct] Part of functionality for Vim 6.0
ls.vim utility 390 4299 Directory Browser for UNIX/CYGWIN
calendar.vim utility 8 1559 Open a calendar in a read-only buffer for viewing.
dl.vim utility 0 570 converts file links to GetRight GRX files
jcommenter.vim utility 368 11491 A script for automatically generating JavaDoc comments
info.vim utility 638 9407 GNU info documentation browser.
hunspchk.zip utility 26 3351 Hungarian spell checker
EnhCommentify.vim utility 1816 28657 comment lines in a program
LoadHeaderFile.vim utility 22 1804 load filename from an #include line
mailbrowser.vim utility 52 3068 Browse Berkeley mbox format mailbox files
vimmailr.zip utility 14 2150 Send (MAPI) mail from vim
format.vim utility 19 2672 formats the current paragraph - smooth right and left
vimxmms.tar.gz utility 31 1175 Control XMMS from Vim
sourceSafe.zip utility 41 2884 Check out files from Microsoft SourceSafe directly from vim
python.vim utility 1246 44224 A set of menus/shortcuts to work with Python files
a.vim utility 3596 91017 Alternate Files quickly (.c --> .h etc)
vimrc.tcl utility 4 796 Adds a SQLWorksheet type interface to Oracle SQL*Plus
oravim.txt utility 4 1094 SQL*Plus without SQL*Plus
javabean.vim utility 13 1799 Adds property getters and setters
jbean.vim utility 7 1111 Completion of Get/Set method
vimvccmd.zip utility 0 1487 patch for vim to
dbhelper.tgz utility 88 5263 Helper for Writing DocBook Documents
matchit.zip utility 2520 63916 extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages
DrawIt! utility 1295 27712 Ascii drawing plugin: lines, ellipses, arrows, fills, and more!
rcs-menu.vim utility 71 3773 Interface to RCS (Revision Control System)
bufexplorer.zip utility 3545 129258 Buffer Explorer / Browser
sccs-menu.vim utility 62 3565 Adds a SCCS menu in GVim to acces SCCS functions.
completeWord.py utility 8 1299 Complete word from Python src files.
Mail_Sig.set utility 23 2726 Erase signatures at the end of your replies
Mail_mutt_alias.set utility 16 3714 Extract an e-mail address from the mutt aliases file.
Mail_Re.set utility 5 1919 Merge the all the "Re: Re:" in e-mail subjects in only one.
Triggers.vim utility 2 3096 Helps to toggle definitions (maps, sets, abbr)
Mail_cc.set utility 0 1367 Function that deletes one's e-mail address from the Cc: list
lh-brackets utility 9 2915 Bracketing system + Tools for programming mappings
cscope_macros.vim utility 203 9322 basic cscope settings and key mappings
calendar.vim utility 1840 49184 Calendar
colorize.vim utility 162 5693 Change background color when in insert mode
ConvertBase.vim utility 30 1951 Convert to/from various numeric bases
TagsMenu.zip utility 62 2553 Creates a menu of all the tags in the current file.
perl.vim utility 172 10671 Perl compiler script
oberon.vim syntax 2 684 simple Oberon syntax file
cvsmenu.vim utility 537 16459 Menu for CVS-Versioncontrol
dtags utility 7 1325 Create tag files for Borland Delphi/Kylix
delphi.vim syntax 65 3373 Syntax file for Borlands Delphi/Kylix
Embperl_Syntax.zip syntax 41 3915 Syntax for Embperl
whatdomain.vim utility 1 1451 Find out meaning of Top Level Domain
emacs.vim color scheme 26 4829 Emacs like colors
po.vim utility 6 1375 PO (portable object) helper functions
CD.vim utility 185 7865 CD to whatever directory the current buffer is using.
_vim_wok_visualcpp01.zip utility 66 2730 Simulating some cool features of MS Visual Studio C++ (TM) by Microsoft Corp.
nqc.vim utility 64 6384 NQC programming support (for the LEGO MINDSTORMS RCX-Controller)
vfp.vim syntax 6 1111 Visual FoxPro 3.0, 5.0, and 6.0 syntax file
project.tar.gz utility 3395 90877 Organize/Navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer)
pt.vim.gz syntax 313 2687 Syntax file for Synopsys PrimeTime tcl
dctl.vim.gz utility 157 2147 Syntax file for Synopsys DesignCompiler tcl
foo.vim utility 187 20781 examples of Vim functions (and a few commands, etc.)
word_complete.vim utility 417 17693 automatically offers word completion as you type
aux2tags.vim utility 7 2516 Generate a tags file from a LaTeX .aux file
javaimp.vim utility 15 1476 Open a Java source file from its import statement
uri-ref utility 32 2082 Easily insert references to URLs in emails
incfiles.vim utility 2 991 create menu entries for each include file in a C/C++ file
functags.vim utility 1 1284 create menu entries for each function definition in a C/C++ file
wordlist.vim utility 26 1610 Autocorrect wordlist from Office XP
files2menu.pm utility 5 843 add all files recursively as menu entry
translate.vim utility 6 1284 Look up a word in a dictionary file
AppendComment.vim utility 26 1705 Append comment at end of line
let-modeline.vim utility 24 2431 Extends the modeline feature to the assignment of variables
gdbvim.tar.gz utility 150 7585 Watch in vim what you debug in gdb. And more.
Mkcolorscheme.vim utility 39 1343 Help write colorscheme files from existing settings
brief.vim utility 5 1140 Plugin for Brief-style Home and End
plkeyb.vim utility 28 1039 Polish dead-key keyboard emulation
vimtips.zip utility 180 15507 Display a helpful tip the first time you start Vim each day.
savevers.vim utility 217 6671 Automatically save and diff multiple, sequentially numbered revisions (like VMS)
vcscommand.vim utility 3636 67682 CVS/SVN/SVK/git/hg/bzr integration plugin
nsis.vim syntax 22 757 This is a vim syntax file for NSIS script.
borland.vim color scheme 208 14388 Classic borland IDE like Vim color scheme
tex.vim utility 44 3973 LaTeX macros in Vim (which emulate operator-pending mode operations)
express.vim syntax 4 894 syntax file for Step21 express schema
winmanager utility 1012 87481 A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0
methods.vim utility 47 5169 java, c++ menu classbrowser
sqlplus.vim utility 108 4958 Execute SQL queries and commands from within VIM (using Oracle's SQL*Plus)
spec.vim ftplugin 34 3542 spec file plugin
mail.tgz ftplugin 43 2529 mail plugin for vim
TagsBase.zip utility 74 7525 Creates a menu of tags (functions, fields...) keep track of the current function
nlist.vim utility 114 1574 Vim global plugin for adding line numbers
DirDiff.vim utility 2019 20907 A plugin to diff and merge two directories recursively.
regview.vim utility 70 841 Interactively browse register contents
BlockHL syntax 37 6471 highlighting different levels of {} in C
desert.vim color scheme 1453 37629 A dark-background color scheme inspired by my hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico
colorscheme_template.vim color scheme 146 8895 A template to make coming up with your own color scheme a bit easier.
SelectBuf utility 227 11923 A fast and extensible buffer explorer.
bufNwinUtils.vim utility 5 2031 *obsolete* A nice set of useful functions
lightWeightArray.vim utility 4 2177 *obsolete* Small utility to work with vim multivalues variables
golden.vim color scheme 46 2648 Gold based color scheme
torte.vim color scheme 104 4728 Grey on black, slighter contrasts (for TFT)
borland.vim utility 18 2290 compiler plugin for some Borland compilers
idutils utility 7 3086 Simple interface with GNU id-utils (deprecated)
MultiPrompt.vim utility 8 2052 "Emulates" a multifield prompt dialog even in console mode!
blue.vim color scheme 17 3384 a blue theme for vim
csharp.vim syntax 140 7043 C# Syntax file
cs.vim syntax 10 899 Another C# Syntax Colorizer File
Shell.vim utility 110 5930 A shell buffer in vim.
vim.vim indent 5 1443 indentation for vim script with support for embedded scripting language
Decho utility 126 9725 Vim script internal debugger (output in separate window, tab, or remote vim)
asu1dark.vim color scheme 39 3652 Color scheme with dark background.
Astronaut color scheme -53 6204 withdrawn
sum.vim utility 15 1116 sum the values of a range of rows
quickhigh.tgz utility 12 1953 Highlight quickfix erros
selbuff.vim utility 13 1456 Another buffer select script
ctx-1.15.vim utility 32 972 Describes your cursor's current scope or context when editing a C file.
runscript.vim utility 76 11369 Plugin for running Python scripts.
random_vim_tip.tar.gz utility 6 697 Python script - not vim - displays random vim command or tip.
PushPop.vim utility 32 5449 Pushd/Popd implementation for vim command-line
usr2latex.pl utility 5 691 Convert vim usrguide txt files to latex
spellcheck.vim utility 51 5195 spell checker  for vim
PopupBuffer.vim utility 39 2552 Vim global plugin for selecting buffer from PopUp menu
TableTab.vim utility 17 1130 global plugin for variable-width tab stops
djgpp.vim utility 4 721 Compiler file for DJGPP
vim-spell.tar.gz utility 19 6835 Another spell-checker plugin
ada.vim ftplugin 16 1482 Ada language default plugin
ada.vim indent 46 3834 Ada language auto-indent settings
which.vim utility 11 1623 This is a unix like "Which" function.
VirMark.vim utility 9 1240 Ability to create virtual marks.
oracle.vim utility 45 4767 Oracle SQL*Plus IDE
sql.vim ftplugin 5 2541 This is a file type plugin for Oracle SQL files.
words_tools.vim utility 15 1891 Alternatives to expand(
chcmdmod.vim utility 6 2439 Misc. commands for search and colon mode
increment.vim utility 112 2901 quickly create incremented lists
CmdlineCompl.vim utility 15 1913 Completion behavior on the command line. Without cedit.
SearchCompl.vim utility 13 1525 Completion on the '/' search line.
perl_io.vim utility 13 787 Perl : using 'print' and 'printf' instead of 'VIM::Msg'
darkslategray.vim color scheme 75 9233 Dark slate gray background, pastel colored text
undoins.vim utility 3 2154 Undeleted the immediate previous <C-W> or <C-U> action.
cisco-syntax.tar.gz syntax 37 4435 Cisco config syntax file
ShowMarks utility 728 28393 Visually shows the location of marks.
EasyHtml.vim utility 135 7319 Allows to add attributs/values/CSSProperties to HTML tags/attributs very easily.
ctags.vim utility 1 1513 add to or replace your tags file from vim
ant_menu.vim utility 150 9914 plugin for ant
increment.vim utility 316 6559 yet another script for incrementing numbers.
autoload_cscope.vim utility 157 8764 Script that will search for and load cscope.out databases automatically
foldutil.vim utility 92 7315 Utility for creating folds (using specified match criteria)
minibufexpl.vim utility 3890 126672 Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
gtkvim.tgz utility 14 1762 GTK+ widget interface to gvim
FavMenu.vim utility 279 6879 A new menu, like IE's Favourites, or Netscape's Bookmark
auctex.vim ftplugin 484 12948 macros for latex
ruby-macros.vim ftplugin 48 5226 macros for the ruby language
html-macros.vim utility 55 5658 macros for html
vimsh.tar.gz utility 251 15063 terminal/shell buffer script for python enabled [g]vim
libList.vim utility 16 3210 Library of functions to work with lists/arrays
perforce.vim utility 66 3596 Perforce source control features
idevim.tgz utility 162 8227 Control Gdb from inside Vim
email.vim utility 22 1867 Email auto-completion for vim. It's simple, clean and useful :)
mcant.vim ftplugin 34 1176 a minimalist vim+ant configuration
multvals.vim utility 102 25153 Array library that uses patterns as separators
TeTrIs.vim game 1221 27423 A tetris game in pure vim
boxdraw utility 48 4616 Draw diagrams and tables using boxdrawing characters
tf.vim indent 5 1855 tf (TinyFugue) indent file
CreateMenuPath.vim utility 26 3483 Create a menu that mirrors a directory tree
Lineup - A simple text aligner utility 68 3114 Aligns the Nth occurence of a string or RE
Justify utility 50 5231 Simple text justifier inspired by Kartik Murari's format.vim (vimscript#27)
A better tcl indent indent 39 2549 A better tcl indent (for me:)
ViMail utility 35 2514 Compose and send mail from vim.
remcmd.vim utility 20 2767 Send commands to remote Vim sessions
prt_mgr.zip utility 15 1457 VIM Print Manager providing N-up and manual duplex printing.
SuperTab utility 1145 27300 Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab!
treeexplorer utility 12 1927 uses perl and tree to create a tree file explorer
vtreeexplorer utility 908 22145 tree based file explorer - the original
bk-menu.vim utility -3 1041 Integration of Bitkeeper with Vim
glib.vim syntax 18 1368 syntax highlighting for additional glib types
win manager Improved utility 35 1857 Adds directory shortcuts to winmanager for faster traversal across file system
ruby-menu.vim utility 16 1781 Adds a Ruby menu and some functions under that.
renumber.vim utility 29 4206 Egads! It's *another* renumber utility :-)
navajo.vim color scheme 90 7533 Colorscheme with light background.
wcd.vim utility 11 2615 Wherever Change Directory in vim
RExplorer utility 38 2171 Tree explorer with color
fortune.vim utility 2 1710 Adding fortunes to your e-mails and fancy mail quoting
MRU utility 248 6127 Most recently used files in your file menu
Engspchk syntax 524 39101 Spelling checker: On-the-fly spell checking, multi-language, alternate spellings
vcal.vim utility 7 1327 Vcal.vim is a simple scheduling calendar script.
genutils utility 231 46551 General utility functions
template file loader utility 123 5051 Loads a template file and does customizable processing when editing a new file.
charset.vim utility 20 1897 Read file in proper encoding (xml, html...)
ComplMenu.vim utility 0 2227 A completion menu (shows all possibilities as you type)
bcbuf.vim utility 12 795 Broadcast commands for buffers
quickfonts.vim utility 38 5562 quickly switch between a list of favorite fonts, manage list of favorite fonts
DSP Make utility 28 2668 Set Makeprg for MSDEV DSP
vimconfig utility 38 5287 Vim 6.3 configuration files: vimrc, ftplugins, plugins
morse.vim utility 9 779 Script for writing morse code in vim
LaTeX Help utility 96 2947 Help for LaTeX in vim.help format
MRU Menu utility 79 3113 Plugin to manage a MRU (Most Recently Used) menu
ctx utility 41 1239 Describes your cursor's current scope or context when editing a C file.
Perldoc.vim ftplugin 84 4073 perldoc command from vim
fine_blue.vim color scheme 45 4476 Colorscheme with light background.
sokoban.vim game 682 10089 Sokoban Game for Vim!
linuxmag.vim syntax 36 666 linuxmag.vim is a syntax highlighting file for Linux Magazine articles
c.vim utility 5652 144446 C/C++ IDE -- Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc.
lh-vim-lib utility 161 2970 a library plugin for script writers
tagmenu.vim utility 456 10776 Tags menu for various programming language source files
xmms play and enqueue utility 74 1428 This snippet plays a file or enqueues it using xmms.
cmvc.vim utility 4 2421 Menu / Mappings for CMVC version control application
tex.vim indent 53 3979 Indent file for TeX
bccalc.vim utility 220 4221 evaluate equations within vim
mkview.vim utility 1 1701 implementation of mkview without requiring a view file
VIlisp.vim utility 131 7205 Send Lisp code to a running Lisp interpreter
mu-template utility 32 4262 Mu template (fill-out forms, expression substitution)
xl_tiv.vim utility -1 1554 Translate sequences of ampersand-pound-digits-semicolon in html source
night.vim color scheme 29 4727 Colorscheme with dark background.
einstimer.vim syntax 9 1364 Syntax file for IBM Einstimer tcl
closeb utility 92 3368 Close complex brackets or tags
Brown color scheme 2 2014 Brown GUI color scheme.
Expand Template utility 10 1607 Template expander.
search-in-runtime utility 31 4162 Search files through the paths lists, and execute any command on them
Brace Complete for C/C++ ftplugin 328 3593 Adds braces after if, else, while
Smart Tabs utility 377 10049 Use tabs for indent, spaces for alignment
spell.vim utility 50 4162 Vim 'spell' utility plugin
print_bw.zip color scheme 105 3793 Highlight scheme for black and white only printing.
std_c.zip syntax 120 7176 A Standard C syntax file.
Naught 'n' crosses game 4 1916 Dumb Naught and crosses games
SourceSafe Integration utility 38 3236 Fairly complete file-based SourceSafe Integration
Michael's Standard Settings utility 142 12801 Some standard 'vimrc' settings & mappings that I use
Hex Output utility 2 1895 Output a number as HEX
Visual Mapping Maker utility 3 732 Create a mapping for the visual selected block
perforce utility 290 10253 Feature Rich Perforce SCM Integration.
xul.vim syntax 8 1819 Syntax for the eXtensible User interface Language
cream-capitalization utility 109 3266 Capitalize a selection in one of four ways
mu-marks utility 4 2259 Script inspired by AlphaTk & Stephen Riemhm's bracketing function
imaps.vim utility 62 3879 another template or stub expander
JavaRun utility 370 11560 Compile and run Java program
Buffer Menus utility 9 4511 Add menus for the current buffer only.
cream-ascii utility 34 1651 Insert an ASCII character from a dialog box
vimRubyX utility 10 1933 enhancements to vim ruby interface
update_vim utility 0 1398 Shell script for updating(patching) vim 6.1
bnf.vim syntax 34 3352 Highlight BNFs
lid.vim utility 131 4701 Plugin to integrate GNU id-utils tool with Vim
UserMenu.vim utility 8 2532 (gvim) Menu for inserting longer pieces of text
midnight.vim color scheme 141 19245 Dark blue, low contrast colorscheme.
tmpl.vim syntax 27 1768 Syntax for HTML-Template
ihtml.vim syntax 9 1090 iHTML syntax highlighting
pascii utility 6 1187 Ascii table printing
XSLT syntax syntax 39 3631 Syntax for XSLT (with HTML and others)
htmlmap utility 21 2780 macros to help type HTML entities
lastchange.vim utility 44 2338 automatically set time-stamp on modification
manxome foes colorscheme color scheme 95 9343 a pleasant scheme for long vimming sessions
vimdoc utility 4 2200 produce vim documentation in man, html and LaTeX(PostScript) format
doc.vim syntax 14 1786 Syntax colouring for ASCII documentation
csc.vim utility 16 1233 Compiler file for MS C#.  (csc, csc.exe)
aspnet.vim syntax 16 1632 ASP.NET syntax highlighting
brief.vim utility 136 4323 Brief editor key binding emulation in Vim
java.vim ftplugin 43 3215 Convenience mappings for Java programming
Nsis color syntax 0 753 Nullsoft install system scripts syntax highlight
byteme.vim utility 19 1168 Goto Hex Offset
scite colors color scheme 19 2615 Scite-like colors (GUI only)
Cool colors color scheme 15 3215 Colors based on inverted SciTE colors (GUI only)
navajo-night color scheme 241 9193 A blue scheme, inverse of navajo
multi.vim utility 5 890 using Greenhills Multi as C/C++ compiler for quickfix
taglist.vim utility 14491 352266 Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)
User Defined Type Highlighter utility 45 3858 Generate vim highlighting groups from C++ typedefs, structs, and classes.
camo.vim color scheme 47 3218 Dark Color Scheme
adrian.vim color scheme 33 2744 A dark background color scheme, with light color for text comments
PrintWithLNum utility 20 1296 Prepend line numbers to each line for printing
sybase.vim utility 22 859 Connect to a sybase database from within VIM
Projmgr utility 15 1463 A fancy way of using 'session'
netdict ftplugin 37 1571 A frontend to the Unix dict protocol command-line client.
ExecPerl utility 35 3058 Utilities for executing perl scripts
candy.vim color scheme 172 23675 color scheme ( background is black )
txt2pdf.vim utility 20 1994 Script to save the current file and convert it to PDF using txt2pdf
unilatex.vim ftplugin 54 2942 display LaTeX symbols as unicode while editing
potts.vim color scheme 5 2016 Doug's Colorscheme
sessmgr utility 40 1333 Manage session and viminfo like CodeWrite
outlineMode.vim utility 1 925 Create an outline view for source files in various programming languages.
aqua color scheme 31 4751 An aqua like color scheme
serverlist.vim utility 21 3396 Switch between VIM windows quickly
ruby-matchit utility 68 4040 'Matchit' for Ruby.
autodate.vim utility 96 3569 A customizable plugin to update time stamps automatically.
xian.vim color scheme 57 1986 kind'a pastel colorscheme (dark bg, GUI only)
utl.vim utility 3199 17793 Univeral Text Linking - Execute URLs, footnotes, open emails, organize ideas
Align utility 1932 45952 Help folks to align text, eqns, declarations, tables, etc
bluegreen color scheme 69 2778 dark green and blue colorscheme
showbrace ftplugin 36 1014 Shows line that matches the entered curlybrace
latextags utility 10 1596 Perl script to generate tags for LaTeX files.
vimfortune utility 15 1027 Show random tips when launching VIM
TabIndent utility 32 1763 Overload the <Tab> key to either insert a tab, or indent the current line
Vimacs utility 509 4654 Vim-Improved eMACS: Emacs emulation for Vim
xmledit ftplugin 1569 45064 A filetype plugin to help edit XML, HTML, and SGML documents
AnsiEsc.vim syntax 540 19051 ansi escape sequences concealed, but highlighted as specified (conceal)
ftplugin/ruby.vim ftplugin 32 4975 Ruby filetype plugin with matchit, lots more
pyimp.vim utility 1 957 load python file from import statement
sql_iabbr.vim ftplugin 86 5877 Makes all your favorite SQL keywords uppercase automatically.
gnome-doc.vim utility 14 897 auto-generate C document headers for GTK+/GNOME functions
xemacs colorscheme color scheme 53 3543 Vim with xemacs-like colors
fog colorscheme color scheme 67 9933 A gentle colorscheme for code editing.
CSV delimited field jumper utility 15 1430 Map keys to easily jump to fields in CSV files
cream-sort utility 58 2025 sort a file by lines
grep.vim utility 1055 50609 Search tools (grep, ripgrep, ack, ag, findstr, git grep) integration with Vim
ipsec_conf.vim syntax 2 1018 Syntax highlighting for FreeS/WAN ipsec.conf
EDIFACT position in a segment utility 3 535 works out the position of the cursor in an EDIFACT segment
tomatosoup.vim color scheme 60 2850 A humorous colorscheme based on tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches!
xchat log syntax syntax 2 714 a syntax file for xchat log files
broadcast.vim utility 32 1594 Send keystrokes to all VIM windows
vera.vim syntax 28 923 Syntax file for the Vera language
f.vim utility 111 3884 Function that shows lines that do contain a given regexp. The rest is folded.
highlightline.vim utility 14 2646 This script allows you to highlight lines.
hungarian_to_english utility 3 947 Strips Hungarian notation from C and C++ identifiers.
Buffer Search utility 18 1221 Different search patterns across Multiple Windows.
srecord.vim syntax 5 1225 Syntax highlights S-Record files.
reformat.vim utility 10 1508 Reformat paragraphs according to file type
multivim utility 8 963 Integrate multiple vim windows
JavaImp.vim utility 157 5403 Insert and sort Java import statements, view JavaDoc from class name, and more.
PHPcollection utility 61 4956 PHP Collection contains: compiler, ftplugin, script for K key, dicts
JHTML syntax file syntax 0 687 Syntax file for ATG Dynamo's jhtml markup.
Nightshimmer color scheme 34 4799 a darkblue scheme with shimmering colors
cfengine syntax file syntax 10 1145 Syntax file for cfengine configuration files
code2html utility 28 2657 Generate HTML or XHTML+CSS from a Vim buffer using the syntax-hili colorscheme
prt_hdr utility 6 1251 Alternate page header printing when PostScript printing.
cream-progressbar utility 36 1427 draw a progress bar in the command line
QuickAscii utility 7 1128 Quick adding of characters not on your keyboard.
bw.vim color scheme 75 4170 Black and White cterm color scheme
lh-cpp ftplugin 33 4813 C++ (and C) ftplugins
vtags utility 2 1211 tags file generator
vtags_def utility 1 987 vtags language definitions
ASP maps ftplugin -2 1137 Maps to facilitate coding in ASP
tforge.vim syntax 1 701 Text::Forge syntax file
pf.vim syntax 648 6164 OpenBSD pf.conf (packet filter configuration)
sand color scheme 12 2479 Light sand-like background color scheme with miscellaneous dark grains
fstab syntax syntax 6 1579 fstab syntax
MqlMenu.vim utility 5 1165 menus for eMatrix users
lcscheck.vim utility 3 920 check 'listchars' for valid eol byte for utf-8. (Not needed for Vim 6.2)
php.vim indent 40 4830 THE Original indent for php
textlink.vim utility 15 2779 Another way to hyperlink plain text files. |FileName|@|SearchString| notation...
White Dust color scheme 5 2497 A light color scheme for GUI
ruby.vim utility 27 2084 Ruby language compiler plugin
Highlight UnMatched Brackets utility 169 6640 Capture those unmatched brackets while u r still in insert-mode
localColorSchemes.vim utility -1 1760 Local color schemes
multipleRanges.vim utility 13 2493 Selecting different ranges of lines
getVar.vim utility 2 1979 Convenient retrieval of buffer or global script options.
variableSort.vim utility 0 930 Function to sort a simulated array variable set.
vimrc_nopik utility 0 1376 Customized vimrc by Nopik
dbext.vim utility 1323 37214 Provides database access to many DBMS (Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft, MySQL, DBI,..)
openroad.vim utility 4 592 Goodies for OpenROAD users
java_apidoc.vim ftplugin 67 4707 Java API documentation viewer (JavaDoc)
ABAP.vim syntax 29 3095 Syntax highlighting for SAP/ABAP files
rcsdiff.vim utility 90 2341 Visual rcsdiff
snippet.vim utility 34 1909 Replace a word with any text
opsplorer utility 234 8762 tree file explorer
cream-showinvisibles utility 125 5791 Toggle view of invisible tabs, returns, trailing spaces
withdrawn syntax 21 1756 -
bash-support.vim utility 871 49588 Bash IDE -- Insert code snippets, run, check and debug the code and look up help
ldraw.vim syntax 1 613 Syntax file for LDraw (LEGO Draw) models files.
DirDo.vim utility 68 3376 Performs Vim commands over files recursively under multiple directories.
oceandeep color scheme 1131 26557 dark colorscheme, pleasant, mainly blue and blueish-green
atomcoder utility 6 1476 Atomcoder Development Environment
Expmod utility 0 1491 explorer.vim modification for viewing files and relative path
timstamp.vim utility 57 3688 Global plugin for automated time stamping
Red Black color scheme 21 2248 A red and black color scheme
ftplugin/ruby.vim ftplugin 0 954 The official ftplugin/ruby.vim
indent/ruby.vim indent 3 1315 The official indent/ruby.vim
Denim color scheme 27 2168 Dark Color Scheme with lots of blue
mof.vim syntax 4 622 Syntax file for CIM Managed Object Format (MOF) files
vim game of life game 102 2927 Game of Life in VIM.
ia64.vim syntax 0 551 Syntax highlight file for Intel IA64 Itanium processor
d.vim syntax 299 9300 Syntax file for the D programming language.
PreviewTag.vim utility 1 917 Resize preview window hieght to show "entire" tag (if a recognized type of tag)
ShowLine.vim utility 7 1274 Display line(s) in the command area (like echo), but syntax highlighted.
ShowBlockName.vim utility 10 1988 Show the name of the code-block (e.g. function) the cursor is in on the cmd line
SyntaxAttr.vim utility 93 3002 Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor.
DarkOcean.vim color scheme 39 2827 Its really dark
ibmedit.vim color scheme 36 2750 Color scheme similar to IBM Edit from MS-DOS. Also looks a bit like Borland IDE.
python_match.vim ftplugin 124 6337 Extend the % motion and define g%, [%, and ]% motions for Python files
rnc.vim syntax 47 4570 RELAX NG Compact Syntax
LbdbQuery.vim utility 30 1863 Look up email addresses with lbdbq.
scratch utility utility 68 4195 A simple utility to create scratch buffers
plp.vim syntax 2 760 Syntax file for PLP code, which is HTML + Perl
LaTeX functions ftplugin 19 1905 Functions and mappings for editing LaTeX documents.
ocean.vim syntax 42 1196 Syntax hilighting for Open Command Environment for Analysis (OCEAN)
spectre.vim syntax 49 1954 Syntax hilighting for Spectre circuit simulator input netlist
bugfixes to vim indent for verilog indent 2 1568 bugfixes: previous version was evaluating expressions inside comments
gri.vim syntax 1 1148 Vim syntax file for Gri
scilab.vim syntax 25 1030 Vim syntax file for Scilab
ShowFunc.vim utility 224 18333 Creates a list of all tags / functions from a window, all windows or buffers.
maxima.vim syntax 38 2066 syntax file for the Maxima language
ironman.vim color scheme 75 5864 Color scheme with bright background
sean.vim color scheme 20 1836 dark color scheme
regRedir.vim utility 3 970 Vim plugin to redirect command output into a register
colormenu.vim utility 10 1158 Menu showing all available color schemes
eruby.vim syntax 324 8274 Highlight eruby code blocks within html.
getmail.vim syntax 5 1469 Syntax file for getmailrc
colour_flip.pl utility 7 1150 perl script to inverse colourscheme colours
blackdust.vim color scheme 58 5597 darkish colour scheme, inverse of whitedust
CVSAnnotate.vim syntax 5 1831 Simple syntax file for use with the cvscommand.vim plugin.
beanshell.vim utility 16 2178 Runs the current buffer using BeanShell.
svn.vim syntax 3 1203 Subversion commits syntax highlight (like CVS)
muf.vim syntax 3 572 Syntax hilites and indenting for the MUF language
tex.vim ftplugin 38 7062 an updated version of the standard ftplugin/tex.vim
cvopsefsa.vim syntax 8 1095 CVOPS EFSA language syntax file
ActionScript syntax 52 2074 ActionScript syntax highligting
plsql.vim indent 15 2583 PL/SQL indent file
Zenburn color scheme 1758 48426 Low contrast colour scheme for low light conditions
Kent Vim Extensions utility 53 1348 Entering folds and other stuff
plsql.vim syntax 6 1430 PL/SQL syntax file
Registryedit (win32) ftplugin 14 1285 Edit the win32 registry through vim.
syslog syntax file syntax 41 4130 Adds syntax color to log files created by sysklogd.
MySQL script runner utility 21 1967 MySQL scripts that allows you to run SQL scripts in mysql console by pressing F9
elinks.vim syntax 0 1108 Syntax file for elinks.conf
eukleides.vim syntax 5 578 Syntax file for eukleides language
jcl.vim utility 47 1677 IBM Mainframe JCL language syntax
midnight2.vim color scheme 184 10693 Dark blue, low contrast colorscheme.
smlisp.vim syntax 4 934 syntax file for Small Lisp
lustre ftplugin 0 828 compiles and runs a lustre program
lustre syntax syntax 5 1242 syntax file for lustre language
VimFootnotes utility 69 2909 Insert various types of footnotes with Vim.
biogoo.vim color scheme 86 6061 Colorful text on a light gray background (GUI only)
Get Win32 Short Name utility 10 1691 Works out the 8.3 short-name of an existing file
Get UNC Path (Win32) utility 4 1810 Get/Yank a UNC pathname using 'net share'
pythonhelper utility 634 6647 Displays Python class, method or function the cursor is in on the status line
javaGetSet.vim utility 61 1057 This will createGet/set methods automatically for a Java class.
copycppdectoimp.vim ftplugin 35 3051 Expanded version of VIM-TIP#335 - Copy C++ function declaration into implementat
cppgetset.vim ftplugin 0 1730 Convert a data type definition into get/set data members.
titlecase.vim utility 3 1602 Convert range or visual to titlecase.
stata.vim syntax 34 1628 vim syntax file for Stata programs
localvimrc utility 321 8036 load subdirectory specific vimrc files
lilac.vim color scheme 32 1883 A mixture of navajo-night.vim and xian.vim (GUI only)
spacehi.vim utility 146 4185 Togglable syntax highlighting of tabs and trailing spaces.
deldiff.vim utility 1 924 Delete blocks out of unified diffs
Syntax for the BETA programming language syntax 0 581 Syntax file for BETA
JavaDecompiler.vim utility 319 9067 Automatically decompiles java class files and displays java code.
exim.vim syntax 27 2032 syntax highlighting for exim.conf
java_checkstyle.vim ftplugin 65 4443 Integrates Checkstyle with Vim
gmt.vim syntax 11 1067 GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
xhtml.vim ftplugin 37 1713 keyboard shortcuts and GUI menu for xhtml tags
EasyAccents utility 91 4562 Easy accents while you type: a' a` c, etc.
draw.vim utility 35 1964 Draw rectangles and lines using blockwise Visual selection.
HTML/XHTML Macros utility 443 20828 HTML/XHTML editing macros and menus
sql.vim ftplugin 27 4669 ftplugin for SQL (Common for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, ...)
php_abb ftplugin 17 2610 abbreviations for php functions
xgen.vim utility 29 2690 XML-Element generator for HTML, DTD, SVG, XSLFO, XSLT and XML-Schema
noweb.vim syntax 0 1125 folding noweb documents.
PCP header utility 12 833 Templating/Header updating automation
vim-templates ftplugin -1 850 Handling of templates and Pre/Post editing commands
rrd.vim ftplugin 32 2166 Edit RRD data with Vim.
TTCoach utility 146 6417 Utility to train touch typing skills
nw.vim syntax 4 1041 Simple syntax highlighting for NOWEB files.
rainbow.zip color scheme 70 6911 color scheme package
VB Line-Number ftplugin 5 1577 Translate Line #'s reported by vb command line to source code line
vimspell utility 1948 36705 ispell or aspell based spell checker with fly-spelling
perl_h2xs ftplugin 1 1298 Automate creating perl modules via h2xs
emodeline utility 24 1099 Set the file type from emacs -*- modelines -*-
VEC utility 21 1023 Vim Extension Classes
fnaqevan color scheme 40 2842 color scheme for overnight hacking
HTML Photo Board utility 11 2144 Generate a HTML Thumbnail Photoboard using ImageMagic
cream-vimabbrev utility 13 1336 Convert Vim script command and option names between full and abbreviated forms
mup.vim syntax 0 702 MUP syntax file for musical score publication and auto-MIDI generation
BlockComment.vim utility 364 9715 Simple commenting and uncommenting of blocks of code
SearchComplete utility 646 15305 Tab completion of words inside of a search ('/')
LaTeX-Suite (aka Vim-LaTeX) ftplugin 1013 9839 A rich set of tools for editing LaTeX
Transparent color scheme 32 5424 Nice colorscheme for both, console and gui versions of vim
python.vim ftplugin 43 3081 python compiler script
aj.vim syntax 14 884 Syntax highlighting for AsepctJ source files
MultipleSearch utility 708 13746 Highlight multiple searches at the same time, each with a different color.
toothpik.vim color scheme 11 2285 black on grey color scheme - gvim only - easy on the eyes
cscomment.vim utility 22 2331 Automates creation of /// comments for C# methods
cuecat.vim utility 10 613 Driver for CueCat barcode scanner
tagexplorer.vim utility 404 11689 Tag explorer for various programming language files
ddldbl.vim ftplugin 87 3230 Delete Duplicate Lines and Delete Blank Lines.
markjump.vim ftplugin 1 1549 Code transversal functions, move to prev/next marker, insert/strip markers.
SAPDB_Pascal.vim syntax 0 728 syntax highlighting for pascal source files from SAPDB
Posting utility 13 4349 Mappings primarily intended to ease preparing of USENET/eMail articles
cream-keytest utility 17 1104 Test and interpret keyboard characters returned by your hardware/software.
ManPageView utility -14 13504 withdrawn
java_getset.vim utility 235 7060 Automatically add getter/setters for Java properties (including array-based)
debug.vim utility 4 1187 Simple utility to assist in debugging vim scripts
SQLUtilities utility 316 15626 SQL utilities - Formatting, generate - columns lists, procedures for databases
C++ code template generator ftplugin 6 2050 Generate C++ code templates based on the header file
ri-browser ftplugin 29 2325 Ruby Information at your fingertips
sql.vim indent 14 4898 SQL indent file for Sybase SQL Anywhere and Oracle
poser.vim syntax 35 2432 A syntax file for Poser 3-D library and scene files and WaveFront OBJects
waimea.vim syntax 5 1289 Highlighting for Waimea config files
sql.vim syntax 16 4352 Syntax file for Sybase SQL Anywhere
SpellChecker utility 576 9140 Spell check text including LaTeX documents
foldlist utility 13 1908 Create a fold list to enable hierarchical file navigation.
OO code completion utility 50 3882 Gives list of methods for the identifier under the cursor for OO languages.
transvim.vim utility 82 2332 translate a phrase by looking up in a dictionary
Macromedia Director Lingo Syntax syntax 17 1119 Macromedia Director Lingo Syntax Highlighting
oz.vim syntax 31 1474 Syntax file for the Mozart/Oz language.
python_box.vim ftplugin 51 2507 menu and easy navigation for python files
greputil.vim utility 75 2210 simplifies usage of 'grep'
mercury-old.vim syntax 8 982 [deprecated] A vim syntax file for the Mercury language.
ZoomWin utility 148 21432 Zoom in/out  of windows (toggle between one window and multi-window)
mailsig ftplugin 5 1179 Script for automatic insertion of selected mail signature
Varrays utility 0 713 Arrays lib based on curly  braces names
casejump.vim ftplugin 12 1665 Jump to cases in C switch statement
Printer Dialog utility 140 3643 set print options via dialog
Indent Finder indent 76 4687 Always set the correct indentation for the file you are editing.
mrswin.vim utility 52 4764 Like mswin, but can be toggled off and on
python_fold utility 58 19630 Folding expression for python
sr.vim syntax 5 596 SR (Synchronizing Resources) syntax highlighting script
TVO: The Vim Outliner ftplugin 2840 17032 Turn vim into a full-featured text outliner
csv color syntax 4 1488 syntax highlight for CSV files
CVS conflict highlight syntax 1 1042 This script highlights conflicts marked by CVS
PHPDoc Script (PDocS) ftplugin 35 3847 PHPDoc Support in VIM while writing PHP-Source
mru.vim utility 1209 34118 Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files
tar.vim utility 130 2383 A vim plugin for browsing tarfiles
VimITunes.vim utility 9 1459 Control iTunes from within Vim
Visual Studio .NET compiler file utility 18 2058 Compiler file for visual studio .NET devenv
cscope menu utility 12 2271 Creates Menu for Cscope commands
pdbvim utility 1 1735 Interface to pdb for debugging python scripts
cppcomplete utility 276 23637 C/C++ and Java code completion
mh utility 16 1073 display MSDN help.
blockquote.vim utility 10 907 insert block quotes like emacs blockquote.el
Mixed source/assembly syntax (objdump) syntax 43 1357 Syntax for Mixed C source and assembly dump.
elvis c highlighting color scheme 19 1844 Highlights C syntax like the elvis vi clone
colorer color scheme color scheme 38 1915 colorer color scheme
ntservices utility 11 3613 Control NT services from Vim.
PHP-dictionary utility 93 8423 A PHP-dictionary as a building stone for scripts
tiger.vim indent 3 756 Tiger Vim Indent File
tiger.vim syntax 9 880 Tiger Vim Syntax File
tab-syntax syntax 14 750 syntax for guitar tabulatures
cream-email-munge utility 22 1595 Munge an email address
FavEx utility 65 3481 Favorite file and directory explorer
apdl.vim syntax 91 2752 Syntax highlighting for ANSYS APDL files
velocity.vim-deprecated syntax 73 2858 Syntax file for velocity templates
russian menu translation utility 15 1224 russian menu translation (koi8-r encoding)
nuweb.vim syntax 7 876 Syntax highlight for NUWEB (Literate Programming)
flyaccent.vim utility 14 695 Flying accents support
ebnf.vim syntax 21 2877 Extended BNF (ISO/IEC 14977) Syntax
IDL/ATL Helper ftplugin 8 2796 Create/modify (win32) idl files and ATL projects
as.vim syntax 40 1367 FlashMX ActionScript Syntax File
ignore this game -2 1609 ignore -- uploading error
ignore this game 4 1532 ignore this -- uploading error
ignore this game 4 1500 ignore this -- uploading error
Mines game 70 8607 Play Mines with vim
coffee.vim color scheme 27 2241 a brownish colorscheme
adp.vim syntax 21 754 ADP (OpenACS/AOLserver HTML templating format) syntax highlighting
mruex utility 54 2728 Explore your most recently used (MRU) files
HiCurLine utility 96 4978 Highlights the current line
Perl-Support utility 2545 57514 Perl IDE -- Insert code snippets, run and profile the code and look up help
BOG color scheme 32 1661 Blue Orange Green color scheme
spreadsheet.vim utility 89 3729 SpreadSheet Functionality
BufClose.vim utility 54 2525 Unload a buffer without closing the window it's in
MPD syntax highlighting syntax 19 1812 Syntax highlighting for MPD language
help.vim utility 35 2270 help subsystem (create buffer with context-dependent help page)
rd.vim syntax 14 1028 Syntax highlighting for RD files.
rcsvers.vim utility 204 9496 Use RCS to keep a backup version whenever you save a file
ASPRecolor.vim ftplugin 14 1500 In ASPVBS buffers, give JS, ASP, and HTML sections different guibg colors
HTML - insert utility 23 1980 Script for easy insert HTML tag A href and IMG with filled attributes.
ctrlax.vim utility 22 890 Enhancement over <C-A> and <C-X> (plugin)
desc.vim syntax 1 538 Highlinting for ROCKLinux .desc files describing software packages
ntprocesses utility 6 2708 Kill NT processes from Vim
caramel.vim color scheme 15 2610 Low eye strain color scheme, based off of the GIMP's caramel pallette for GVIM
GTK+ syntax 119 3095 GTK+-2.2 syntax highlight
autolisp-help utility 5 911 Vim style help file of Auto/Visual Lisp functions
wintersday.vim color scheme 16 1865 Dark color scheme
darkdot color scheme 22 3058 yet another dark colorscheme
TEXT - fill char utility 7 956 script for on-the-fly indenting of columns according to previous or next line
gnu-c ftplugin 32 1702 A filetype plugin to encourage the GNU C style.
psp.vim syntax 30 1318 Syntax file for Python Server Pages
dawn color scheme 57 5980 Soft colors on a light grey background (GUI only)
allfold utility 152 2700 View selected lines by folding away the rest
fgl.vim indent 15 1522 Indent script for IBM INFORMIX 4GL/4Js programs
autonumbering in vim utility 11 1459 Utility script to autonumber lines while editing
cg.vim syntax 75 1882 Syntax for Cg and FX hardware-shading language files
matlab.vim syntax 39 3654 Syntax highlighting for Matlab files
comment.vim utility 14 1062 Comment and uncomment selected blocks of code.
pyljpost.vim utility 12 989 vim + python livejournal poster
todolist.vim utility 22 1701 Creates list of TODO, FIXME, BUG comments
northsky color scheme 26 3656 The dark soft colorsheme
fgl.c utility 15 2680 Creating tags for INFORMIX 4GL/4Js programs under UNIX environment
JavaBrowser utility 270 11617 Shows java file class, package in a tree as in IDEs. Java source browser.
seashell color scheme 20 2449 moderate contrast scheme, light or dark
BlackSea color scheme 21 5757 seashell-night, if you prefer
PapayaWhip color scheme 46 2924 low-contrast light scheme
ChocolateLiquor color scheme 52 4290 low-contrast dark scheme
guifont++.vim utility 138 4247 Vim plugin for quickly changing GUI font size
TaQua color scheme 27 2599 baby colors for use with aqua themes
HelpClose utility 4 1428 Close all help windows
colorpalette.vim utility 0 848 vim script for color palette etc.
python tools utility 8 1065 Python production tools
execmap utility 4 2558 Lets you relax while executing long normal or visual mode maps
cmake.vim indent 17 1765 CMake indent file
cmake.vim syntax 18 1932 CMake syntax highlighting
vimwc.sh utility 1 763 a script for running wc nicely
vimbadword.sh utility 2 911 outputs the first misspelled word on the status line
oceanblack.vim color scheme 312 8211 dark scheme (soft blue/green on black), easy on the eyes
php.vim (html enhanced) indent 702 9858 combination of the php indent file and the html indent file
cream-numberlines utility 109 1502 Number lines of a selection
asmMIPS syntax 113 1037 MIPS specific assembly syntax (MAL)
valgrind.vim utility 29 1440 Navigate in the output of the memory checker valgrind
toc.vim syntax 0 676 Syntax file for TOC files
Qt.vim utility 12 3102 tiny tool for the uic used in Qt from Trolltech
ctags.vim utility 265 17968 Display function name in the title bar and/or the status line
dante.vim color scheme 72 4856 dark color scheme
cpp.vim syntax 33 2278 Syntaxhighlightning for Qt sources
gisdk syntax 22 1157 GISDK syntax files for Vim 6.0
CRefVim utility 1272 20156 a C-reference manual especially designed for Vim
ruler.vim utility 15 1382 Inserts a character ruler above the current line
Asciitable.vim utility 30 1870 Create an ASCII table in a split window
Adaryn.vim color scheme 39 3265 A Deep, Sharp color scheme
BreakPts utility 19 4227 Set/View Vim breakpoints and browse functions visually
brookstream color scheme 144 4302 A dark blue/green colorscheme
Russian menu for gvim/win32 utility 7 705 Russian menu for GVIM/Windows cp1251
Conflict2Diff utility 43 1735 Turns a CVS conflict file into a threeway diff
tagsubmenu utility 4 1091 Add a submenu for tags commands
m4pic.vim syntax 4 724 syntax file for (g)pic with m4 macros
nightwish.vim color scheme 28 1998 dark colorscheme
Colo(u)r Sampler Pack color scheme 4090 101625 [[[Oct 2012 Update]]] Top 100(ish) Themes, GUI Menu
ShowPairs utility 146 5545 Highlights the matching pair surrounding the current cursor location.
MarkShift syntax 27 1504 Highlights indents when "expandtab" option is on.
SeeTab utility 49 4424 Provides vertical tabbing-bars for leading tabs (or whitespace for et)
putty color scheme 17 2358 A color scheme that resembles one of Putty
resolv.conf syntax syntax 6 1136 resolver syntax
cf.vim syntax 0 531 Syntax highlighting for the Confluence logic design language.
make-element utility 93 1694 generic imap to make an xml element of any word you type
Reindent utility 13 1152 Reindent a complete file based on indent information taken out of indent file.
otf.vim utility 23 2994 On-The-Fly coloring of patterns, Inspired by MultipleSearch.vim
sparc.vim syntax 10 1027 Syntax file for the Sparc V8 assembly language.
getdp syntax 2 871 Syntax file for GetDP Numerical Environment
COMMENT.vim utility 90 1795 Comment out blocks of C/C++ code using #if 0 #endif block
WC.vim utility 4 837 Count number of bytes on current line or in visual block of lines.
gmsh.vim syntax 10 907 Syntax file for GMSH meshing facilities
SYN2HTML utility 8 1036 Syntax to HTML converter (Python)
tcsoft.vim color scheme 22 2823 nice light color scheme
GetLatestVimScripts utility 215 15637 Keep your plugins up-to-date! (semi-automatic retrieval)
WML Wireless Markup Language syntax syntax 9 645 The title says it all
Color Scheme Test syntax 18 1389 Use this syntax file to display colors in color scheme files
greyblue.vim color scheme 7 1942 soft grey and blue color scheme
colorize utility 5 1588 Create colorized HTML from source code
DOS Commands utility 19 1556 Get help for dos commands within VIM
fte.vim utility 5 1240 VIM6.0+ Global plugin to expand and load templates (separate cmds). «expression»
chordpro.vim syntax 14 935 Syntax file for ChordPro files
vectorscript.vim syntax 5 564 Syntax file for VectorScript
uniq.vim utility 22 1251 Emulations of the 'uniq' utility in Vim script
stol.vim syntax 14 1381 syntax for STOL (Satellite Test and Operations Language)
ldap_schema.vim syntax 2 845 syntax higlighting for LDAP schema definition
ldif.vim syntax 11 926 syntax higlighting for LDIF (LDAP serialization)
proc.vim syntax 57 2703 Oracle Pro*C/C++ syntax file
esperanto utility 31 863 Keyboard for Esperanto / Klavaro por Esperanto
epperl.vim syntax 0 871 Syntax highlighting for EP-PERL files
headers.vim syntax 7 971 Syntax highlighting for SMTP/HTTP headers
sip.vim syntax 8 950 sip syntax file
gpg.vim utility 25 693 it seems that this inspired another much better script: gnupg.vim
gnupg utility 1446 18757 Plugin for transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.
xml_cbks utility 15 956 Extends xmledit package to provide schema-specific attribute callbacks easily
VimDebug utility 133 8081 Visual debugger for Perl, Ruby, and Python (updated 03/2011)
scratch.vim utility 109 7213 Plugin to create and use a scratch Vim buffer
FeralToggleCommentify.vim utility 91 4736 My fork of ToggleCommentify.vim; comment lines in a program
hexman.vim utility 147 9673 Simpler Hex viewing and editing
Dotnet Dictionaries utility 38 1825 Whole .NET Framework for auto-completion and use in scripts  (C#  Vb .Net)
random.vim color scheme 27 2392 A "color scheme" to pseudo-randomly load a color scheme.
matrix.vim color scheme 221 12806 MATRIX like colorscheme
VisIncr utility 919 13943 Produce increasing/decreasing columns of numbers, dates, or daynames
deleted color scheme 29 2491 deleted
deleted utility 36 1393 deleted
Maxlen.vim utility 4 693 Find the long lines and mark them.
MakeDoxygenComment ftplugin 103 4985 Generate Doxygen Comment Skeleton
VS like Class Completion utility 13 2772 This script can complete member of cpp or java like Visual Studio.
GenerateMatlabFunctionComment utility 11 1257 Generates documentation structure for a matlab function.
pgn.vim syntax 43 1295 Provides syntax highlighting for .pgn (chess) files
genindent.vim indent 13 2057 Generic function for indentexpr
fluxbox.vim syntax 94 3991 syntax and indent files for fluxbox wm menu file
ferallastchange.vim utility 5 1840 FORK of lastchange.vim; Automatic update of timestamp line in file.
blockhl2.vim syntax 1 1362 Improved highlighting different levels of {} in C and C++ based on blockhl.vim
cschemerotate.vim utility 5 869 Fast colorscheme switching
ftplugin for Calendar ftplugin 16 1831 This is a ftplugin for Calenar.
Comment Tools utility 1 874 Insert or align comments (+ruby required!)
incbufswitch.vim utility 39 1742 Switch buffers using an incremental search
feralalign.vim utility 0 1605 Simple script to save you from "ciw<tab><tab><tab>" to align text.
VimTweak utility 235 7912 The tweaking dll for GVim.exe.
calibre.vim syntax 68 2296 Syntax Highlight for MGC SVRF (Calibre) Standard Verification Rules Format
cleanphp color scheme 21 2087 Highlights most php syntax with neat colour scheme
actionscript.vim syntax 19 2220 Actionscript syntax
POD Folder utility 9 651 Creates folds in POD files based on =head[123] sections
VimSpeak utility -1 2397 Speak selected text with MS Agent
ample.vim syntax 18 882 Syntax Highlighting for MGC's AMPLE progamming language
quancept.vim syntax 10 1188 Syntax file for SPSS Quancept scripts
po.vim ftplugin 305 6071 ftplugin for easier editing of GNU gettext PO files
timecolor.vim utility 1 712 let the time to rotate your colorschemes
timecolor.vim utility -2 705 let the time to rotate your colorschemes
Visual C++ color scheme 49 4555 A color scheme resembling the MS Visual C++ IDE
NEdit color scheme 16 1613 A color scheme mimicking the way NEdit highlights C++ code
OIL.vim syntax 5 611 A syntax file for the OSEK Implementation Language (OIL).
cg.vim syntax 12 818 Syntax highlighting for Cg language
parrot.vim syntax 7 850 Syntax file for Parrot Assembly code
xmmsctrl.vim utility 17 1382 Interaction with XMMS via 'smart' buffer
isi2bib utility 20 1760 Convert a bibliographic database from ISI to BibTeX format
deleted utility 276 6234 deleted
gdl.vim syntax 78 2335 GDL/VCG syntax highlighting file
msp.vim syntax 13 1161 TI MSP430 Assembly Syntax
brainfuck syntax syntax 179 2879 brainfuck syntax support
sfl.vim syntax 1 1305 VIM Syntax file for SFL hardware description language.
browser-like-scrolling-for-readonly-file utility 6 1422 convenient, browser-like scrolling for viewing readonly files
nuvola.vim color scheme 42 4503 Color scheme for the Gnome2 "nuvola" theme
SideBar.vim utility 9 1791 Auto-shrinking container of vertically aligned material
MSIL Assembly syntax 22 996 Syntax file for the .NET Microsoft Intermediate Language Assembly
cygwin.vim utility 16 3154 Compiler plugin for cygwin-tools used from the win32 native version of Vim
mupad.vim syntax 19 2115 Syntax file for MuPAD
trash.vim utility -1 805 script for trashing dd d, D, <Del> erasing actions--- version: 0.1
wiki.vim syntax 80 3857 Syntax file for Wikis
tagMenu utility -2 982 Popup menu showing tags
local_vimrc.vim utility 20 1474 Load local vimrs's from $HOME to the current directory
Hanoi Tower game 0 1115 Let your vim moves the hanoi tower to get tired.
sudo.vim utility 315 8226 Allows one to edit a file with privileges from an unprivileged session.
co.vim ftplugin 16 1338 "Aspect Oriented" script: Comment out a hunk of text in many languages
xmidas.vim syntax 20 625 Color syntax highlighting within VIM for the X-Midas language.
folddigest.vim utility 21 1849 Show fold digest tree view.
quicksession.vim utility 15 1079 Easily switch between a multitude of session files
sql.vim syntax 8 1867 Oracle 9i Syntax highlighting (SQL, SQL+)
pam.vim syntax 2 1428 Syntax highlighting for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
kickstart.vim syntax 7 1534 Syntax highlighting for RedHat kickstart files
mdl.vim syntax 4 578 Syntax hilighting for the PRESPEC language
gor.vim color scheme 1 1199 Green-Orangish Colorscheme
yaml.vim color scheme 227 23274 Syntax coloring and functions for YAML
sbutils utility 11 1230 Some utilities I find useful
movewin.vim utility 35 1970 Move GUI window using the keyboard
SwapHeader utility 12 798 This script allows to switch between source and header files.
svn.vim utility 26 2615 A simple svn utility for vim.
dhcpd.vim syntax 43 2206 syntax highligting for dhcpd.conf
curcmdmode utility 4 1761 *obsolete* Script library to extend the notion of Vim's mode() function
cmdalias.vim utility 71 4942 Create aliases for Vim commands.
Intellisense for Vim utility 226 3388 Java, XML, HTML, C++, JSP, SQL, C#
HelpExtractor utility 30 2388 plugin writer aid; allows plugin and help to be distributed as one file
pic.vim color scheme 17 1002 Add support for 18fxx2 Microchip microcontrollers
aiseered.vim color scheme 138 3770 A color scheme with a dark red background.
winhelp utility 15 2017 A script for easy lookup in Windows .chm and .hlp help files.
opengl.vim syntax 107 5198 OpenGL C syntax highlighting
ttcn-syntax syntax 157 2908 TTCN-3 syntax highlighting file
ttcn-indent indent 59 2204 TTCN-3 indent file
VDLGBX.DLL utility 16 1391 Comfortable user-definable dialog-boxes for use in GVIM and some other goodies
python_encoding.vim ftplugin 6 829 Recognize python source file encoding directive(PEP 0263)
showpairs-mutated syntax 19 1311 Higlights the matching brace or surrounding ones.
dusk color scheme 75 4365 Soft colors on a dark background (GUI only)
LogCVSCommit utility 8 720 Script to log CVS commits
peaksea color scheme 1075 34937 Refined color, contains both gui and cterm256 for dark and light background
lpc.vim syntax 54 1782 Syntax highlight for LPC
deleted utility 45 1047 deleted
hlcontext.vim utility -1 1098 based on VIMTIP#548: Using H and L keys as context sensitive pagedown/pageup
don't click game 80 881 this is result stupid bug in upload script
gvim with tabs utility 41 1232 patch to add tabs to gvim
VHDL indent indent 57 3392 indent file for VHDL
ttcn-dict utility 19 1751 TTCN-3 dictionary (keyword completion) file
mis.vim syntax 1 508 Syntax file for Minimal Instruction Set (MIS)
table.vim utility 24 2208 smarter table editing/navigation
Source Control utility 33 2656 Common interface to source-control
ocamlhelp.vim utility 1 959 Text-help reader for Objective Caml with hypertext (kinda) and syntax h/l
umber-green color scheme 24 1801 Umber and green monochrome monitor nostalgia.
vgrep utility 8 2083 another grep in wide look
lebrief.vim utility 5 813 guide brief 3.1 user familiar with vim
vimcdoc utility 67 2527 Vim online documentation Chinese version
whereis.vim utility 1 901 simple whereis (Win32 Only)
highlight_cursor.vim ftplugin 1 980 legacy workaround for a 486: highlights your cursor as a reverse character block
ntp.vim syntax 3 1172 Syntax highlighting for ntp.conf
php_console.vim ftplugin 22 2137 Use php console application for debug messages (for windows)
sessions.vim utility 25 1530 named shortcuts to groups of files
pyfold syntax 21 1669 Python Syntax Folding for class/def statements only
oasis.vim syntax 8 765 OASIS-CC Syntax
gdm.vim syntax 0 898 Syntax highlighting for gdm.conf
fluka.vim color scheme 8 764 Syntax highlight for FLUKA
vartabs.vim ftplugin 7 1314 Make your TAB-Key stop at arbitrary positions
delek.vim color scheme 128 3859 Colors good for dark and light background
qt2vimsyntax syntax 7 1229 syntax definition for Trolltech Qt library (C++)
tokens.vim utility 0 645 Use tokens (input()) to extend abbreviations
set_utf8.vim utility 49 4302 Switching to Unicode in an orderly manner
python.vim syntax 2025 135706 Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script
Relaxed Green color scheme 70 9350 Relaxed green color scheme for vim and gvim.
simpleandfriendly.vim color scheme 56 6273 A simple color scheme - with some eye-friendly colors.
ttcn-ftplugin ftplugin 38 1698 TTCN-3 ftplugin file
promela.vim syntax 21 1178 Promela syntax highlighting
xterm16.vim color scheme 623 10907 An adjustable contrast color scheme for GUI and 8, 16 or 256 color terminals.
bmichaelsen color scheme 9 1057 Colorscheme matching PrettyBlueish and Purplehaze
preview.vim utility 6 942 Preview current file in selected browser.
Walk.vim utility 5 2865 apply a vim command to the files of a directory tree and more (python required)
FindMakefile utility 8 885 Change directory to one containing a Makefile
MixCase.vim utility 92 1925 Mix Case of typed text in the hÅ©ke®$ way (python required)
javaDoc.vim utility 7 1226 Look up javadoc Help file from Vim [Unix Only]
gramadoir.vim utility 15 2023 Interface to an Irish language grammar checker
XQuery syntax syntax 7 1005 XQuery syntax
expand.vim utility -1 1174 method to simply an quickly post expand a cmd.  "index ff<c-cr>" for example.
zrf.vim syntax 7 872 Syntax file for Zillions of Games' ZRF
truegrid.vim syntax 11 886 A syntax highlighting file for TrueGrid input files.
dks-il2+tex.vim utility 0 704 Mapping deadkeys (accents)
vimcommander utility 409 15920 totalcommander-like two-panel tree file explorer for vim
Smart Diffsplit utility 33 1397 Diffsplit that restores window settings
robinhood.vim color scheme 31 2141 A greenish color scheme
darkblue2.vim color scheme 65 3466 A nice mixture of blue, green and cyan in a color scheme for programmers.
billw.vim color scheme 21 2664 Black color scheme with some contrast
mail.vim syntax 46 2566 Syntax file for emails. Update of the default vim script to include URLs etc
white.vim color scheme 18 1375 I like white background. May be you do too.
HHCS_D color scheme 5 1641 Seven dark colorschemes for happy hacking.
enumratingptn utility 0 845 Enumerate vimonline's rating pattern.
HHCS color scheme 32 2045 Six low contrast dark colorschemes for happy hacking.
ephtml syntax 5 1942 extended perl html syntax highlighting
rgbasm.vim syntax 16 1108 Syntax file for the GameBoy assembler RGBASM
Mouse Toggle utility -1 1074 Toggles mouse on/off.
BlockWork utility 3 1197 Adjust list numbering (increment) and other work with (visual) block selections
avrasm.vim syntax 28 1045 Atmel AVR assembler syntax file
yum.vim syntax 3 987 Syntax highlighting for yum.conf
asmM68k.vim syntax 25 1230 ASM syntax file for Motorola 68k processors
find_in_files utility -2 1026 To find a string in the files in current directory
mp.vim indent 8 689 Identation file for MetaPost
Intellisense : JSP Plugin utility 3 991 Intellisense capability to JSP scripts
VimNotes utility 37 4619 A script to help keep an organized collection of notes with linking.
gq utility 16 995 Multipurpose e-mail message beautifier
TT2 syntax syntax 275 7131 Syntax Highlight for Template-Toolkit 2.x
xmaslights.vim color scheme 33 2005 Make your text appear as animated Christmas lights
smartmake utility 22 780 A somehow smarter version of the make command
httpclog syntax 10 662 Syntax highlighting for a combined http log file
RTF 1.6 Spec in Vim Help Format utility 6 2745 Specification of RTF in easy and fast Vim help format.
systemc_syntax.tar.gz syntax 43 1736 Syntax file for SystemC files
selected-resizer utility 1 1156 resizes a window to the selected block of text
PureBasic Syntax file syntax 3 670 Syntax highlighting for PureBasic
macro.vim syntax 2 539 Syntax coloring for (VAX) Macro assembly
python.vim color scheme 8 2339 'python' colour scheme
text.py utility 1 847 This is utility to easy access to vim buffer. For pythonic macrowriters
yo-speller utility 4 885 NOTE: this only for russian users! Spell YO letter in the buffer.
increment.vim utility 95 2594 Subsitute a pattern with incremented values
nasl.vim syntax 10 1142 syntax highlighting for Nessus nasl scripts
ptl.vim syntax 1 834 Syntax File for the Python Template Language
pyab utility 4 1571 Abbreviates standard python modules
mars.vim color scheme 14 1555 Dark red color scheme
howto ftplugin ftplugin 1 719 ftplugin for browsing HOWTO files
SrchRplcHiGrp.vim utility 27 2986 Search and/or replace based on a syntax highlight group
latex-mik.vim utility 97 3555 LaTeX support (MikTeX) for GVIM on Win32-systems
Pydiction utility 1313 68349 Tab-complete your Python code
Posting utility -1 963 Mappings primarily intended to ease preparing of USENET/eMail articles
Gothic color scheme 8 2308 Dark background and eye-resting colors
File-local variables utility 0 2193 Set/let per-file-variables à la Emacs
less.vim color scheme 25 3890 Less is More - A minimal color scheme
FX HLSL syntax 31 1598 Syntax Rules for Microsoft HLSL and FX files
NSIS 2.0+ Syntax syntax 9 1465 Syntax highlighting for NSIS 2.0 and above
table_format.vim utility 42 2073 Formatting utility to arrange text into neat columns
LocateOpen utility 44 3437 Open files without having to supply a path
Destructive Paste utility 4 1305 Pastes the register, replacing text
inform.vim indent 2 604 Indenting for Inform
Viki/Deplate utility 1087 24505 A personal wiki for Vim
cscope quickfix utility 121 3864 enables to use cscope with quickfix.
BlackBeauty color scheme 80 2907 A beautiful (if you like dark background) color scheme with dark background
visual_studio.vim utility 435 10606 Vim and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET integration
unmswin.vim utility 10 790 Undo the action of mswin.vim
Israelli hebrew shifted utility 0 674 An alternative Hebrew keyboard map, for ISO-8859-8 usage.
phonetic/visual hebrew keyboard mapphone utility 0 660 phonetic/visual alternative hebrew keyboard map, ISO-8859-8 chars
Redundant phonetic/visual Hebrew keyboar utility 0 648 Phonetic/visual keyboard map for hebrew ISO-8859-8 chars
changesqlcase.vim utility 4 1434 Upper case sql keywords from a visual mode selection.
changeColorScheme.vim utility 34 2234 change color schemes
allout.vim ftplugin 1 639 Tools for handling Allout (outline) files
Syntax context abbreviations utility 10 1878 Abbreviations that only happen outside comments
srec.vim syntax 6 828 SREC syntax
emacsmode ftplugin 7 1198 Parse Emacs -*- Mode lines and set equivalent Vim options
bufman.vim ftplugin 60 1969 Quickly switch between buffers without knowing their numbers.
automation.vim color scheme 4 2039 Light Grey Color Scheme
GVColors utility 32 4350 Uses gvim to display X-windows colors (keywords: colorlist rgb.txt)
Posting utility 5 686 Mappings primarily intended to ease preparing of USENET/eMail articles
RegExpRef utility 41 2139 short reference of regular expression metacharacters
passwd syntax 13 1429 syntax of the /etc/passwd file
buttercream.vim color scheme 60 3507 Smooth and colorful yellowish theme
fluxkeys.vim syntax 54 2796 syntaxhighlighting for key-files of fluxbox
ods.vim syntax 5 535 syntax highlighting for ODS Toolbox rule language
AutoAlign ftplugin 114 7476 Automatically align as you type (autoalign): bib c c++ html maple matlab tex vim
FormatBlock utility 4 885 Format (i.e., gqq) a block of lines above/below the current line
FormatComment.vim utility 4 1104 Format-block (do a 'gq' format) on the comment the cursor is in
docbkhelper utility 10 1405 some menus and mappings to ease editing DocBook XML
armasm syntax 89 7210 Syntax highlighting for ARM assembler
EvalSelection.vim utility 19 5143 evaluate selected code (vim, bash, ruby, python, perl, (mz)scheme, tcl, R, SPSS)
edo_sea color scheme 16 1479 A blueish color scheme with a dark background
pylint.vim utility 196 14236 compiler plugin for python style checking tool
winpos.vim utility -1 1620 save / restore window positions
gtags.vim utility 121 8609 Integrates GNU GLOBAL source code tag system with VIM.
Viewing Procmail Log syntax 0 523 Seeing only the interesting parts of procmail log
Toggle utility 161 4184 allows you to toggle bool (true/false) and other words with a shortcut
perl_synwrite.vim ftplugin 94 3613 checks Perl syntax before allowing file write
ViewOutput utility 20 2138 scroll back and search [long] output of vim command
CharTab utility 80 2348 ascii table with some nice features
nesC syntax 26 1645 nesC syntax highlighting
Tower of Hanoi game 32 4297 Tower of Hanoi game for Vim
C# Plugin Added utility 21 966 Intellisense for C#
ratfor.vim syntax 7 642 Vim syntax file for RATFOR
fvl.vim utility 39 1720 Send Lisp code to an interpreter running in a Vim window
yiheb-il.vim utility 4 715 Yiddish/Hebrew keyboard map, Israeli layout + finials on shift, Unicode
sql.vim syntax 16 1282 Oracle 9i update of the sql.vim syntax file
Editable User Interface (EUI, eui_vim) utility 2 936 The use of a text editor as the user interface to applications.
html_umlaute ftplugin 29 1511 replaces german Umlaute with their HTML Encoding on saving
deleted utility 13 880 deleted
unicodeswitch.vim ftplugin 28 3418 Vim file plugin for editing files with unicode codes.
python_pydoc.vim utility 552 20150 Python documentation view- and search-tool (uses pydoc)
nedit2 color scheme 11 1738 Color scheme based on nedit
adam.vim : Adam's Good Color Scheme color scheme 18 2607 A well colored, dark background color scheme.
po.vim syntax 51 4165 Gettext PO syntax highlighting
sieve.vim syntax 20 1060 sieve mail filter syntax file
AsNeeded utility 51 5833 Loads plugins as-needed (functions/maps/commands)  (autoload)
Nibble game 67 4559 Nibble or Snake game for Vim.
fdcc.vim syntax 3 2412 Locale or FDCC (Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions, see ISO TR 14652)
CSS 2.1 Specification utility 61 3234 CSS 2.1 Specification in Vim help format
sqlldr.vim syntax 7 1042 Oracle SQL*Loader syntax
tex_autoclose.vim ftplugin 60 3315 TeX / LaTeX ftplugin to automatically close environments
bufmenu2 utility 10 938 More balanced buffers menu hierarchy
svncommand.vim utility 780 12633 Subversion (svn) integration plugin
timestamp.vim utility 168 6839 Plugin to automatically timestamp files
html_portuquese utility 15 1319 Change the Brazilian Portuguese html charsets (ccedil) to char (ç).
AutoFold.vim utility 101 6325 A script to automate folding based on markers and syntax.
russian-phonetic_utf-8.vim utility 27 1146 "Phonetic" Cyrillic keymap
colorsel.vim utility 226 4942 A RGB/HSV color selector
XpMenu utility 9 2017 Make vim use WinXP style menu.
timelog.vim ftplugin 21 1015 Vim {,ft}plugin for keeping track of one's time.
virata.vim syntax 2 614 Virata AConfig Configuration Script
VimIRC.vim utility 301 18685 An IRC client script
TogFullscreen.vim utility 20 1801 Toggle fullscreen mode in Windows
database-client utility 4 1568 Database client - connect directly to database without external utility
ftpsync utility 44 2292 Synchronize files with a remote server
svg.vim syntax 43 3725 SVG syntax file
Karma Decompiler game 1 1214 Makes statistics based on Karma
autosession.vim utility 26 1062 Vim plugin for autosaving & autoloading session
newheader.vim utility 7 992 Create function header comment according to a template
sccs.vim utility 0 497 Compare delta's from SCCS files, visually selectable
screen.vim utility 15 2899 screen-like keybindings for buffers and windows
edifact.vim syntax 23 1182 Syntax script for generic EDIFACT messages (extensible)
pqmagic.vim syntax 1 709 Syntax Highlighting for "PowerQuest PartitionMagic 7 Pro Scripting Files"
ProjectBrowse utility 28 1708 Browse a list of files below a root directory
n3.vim syntax 109 3361 RDF Notation 3 Syntax File
groovy.vim syntax 187 9997 syntax file for the groovy programming language
StyleChecker (+perl) utility 7 1248 Tool for finding and highlighting repeated words in file
2tex.vim syntax 18 859 Transform a file into TEX file, using the current syntax highlighting
Scons compiler plugin utility 117 2433 Compiler plugin for scons.
qf.vim utility 254 2342 Allow :grep to work with multiple programs
af.vim color scheme 13 2473 A nice dark color scheme with milk colors
aspnet.vim syntax 22 1497 Provides ASP.NET syntax highlighting.
psql.vim color scheme 58 3406 PostgreSQL hightlighting.
multiselect utility 71 5336 Create multiple selections and operate
xml2latex utility 8 1617 Convert XML files to LaTeX tabbing environment
ToggleComment utility 57 1738 Simple, flexibel, language-independent mappings to de-/commentify
php-doc utility 6 1231 Basic phpdoc support for vim.
YAPosting utility 24 1082 Yet Another Posting script
blugrine color scheme 9 1407 based on bluegreen colorscheme by Joao Estevao
latex_pt utility 4 614 replaces LaTeX portuguese codes by the real characters and vice-versa
replace utility 3 913 quick replacing of expressions
DumpStr.vim utility 7 1035 dump vimscript string to clearly see multi-byte chars, bytes, and codes of both
RemoteSaveAll.vim utility 0 990 :RWALL[!] - save modified files in all running vim instances, also :WALL[!]
FTP Completion utility 12 1897 complete files in command line for ftp.
nexus.vim syntax 5 1167 Syntax highlighting for Nexus file format
uptime.vim utility 27 2292 Display Vim uptimes
asmx86 syntax 109 4729 A Simple x86-ASM syntax for VIM
php.vim for php5 syntax 82 3732 Syntax file for php5
autoit.vim syntax 18 1118 colorize AutoIt scripting language, from Hiddensoft
pic18fxxx syntax 11 779 pic assembly syntax for 18fxxx
IncrediBuild.vim utility 9 532 Allows building using IncrediBuild, using Vim's quickfix system
folds.vim utility -1 610 Folds the continuous same lines more than 4 to 2 lines and 1 folded line
chela_light color scheme 178 5972 A light color scheme
rest.vim syntax 164 5518 A reStructuredText syntax mode
indent/python.vim indent 1854 37613 An alternative indentation script for python
Siebel VB Script (SVB) syntax 7 823 Syntax File for files with extensions .sbl
Tibet color scheme 6 1697 A Colorscheme Inspired in Tibetan coloring
Maxscript syntax -1 599 Simple syntax highlighting for Maxscript
svn-diff.vim ftplugin 87 5981 Show diff  when commiting changes on a subversion repository
idf.vim syntax 5 577 Syntax highlighting for EnergyPlus IDF files.
ssa.vim syntax 29 1055 syntax highlighting for SubStationAlpha
GtkFileChooser utility 13 799 Patch that adds GtkFileChooser support to gvim (GTK 2.4+)
Simple templates utility 18 1312 Simple template insertion
onsgmls.vim utility 2 847 A compiler plugin for the onsgmls (or nsgmls) SGML/XML validator
mappinggroup.vim utility 8 666 Map function keys to act like a multilevel menu
metacosm.vim color scheme 80 7411 Evening & Torte + Special Sauce == Good
ASPJScript syntax 32 2174 ASP JScript Support
DoxygenToolkit.vim utility 621 29893 Simplify Doxygen documentation in C, C++, Python.
VHT ftplugin 35 3681 Vim HTML Templates
pdftotext utility 30 1692 Allow vim to read in a PDF file as plain text
rpl syntax 5 714 Syntax description file for RPL/2
rpl ftplugin 0 486 RPL/2 ftplugin file
rpl indent 0 594 RPL/2 indent file
aspvbs.vim syntax 63 3234 ASP/VBScript syntax highlighting
FiletypeRegisters utility 0 909 Localize register contents based on filetype
nant compiler script utility 3 680 NAnt support for the make command
tbf-vimfiles syntax 4 1011 Collection of syntax files for C, C#, Java, NSIS and Doxygen
Window Sizes utility 4 1266 Allows multiple windows to have specific vertical sizes
menu_pt_br.vim(fix) utility 0 533 Fix of menu translation
TransferChinese.vim utility 34 1294 Transfer Chinese to Chinese
gtk-vim-syntax syntax 595 12711 Syntax highlighting for GLib, Gtk+, Xlib, Gimp, Gstreamer, and more.
2htmlj syntax 4 848 Slightly modified 2html.vim script for use with javadoc
glsl.vim syntax 329 7147 Syntax file for the OpenGL Shading Language GLSL GLSlang
SearchInBuffers.vim utility 45 799 Perform the current search in all the open buffers
Docbook XSL compiler file ftplugin 8 881 DocBook XSL compiler file
Phrases utility 8 1060 Find and highlight words/phrases used repeatedly
Olive color scheme 29 2058 Dark olive background and green-orange colors colorscheme
Lynx Offline Documentation Browser utility 1 813 Lets you browse offline html docs in a buffer
srec.vim ftplugin 4 525 ftplugin for Motolora s-record, correct checksum
srec.vim syntax 3 611 syntax file for s-record
lingo.vim syntax 21 2097 Lingo syntax highlighting
buflist utility 35 2260 Buffer browser
lingodirector.vim color scheme 6 2029 original Director Lingo script colors
PLI-Tools utility 7 1627 Syntax, Indent and Goodies for IBM's Mainframe-PLI
clipbrd utility 51 3352 Clipboard and other register content editor.
check-mutt-attachments.vim utility 12 1160 Script not to forget to attach files mentioned in an email
corewars.vim syntax 1 522 syntax definitions for corewars cw-assembler
redcode.vim syntax 3 562 redcode assembler syntax
potwiki.vim utility 462 7316 Maintain a Wiki of plain text files
updt.vim syntax 5 716 Vim syntax file for ClearCase update log.
revolutions.vim color scheme 37 2696 Matrix Revolutions colorscheme (GUI only)
feralstub.vim utility 1 992 Flexible stubs. (inspired by Dr.Chip's C-Stubs)
Phoenity (discontinued) game 0 848 This script has been discontinued
aftersyntax.vim syntax 23 2138 Allows a single language (filetype) to have multiple .vim/after/syntax/ files
IndentHL syntax -2 853 Vim Syntax Highlighting for indent whitespace
xmlwf.vim utility 2 844 A compiler plugin for the xmlwf xml well-formedness checker
Visual Mark utility 215 27105 Visual mark, similar to UltraEdit's bookmark
errsign utility 14 1092 Puts ">>" signs at lines with errors
log.vim syntax 12 1739 coloring errors and warnings of make/gcc output
msvc2003 utility -1 649 Support Miscrosoft Visual C++ 2003 ToolKit
scalefont utility 7 2754 Switch between your favourite font/gui settings
uc.vim syntax 1 964 syntax for Intel Network Processor Microcode
cream-iso639-2 utility 0 662 (removed)
commenter utility 20 2054 A handy comment/uncomment plugin
OOP.vim utility -1 775 Object Oriented Programming
cream-iso639.vim utility 7 758 Find ISO 639 language abbreviations and names
cream-iso3166-1 utility 7 749 Find ISO 3166-1 country codes and names
HTMLxC.vim utility 1 759 Edit hex color codes in HTML files easily using rgb decimal; Perl req'd.
vimgrep.vim utility 17 3801 Editing utilities using grep/find without external grep/find programs
array.vim utility 2 1616 Implements multi-dimensional arrays in vim.
vimtabs.vim utility 132 3268 plugin for mozilla-like tabs
CodeReviewer.vim utility 80 2004 Utility for code reviews (using quickfix)
cube.vim syntax 25 831 Cube engine script syntax file
uc.vim indent 0 494 indent file for Intel Network Processor Microcode
uc.vim ftplugin 0 499 filetype plugin for Intel Microcode
sf.vim color scheme 15 1195 vim.sf.net colorscheme (GUI only)
monday utility 103 2994 Lets you use ctrl-a and ctrl-x on names of months and weekdays
ST20 compiler plugin utility 5 963 Vim compiler plugin for ST20 C compiler
R.vim ftplugin 155 5726 Send R code from a VIM buffer to R
octave.vim ftplugin 14 1609 Send Octave code from a VIM buffer to Octave
delete.py indent 15 976 Makes the delete key remove 'softtabspace' characters, similar to backspace
groff keymap utility 1 594 groff latin1/cp1252/utf-8 keymap conversion file
The Mail Suite (tms) utility 34 2759 Send, Receive and Organize mail from within VIM
browser.vim utility 77 6917 web browser plugin
InteractHL.vim utility 1 1774 Interactively generate colorscheme or syncolor.vim
curBuf.vim utility 1 777 source/execute current file from toolbar or function key
vsutil.vim utility 13 3948 function primitives for Vim scripts.
DavesVimPack utility 9 1095 Not Very Popular: Bad Reviews
Menu Autohide utility 5 531 A plugin to hide the menubar when the window shrinks.
pygtk_color utility 7 534 PyGtk2 color selection dialog
Vive.vim utility 17 2135 Single or multi line Vim script code executed with a keystroke
actionscript.vim syntax 745 14746 ActionScript 3.0 syntax file
greputils utility 60 5495 Interface with grep, find and id-utils (not just another grep wrapper)
HC12 syntax highlighting syntax 51 649 Syntax file for 68HC11/12 Assembly
asp.vim utility 21 1301 Macros and menus for ASP documents
click.vim syntax 0 774 Syntax file for the click language
cecutil utility 34 5829 Some utilities used by several of my scripts (window positioning, mark handling)
mingw.vim utility 9 970 Vim compiler file for MinGW.
abap.vim syntax 27 1838 Syntax highlighting for SAP ABAP / 4
vimsh indent 0 1648 simple Vim script shell command line interpreters
dsPIC30f syntax 0 557 dsPIC30f syntax file
BufOnly.vim utility 139 7115 Delete all the buffers except the current/named buffer
ConfirmQuit.vim utility 20 2138 Provides a confirm dialog when you try to quit vim
fasm compiler ftplugin 5 756 a compiler script for Fasm
python_calltips utility 53 7967 Display Python code calltips and allows you to auto-complete your Python code
netrw.vim utility 1130 29274 Network oriented reading, writing, and browsing (keywords: netrw ftp scp)
cscope_win utility 16 2309 Display cscope output in a separate window similar to emacs
lindo.vim syntax 3 1226 Syntax highlighting for LINDO (Linear, INteractive, and Discrete Optimizer)
VUT utility 10 2499 Vim Universal Templates
replvim.sh utility 13 1396 Allow a read eval print loop and vim to play nicely together
xmms.vim utility 3 554 Control xmms from within VIM
HiColors syntax 54 4554 Colorscheme display and editor
MS Word from VIM utility 22 1461 Interact with MS Word from VIM
multiwin.vim utility 69 3170 MultiWin: use VIM like a Rolodex
multiAPIsyntax syntax 10 1132 Syntax for Qt, KDE, wxWidgets, GTK1, GTK2 libraries
earth.vim color scheme 3 1509 Green base for colorscheme
Black Angus color scheme 22 2310 This is a mainly green on black color scheme (Gui & term)
tpp.vim syntax 0 542 Syntax highlighting for tpp presentation files
cfengine.vim syntax 26 1694 Alternate Cfengine Syntax Highlighting
sas.vim indent 16 993 SAS indent file
InsertTry.vim ftplugin 7 790 put java's try catch around marked lines
VimRegEx.vim utility 82 3910 Regular Expression Developer for Vim
blitzbasic.vim syntax 5 492 syntax file for blitzbasic source code
Archive utility 29 2727 Open archives in vim as a tree or flat list, w/ nesting support.
cream-statusline-prototype utility 15 2024 Display current function prototype in statusline
TabLaTeX ftplugin 12 1350 A small and simple script for writing LaTeX documents
buffer-perlpython.pl utility 11 961 run 'perl -cw' or 'pychecker' over the buffer, display results in a new window
txt2tags menu utility 71 3104 gVim menu for txt2tags
hamster.vim syntax 4 1304 Hamster (Classic | Playground) syntax file
hamster.vim indent 0 1037 Hamster (Classic | Playground) indent file
clearsilver syntax 10 1092 syntax files for *.cs and *.hdf
hamster.vim ftplugin 5 1039 Hamster (Classic | Playground) filetype plugin
VB.NET Syntax syntax 20 2544 Syntax highlightening for VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET)
VB.NET Indent indent 22 2546 Indent for VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET)
ACScope utility 6 1458 Another CScope frontend
ptu syntax 18 818 This Script is for the editing Test Script of Rational Test Real Time
java_src_link.vim ftplugin 4 1636 effective searching of src files for children, impls, tests, return values, args
AutumnLeaf color scheme 66 5299 Practical, beautiful seasonal colors.
WhatsMissing.vim utility 0 1691 Shows what is missing (or not) between 2 buffers
bulgarian.vim utility 12 822 Bulgarian phonetic keymap for vim
edifile.vim syntax 6 628 Simple syntax highlighting for EDI files
rcs.vim utility 71 4191 Automatically handle RCS files
pydoc.vim utility 20 3171 Pulls external python documentation into a Vim window.
TWiki-Syntax syntax 69 2714 Syntaxfile for TWiki-Syntax
pmd.vim utility 0 1020 Integrates PMD using Vim quickfix mode
BodySnatcher utility 5 981 Generate CSS from HTML doc BODY attribs - updates Web docs quickly. Perl req'd.
MapleSyrup ftplugin 10 2121 indenting, autoalign, and matchit support for Maple V
ooosetup.vim syntax 1 626 OpenOffice.org 1.x/StarOffice 5.2,6,7 setup response file syntax
reverse.vim utility 2 630 reverse (1st line becomes last ...) the lines in a file
mod_tcsoft.vim color scheme 1 1685 modified version of tcsoft.vim-color-scheme
PHP-correct-Indenting indent 1042 21440 The official VIm indent script for PHP
anttestreport syntax 2 598 coloring plain text reports created by ant for JUnit tests.
lingo.vim syntax 6 909 Syntax highlighting for LINGO (Linear, INteractive and General Optimizer)
lpl.vim syntax 1 602 Syntax file for LPL (Linear/Logical Programming Language)
UpdateModDate.vim utility 16 760 Updates a date stamp within a file whenever it is saved.
vimUnit utility 13 1406 vimUnit is a unit testing tool inspiered by tools like junit.
lxTrace utility 1 1083 lxTrace provides vim-script developers with a simple traceing utility.
vim2ansi utility 28 1732 Convert highlighted text into ansi control sequence
synmark.vim utility 5 2296 Highlight text at a fixed location
deleted ftplugin 2 1340 deleted
vim_faq.vim utility -1 604 script to install the Vim FAQ as a Vim help file
jhlight.vim color scheme 6 1410 A colorscheme with a light grey background
javascript.vim syntax 2 1151 JavaScript with ASP.NET support
css.vim syntax 8 907 CSS with ASP.NET Support
scratch.vim utility 6 688 a plugin to create a scratch buffer
Japanese Keymapping utility 14 1731 Provides keymapping for Japanese Hiragana and Katakana letters
vcbc.vim color scheme 4 1585 Colorscheme based on Visual C++ 6.0 and Beyond Compare (for diffs).
scilab.tar.gz syntax 1 522 Syntax file for Scilab.
scilab.tar.gz indent 2 599 Indent file for Scilab.
tree utility 25 1649 A treeview framework
FileTree syntax 34 1732 A file tree similar to opsplorer
Cisco ACL syntax highlighting rules color scheme 33 2097 provides highlighting for files with Cisco ACLs
header.vim utility 33 3110 Adds a header -author, path, timestamp- when a new file is created.
inkpot color scheme 749 24116 Inkpot, a dark scheme for GUI and 88/256 colour terms
jhdark color scheme 6 1331 A dark colorscheme for gui and console
C-fold ftplugin 9 2669 Automates folding and unfolding C & C++ comments and code blocks.
ccimpl.vim ftplugin 14 2124 Generates a skeleton implementation of classes defined in a C++ header file.
bufkill.vim utility 296 6646 Unload/delete/wipe a buffer, keep its window(s), display last accessed buffer(s)
perl-test-manage.vim utility 2 1080 Keep Track of the Number of Tests in a Perl Test File
GetFDCText.vim utility 0 654 Returns a string, to be displayed for a closed fold
cygwin_utils.vim utility 0 1575 utility functions for invoking *nix cmds in Windows/Cygwin (for use  in scripts)
globalreplace.vim utility 11 632 Prompted global search and replace
remote PHP debugger utility 147 5145 remote debugger interface to DBGp protocol.
xbl.vim syntax 26 941 Syntax highlighting for Extensible Binding Language (XBL)
JavaKit utility 15 3621 A collection of tools for developing java apps
ledger.vim syntax 23 866 Syntax highlighting for ledger (accounting system) files
ledger.vim indent 0 720 indenting for Ledger accounting files
txt2tags syntax 32 1291 Syntax highlighting for txt2tags documents
unhtml utility 1 621 Converts HTML tags to a simpler syntax
pagemaker6 syntax 41 546 Syntax for Adobe Pagemaker 6 files
tSkeleton utility 1685 17136 File Templates and Code Skeletons/Snippets
foldcol.vim utility 148 1901 fold/unfold by visual-blocks (columns)
jexplorer utility 101 759 package/class browser for Java.
html_danish utility 148 1205 Change danish special characters (æøå) to their html-version and vice versa
EditJava utility 14 1877 lookup source file for classname under cursor
tolerable.vim color scheme 47 2503 A black-on-white scheme inspired by BBEdit
Wiked utility 20 1216 Syntax file for file.wiki
substitute.vim utility 18 2109 Fast mappings for performing substitutions
C# Indent indent 18 1399 Indent for C# (keywords: C-sharp, C sharp, CSharp)
GoboLinux ColorScheme color scheme 4 1213 First Version
Abc-Menu utility 16 835 Adds alphabetic menus of commands
DetectIndent utility 219 2602 Automatically detect indent (expandtab, shiftwidth, tabstop) settings
templates utility 216 4588 Load filetype templates for new files
tComment utility 335 18448 An extensible & universal comment plugin that also handles embedded filetypes
Rhythmbox Control Plugin utility 15 580 This plugin can control Rhythmbox in VIM
C# Syntax syntax 9 2386 Syntax for C# 2.0 (keywords: C-sharp, C sharp, CSharp)
oceanlight color scheme 69 4171 Pale blue and green winter colors
OAL Syntax syntax 0 848 Syntax and indenting for the BridgePoint OAL
PVCS access utility 1 534 Difference and browsing abilities for a PVCS archive.
context_complete.vim utility 30 1950 Context sensitive word completion
fileaccess utility 2 634 access time based simple file explorer for vim
avr.vim syntax 34 1794 syntax higlighting for Atmel AVR assembler
tesei.vim syntax 4 514 syntax higlighting for Tesei (KP1878BM1 1878ВМ1) assembler
MultipleSearch2.vim utility 33 1957 Improve Multiple search
uniface.vim syntax 2 741 Uniface Proc language syntax file
turbo.vim color scheme 48 3148 Color scheme based on Turbo Pascal and Turbo C++
rotate.vim utility 38 1250 This file enables Vim to rotate text (counter) clockwise, put it upside down,etc
cream-replacemulti utility 51 1293 Replace text across multiple files
cleanswap utility 9 802 capture useful text from, and delete, all the vim swap files in ~/.vim/swap
matrix.vim game 993 23136 Matrix screensaver for VIM
hcc.vim syntax 13 755 Syntax for Handel-C
wc.vim utility 49 1389 Manuscript word counter - Strunk & White style
AutoUpload utility 21 1792 Put file to remote location with one click
expander.vim utility 0 490 flexible expansion of abbreviations/templates
vfp8.vim syntax 5 585 Visual FoxPro 8 syntax file
vis utility 156 6669 Extended Visual Mode Commands, Substitutes, and Searches
omlet.vim indent 249 8006 Much better OCaml indentation, and more...
ocaml.annot.pl utility 9 1391 Displays OCaml type annotations
nodiff.vim utility 12 1202 defines Nodiff command to get out of diff mode
increment_new.vim utility 34 1251 Subsitute a pattern with incremented values ENHANCED
namazu.vim utility 0 519 A frontend to the namazu command-line client.(not mknmz)
c.vim syntax 21 5026 Extended original c.vim
bsh.vim syntax 6 1797 Syntax Highlighting for Shell »bsh«
WhereFrom utility 12 1588 WhereFrom helps one locate where maps, functions, or commands are defined
oo utility 4 1691 Java code commpletion
Java Syntax & Folding syntax 9 1848 Java Syntax & Folding
ProvideX Syntax syntax 4 1114 The language blows.  But working with it doesn't have to.
DNA Tools utility 10 569 few utils for people working with DNA sequences
vimCU utility 26 1514 comment/uncomment functionalities for every language
cvsvimdiff utility 70 4382 cvs diff + vimdiff
latexmenu utility 5 559 Generates a "tableofcontents"-navigation-menu for the gui menubar.
XML Indent indent 30 3265 My XML Indent (align attributes)
AddIfndefGuard utility 21 992 Add the #ifndef/#define/#endif guard to a C/C++ header file
Vim JDE utility 975 45083 Vim - Just a Development Envirement (Java/C++)
cvsdiff.vim utility 69 1402 visual cvs diff utility for vim diffsplit, horizontal or vertical
Super Shell Indent indent 72 5908 Improved indentation for shell scripts
cool.vim syntax 25 1206 Syntax Highlighting for COOL (Classroom Object Oriented Language)
Perldoc from VIM ftplugin 11 1108 Perldoc from VIM
The NERD Commenter utility 2137 70738 A plugin that allows for easy commenting of code for many filetypes.
darkblack.vim color scheme 5 1610 A black background color scheme based on darkblue.
OpenGLSL syntax 5 932 OpenGL Shading Language syntax script
monkeyd configuration syntax syntax 2 1053 Syntax highlighting for monkeyd http server configuration files
OCaml instructions signature + parser utility 31 2348 Script that parses and provides signature of instructions
plist.vim syntax 6 1419 Old-Style ASCII Property List
my _vimrc (for Windows 2000/XP/7 users) utility 45 5693 My very own _vimrc.
DotOutlineTree utility 63 3724 Helps you edit structured text.
Vim klip for Serence Klipfolio (Windows utility -2 612 Klip that queries vim.sf.net for recent scripts
explorer+reader.vim utility 0 704 preview many text files quickly
recent.vim utility 9 1697 List recent edited files
crontab.freebsd.vim syntax 4 560 FreeBSD crontab syntax
Rainbow Parenthesis syntax 213 6882 Highlight matching parens in a rainbow of colors
mom.vim syntax 15 770 Syntax highlighting for the troff macro package
DoTagStuff syntax 5 1607 Syntax Highlight based on tags
gentypes.py utility 65 755 Colorize types you use while editing code (Linux)
YankRing.vim utility 975 24504 Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes
mathml.vim syntax 82 2562 MathML syntax highlighting
xhtml.vim syntax 228 4395 XHTML syntax highlighting
MS SQL Server Syntax syntax 154 1564 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 T-SQL (Transact-SQL) Syntax
Mark utility 1125 17743 a little script to highlight several words in different colors simultaneously
autoit.vim syntax 153 4373 AutoIt syntax file
Guardian 2.0 color scheme 116 11739 A rich and stylish syntax highlighting for coders
octave.vim syntax 126 3059 Syntax highlighting for GNU Octave
Markdown syntax syntax 108 10702 Syntax file for Markdown text-to-HTML language
desert256.vim color scheme 326 29156 A slightly-modified desert theme, for 88- and 256-color xterms.
Embedded Vim Preprocessor utility 12 720 Embedded Vim Preprocessor
cvsmenu.vim (updated) utility 138 8283 CVS(NT) integration plugin (Script #58 continued since 2005)
Omap.vim utility 24 554 create user-defined operator mappings
swig syntax 2 881 SWIG syntax
cccs.vim syntax 15 962 Syntax file for Clearcase config specs
vc_diff utility 22 945 show difference of source code using
Teradata syntax syntax 10 2502 Teradata SQL, BTEQ Commands (Teradata V2R4,V2R5)
timekeeper utility 10 712 keeps a journal of used time
trt.vim syntax 5 1111 Test Real Time scripting language for C testing.
greens color scheme 29 3424 A green/red/yellow colorscheme
VIMEN utility 30 1311 Vim Is More than Editor Now
pike.vim syntax 14 1342 pike syntax highlighting
aspvbs.vim indent 26 1354 indenting for asp vbs files
wood.vim color scheme 21 1303 Wood cabin color scheme
custom color scheme 10 1635 good color scheme
sienna color scheme 91 5680 Color scheme with harmonic colors easy to distinguish (dark and light styles).
tmda_filter.vim syntax 0 526 colorizes tmda filter files
cstol.vim syntax 2 491 Colorizes OASIS CSTOL files
tex_umlaute ftplugin 18 892 replaces German Umlauts with their TeX encodings on save
DANILU SCRIPT color scheme -22 0 cool for chaters
Quick access file Menu utility 23 797 Add files in current Directory in Menu for quick access
IComplete utility 119 4881 IComplete is a C/C++/Java/C# code completion system using the omnifunc framework
Emacs outline mode syntax 15 2134 Imitates Emacsen
teol.vim utility 0 1140 :TEOL <string> and :TSOL <string>; toggles string at end/start of line(s)
acsb utility 1 1292 CScope frontend (multi queries, multi stacks)
drcstubs ftplugin 24 2060 Imaps to provide active stubs  (currently: c, LaTeX, sh, vim)
drc_indent indent 16 1698 DrC's indent scripts (currently: sh LaTeX vim maple)
rubikscube.vim game 31 1952 a rubik's cube game in vim script
php_check_syntax.vim ftplugin 18 1921 Check the syntax when saving or reading a php file
Mathematica Syntax File syntax 22 1588 Syntax highlighting file for Mathematica code
Mathematica Indent File indent 8 909 Indentation file for Mathematica code
SpotlightOpen utility 22 810 Open files using MacOS Tiger's Spotlight
autoscroll utility 3 810 autoscroll the screen, see the context of current line clearly
vsearch.vim utility 11 1138 Allows text to be searched vertically
quantum.vim syntax 25 618 quantum syntax file
ToggleOptions.vim utility 0 924 Quick toggling of options
[obsolete]ToggleOnly.vim utility 1 1489 Simple enhancement of ^W ^O
crontab.vim syntax 11 1145 Syntax highlight for crontab files
tagselect utility 31 2471 Provides a better :tselect command.
TinyBufferExplorer utility 24 3095 A 1-file buffer list plugin with Grouping
TortoiseSVN.vim utility 18 2747 Support for TortoiseSVN (a subversion client for Windows)
nasl.vim syntax 31 1077 small and more automated nasl syntax file
sadic.tgz utility 24 566 Japanese to  English and English to Japanese translator
tabs.vim utility -4 1474 Allows to quickly switch between buffers and displays them as tabs.
otherfile.vim utility 0 507 Allows you to quickly switch between .h/.c, .h/.cc, .ads/.adb etc
otherfile.vim utility 11 671 Allows you to quickly switch between .h/.c, .h/.cc, .ads/.adb etc
LogiPat utility 147 2722 Boolean-Logic Patterns
luarefvim utility 88 3604 Lua reference manual
keywords.vim utility 7 1065 mappings to move and quote iskeyword text
Pida utility 53 1076 A graphical IDE that uses Vim as its editor over the client-server protocol.
nightshade.vim color scheme 6 1001 Bright colors on a black background with a 2nd colorization script for printing
removed utility 3 600 removed
form.vim syntax 12 910 FORM syntax file
rsl.vim syntax 2 1240 Basic syntax for RSL (droidarena.net).
Color Scheme Explorer utility 153 11224 Easy color scheme browsing
Project Browser or File explorer for vim utility 24 2369 Easy project navigation by listing the files
Shortcut functions for KeepCase script ( utility 1 509 Makes substitutions using Michael Geddes' KeepCase functions easier
maximize.dll utility 117 3711 Maximizing plugin for Win32 gVim
recycle.dll and recycle.vim utility 0 1082 Backup directly into Recycle Bin on Win32
php_funcinfo.vim ftplugin 4 2207 Quick help on PHP functions
T7ko utility 2 615 Plugins set I use in my everyday vimming (especially when programing)
cguess utility 12 1065 C and C++ identifier completion
php_template ftplugin 8 1129 PHP5 Code templates for common snippets
another dark scheme color scheme 22 1906 a pep-up of desert
java_fold utility 2 1409 Folding expression for Java
DataStage (Universe) Basic syntax 4 2337 Programming language used in Universe DB and DataStage
vimplate utility 181 3088 template system for vim  (example for C++, Perl, LaTeX and make)
vimplate utility 5 641 Template-Toolkit support for Vim
bwftmenu.vim utility 0 528 help you make a menu only for buffers with a certain filetype
asmM6502.vim syntax 64 1865 MOS 6502 Assembly syntax
udvm.vim syntax 2 572 highlights files containing assembly for UDVM
bwHomeEndAdv.vim utility 5 763 This script enhances the <Home> and <End> in both normal mode and insert mode
bwUtility.vim utility 4 714 This script provides some trivial functionalities
snippetsEmu utility 2434 37162 An attempt to emulate TextMate's snippet expansion
perlprove.vim utility 21 1545 Perl unittest compiler. Parses Test::Harness' `prove` output.
Dynamic Keyword Highlighting utility 17 1473 Color-highlighted multi-search trail
CSVTK utility 1 972 Tool kit to work with Comma Separated Values files
ps2vsm syntax 1 588 PlayStation2 Vector Unit Assembly syntax
advantage color scheme 10 1526 Dark theme for us sensitive coders
The Stars Color Scheme color scheme 6 2766 A dark scheme
bufferlist.vim utility 286 6595 simple, fast, and slick non-disturbing buffer list
Impact color scheme 53 5320 Nice dark colorscheme for term/cterm only
Windows PowerShell Syntax Plugin syntax 717 23884 Syntax coloring, indenting and filetype detection for Windows PowerShell
xslt ftplugin 12 846 XSLT ftplugin
verilogams.vim syntax 28 1924 Highlighting scheme for Verilog-AMS
XHTML 1.0-strict help file utility 28 2133 Help file for XHTML 1.0 Strict
sudoku game 6 943 Sudoku solving helper
tidy color scheme 16 1346 Color scheme 'tidy' based on PerlTidy's colors.
Pleasant colorscheme color scheme 7 1451 A bright and pleasant colorscheme for heavy programming
VST utility 242 6901 Vim reStructured Text
A soft mellow color scheme color scheme 19 1563 A soft mellow colorscheme
Professional colorscheme for Vim color scheme 26 4941 At last, a professional colorscheme for Vim...
plugin/fonts.vim utility 82 4084 Multi OS Font Plugin
TabBar utility 629 18965 Plugin to add tab bar ( derived from miniBufExplorer).
Autoproject utility 28 1190 Use Makefile.am for project management
last_change utility 4 567 automatically set time-stamp on modification
last_change utility 9 709 automatically set time-stamp on modification
AutoTag utility 407 11526 Updates entries in a tags file automatically when saving
switchtags.vim utility 12 1118 Switch tags option automatically between different projects
dmd ftplugin 0 492 DigitalMars D language file type plugin(syntax, fold, compiler,include search)
VIM Email Client utility 8 841 Independent Email Client for Vim
cxxcomplete utility 5 1092 Tries to implement code completion.
The Vim Gardener color scheme 39 6858 Dark and colorful forrest khaki theme works with 256 color xterms
Colortest utility 554 35887 xterm 256 color test and visual colors list
Mud color scheme 3 814 Dark brown colorscheme with beutiful highlighing
Mud color scheme 5 1115 Dark brown colorscheme with beutiful highlighing
Modelines Bundle utility 46 2105 Insert Modelines from current settings
syntax/ada.vim syntax 46 2754 Syntax Plugin for Ada (inactive, replaced by vimscript#1609)
Night Vision Colorscheme color scheme 92 1385 Programming through night vision googles :)
PDV - phpDocumentor for Vim utility 3187 17627 Provides really comfortable generation of phpDocumentor doc blocks for PHP4 & 5.
eraseSubword utility 332 752 Erase one subword from a camel case word or from a _ delimited word
larlet.vim game 0 1682 Type large letters in Insert mode
Cthulhian color scheme 7 1185 dark color scheme based on oceandeep
SmartCase utility -316 1839 replacing words while keeping original lower/uppercase style
HP-41 syntax file syntax 93 2655 Syntax highlighting for HP-41 calculator programs
HP-41 file type plugin ftplugin 87 2614 Makes it easier to write HP-41 calculator programs in VIM
Last Modified utility 9 1104 Changes the Last modified date of a file
cloudy color scheme 12 1344 A deep blue cloudy color scheme
xslhelper.vim ftplugin 24 1549 Help for writing XSLT stylesheets
adobe.vim color scheme 16 3116 Adobe theme, easy on eyes. Coloring philosophy inside.
Peppers color scheme 17 1683 The ultimate dark color scheme...
syntax/conkyrc.vim syntax 346 10490 Conky conkyrc syntax highlighting
bookmarks.vim utility 83 2177 Menu driven bookmarks for gvim
Zopedav ftplugin 15 824 Handles remote editing with WebDAV, including zope
CVSconflict utility 67 2348 CVS conflict resolution using vimdiff
TextMarker utility 12 589 GUI to mark same words in a file using mouse and toolbar buttons, fast and easy
ldap.vim utility 5 1198 Active Directory Email Lookup using Python and LDAP
asmh8300 syntax 5 485 Hitachi H8S, H8/300 assemble language syntax
TailMinusF utility 24 2523 Provides near real-time update of a file in the preview window.
QFixToggle utility 24 1209 Toggle the visibility of the quickfix window
fpc.vim utility 20 1709 "Free Pascal Compiler" compiler plugin.
Chars2HTML utility 28 953 Converting special characters to HTML
cfengine log file highlighting syntax 0 640 Syntax highlighting for cfagent/cfengine log files
syntax/uil.vim syntax 35 1374 Motif/UIL Syntax
cHeaderFinder utility 3 1281 Finds header required by C functions.
syntax/udev.vim syntax 14 1379 Syntax highlighting for udev.rules
charon color scheme 12 1253 Dark colorscheme based on peppers !
SessionMgr utility 20 2466 Simplified session management.
UniCycle utility 86 2381 Unicode character cycler
interfaces syntax 33 854 A syntax file for /etc/network/interfaces
gdbvim utility 41 3736 Watch in gvim what you debug in gdb. And more.
build.vim utility 1 476 A compiler plugin for the Windows CE build command.
jay-syntax syntax 2 633 Syntax highlighting for jay
d.vim indent 6 954 Indent script for the D programming language.
GreedyBackspace.vim utility 26 2481 Make backspace eat multiple whitespace characters
BuildWin utility 11 840 View the output of a build in progress.
py_jump.vim ftplugin 53 1227 Ultimate % command for python!
motus.vim color scheme 30 1954 Dark color scheme based on the popular torte setup. Good for LCD and consoles
fish.vim syntax 19 843 color syntax for fish
Processing Syntax syntax 3 885 Syntax description for Processing .pde files
range-search.vim utility 20 1620 Allows one to perform a search only inside a range
xml.vim ftplugin 413 26393 helps editing xml (and [x]html, sgml, xslt) files
tagSetting.vim utility 0 746 Dynamically set tags option by scanning directory structure
javap.vim utility 18 663 Runs the javap command and displays results in a new buffer
desertedocean.vim color scheme 11 1036 Tan/blue GUI color scheme modified from Desert, akin to OceanDeep, & Zenburn
Zen Color Scheme color scheme 10 2530 Zen color scheme for Vim
DarkZen Color Scheme color scheme 15 2239 DarkZen color scheme for Vim
gnupg-symmetric.vim utility 17 1089 Plugin to transparently work with GPG-symmetric-encrypted (using AES) files.
desertedocean.vim color scheme 20 2383 Tan/blue GUI color scheme modified from Desert, akin to OceanDeep, & Zenburn
understated color scheme 10 2045 cterm and gui defs, for sensitive eyes
impactG color scheme 3 1078 Modification of the original impact colorscheme
DesertedOceanBurnt color scheme 16 1282 A dull, low saturation version of desertedocean
Local configuration utility 62 2286 Use different settings for different directories.
OMNeT++ NED syntax file syntax 5 1173 Syntax file for OMNeT++ NED files
Workspace Manager utility 72 3322 Plugin for managing groups of files
bwTemplate utility 0 602 This script is used to load templates to buffers with different filetypes
vim_colors color scheme 6 3205 4 Vim Themes I use for programming (GUI only)
brsccs.vim utility 37 529 an SCCS browser
bibFindIndex ftplugin 0 1152 Jump to an index in an alphabetically ordered file
Auto-debug your vim utility 0 566 Debug your vim automatically
shorewall.vim syntax 24 995 Shorewall syntax highlighting
carvedwood color scheme 15 2742 A dark (tan/grey) color scheme for scanning Html
avs.vim syntax 35 1057 syntax for avisynth script files (.avs)
jadl.vim syntax 4 504 Syntax highlighting for the JIAC Agent Description Language
openvpn syntax 8 1438 OpenVPN configuration syntax highlighter
softblue color scheme 38 2584 A blue color scheme, low contrast
bufmap.vim utility 15 723 automatically maps buffers to function keys
corn color scheme 8 1130 green + blue + wheat colorscheme
dtdmenu utility 1 1066 DTD menu with skeletons
iptables syntax 73 3720 iptables-save/restore syntax highlighter
CarvedWoodCool color scheme 0 1070 A variation of CarvedWood with a softer blue background
darkerdesert color scheme 7 1646 A darker version of desert scheme, less radiation
selection_eval.vim utility 1 625 Evaluate the statements which you select with visual mode.
cfname utility 44 2454 Shows (or jumps to) the C/C++ prototype of the function the cursor is in
please_remove_me utility 0 1141 [removed]
checksyntax utility 103 10108 Check for syntax errors (r, javascript, php, ruby, tex ...)
textutil.vim utility 70 3416 Vim plugin for editing rtf,rtfd,doc,wordml files.
haml.zip syntax 67 3935 Haml and Sass syntax, indenting, and ftplugin
Dev C++ Scheme color scheme 21 3605 Nice, clear, gentle, professional colorscheme from Dev-C++
HiMtchBrkt utility -32 3337 withdrawn
withdrawn utility 50 1381 withdrawn
Compiler Plugin for msbuild csc utility 19 1190 Build your msbuild file and visual studio .net 2005 csharp projects in vim.
XML Folding utility 66 4670 Folds XML / HTML Tags, CDATA and comments
compiler/python.vim ftplugin 43 3653 compiler plugin for python
winmanager utility 128 14621 A windows style IDE for Vim
xsl-fo syntax 1 771 xsl-fo Syntax
XML Completion ftplugin 15 1885 Completion for XML files
telstar.vim color scheme 7 1199 outer space color scheme for gvim
colors utility 4 966 Functions to manipulate color values (vim7).
AllBuffersToOneWindow.vim utility 6 1482 Bring all remote Vim window buffers together in one Vim window.
MoveLine syntax 12 1135 Moves Lines up or down
Altair OptiStruct Syntax syntax 28 1481 Fixed field formatting (8 field) for Altair OptiStruct
Low-Contrast Color Schemes color scheme 16 3876 Collection of low-contrast color schemes
vera.vim syntax 8 714 Syntax highlighting for Vera
VHDL indent ('93 syntax) indent 234 8754 Revised VHDL indent file
svn_commit ftplugin 5 1057 read in aborted subversion commit log messages
testing syntax -24 465 testing uploads
cecscope utility 26 4291 command and menu driven cscope interface
baycomb color scheme 93 7192 An intuitive Color Scheme (w/ dark & light colors)
VCard syntax syntax 1 1565 Vcard syntax for vcf file.
copypath.vim utility 17 2607 Copy current editing file path to clipboard.
CycleColor utility 47 2382 Cycles through available colorschemes
Grape Color color scheme 2 1092 Light colorscheme
moin.vim syntax 25 2706 Syntax file for MoinMoin wiki text
glark.vim utility 3 2014 a wrapper for the glark command (a grep-like utility)
syntax/m4.vim syntax 2 592 Improved m4.vim
dtd2vim utility 20 2858 Script for creation XML data file for Vim7 XML omni-completion from DTDs
docbook44 utility 4 1583 DocBook 4.4 vim7 xml data file
moria color scheme 625 22617 A color scheme for GUI supposed to be highly readable
Ant utility 0 1409 Ant  vim7 xml data file
netrw.vim : support to ftp explorer ftplugin 2 1093 support to view ftp file list
far color scheme 9 902 FAR internal editor color scheme
bayQua color scheme 5 2010 An offwhite version of the baycomb colorscheme, influenced by TaQua
promela indent 2 671 Promela indent file
lbnf.vim syntax 29 771 LBNF (Labeled Backus Naur Form) syntax file
watermark color scheme 20 1665 a low contrast Color Scheme
Sift color scheme 24 3072 a stark Color Scheme for maximum reading speed/identifiability
vim7-install.sh utility 60 5729 {download + build + install} latest vim7.1 from svn sources in 1 command.
yellow color scheme 4 1383 A yellow-green color scheme
maude.vim syntax 12 1471 Syntax file for the Maude language
Modeliner utility 18 2697 Generates modeline according to the current settings.
Surveyor color scheme 3 854 High contrast colorscheme with dark background
muttrc.vim syntax 61 5532 A syntax file to support the syntax of devel versions of mutt
CmdlineCompl.vim utility 4 1013 Word completion on the command line
cvops-aut.vim syntax 0 582 Syntax for CVOPS automation language
kid.vim syntax 38 1483 Syntax file for the Kid templating language
marklar.vim color scheme 73 4780 Dark colorscheme based on green chalkboard colors
spectro.vim color scheme 7 852 Colorful scheme using HSL colorspace, S and L can be defined globally.
StickyCursor utility 18 752 remembers the cursor position relative to the window
fasm.vim indent 2 831 an indent script for fasm assembler
django.vim syntax 735 15028 Syntax highlighting for Django templates
ScrollColors utility 450 15906 Colorsheme Scroller, Chooser, and Browser
PluginKiller utility 16 2565 Helps plugin writers find trouble-causing options before their users do
jr.vim syntax 21 1014 jr language syntax script
JavaScript syntax syntax 1610 44597 Better JavaScrirpt syntax support
pyte color scheme 2175 29244 A clean, light (nearly white) theme
Sudoku Solver game 25 1921 Plugin for solving Sudoku puzzles
Efficient python folding ftplugin 144 13154 Fold python code nicely and toggle with one keystroke
derefined color scheme 5 1389 A simplistic blue Color Scheme tailored for the 16-color Terminal
initng syntax 8 771 syntax for initng
Align.vim utility 10 971 Map keys ')' and ']' to perform automatic formatting of parentheses content
all colors pack color scheme 36 1799 all colors pack 1.0 There are 223 of them included
rfc2html utility 13 1323 Convert a RFC into HTML easy to browse
delins.vim utility 1 419 easy marking of corrections in a document
slr.vim utility 108 2081 Statusline/Ruler rotation
Vimball utility 263 33656 vim-based archiver: builds, extracts, and previews
Search unFold utility 17 1167 Fold everything except search results
jbase.vim syntax 6 546 Syntax highlighting for jBASE (Pick) Basic
jbase.vim indent 0 477 Indent script for jBASE (Pick) Basic
LargeFile utility 430 21074 Edit large files quickly (keywords: large huge speed)
TabLineSet.vim utility 18 4833 A Vim7 tabline customization
XHTML 1.0 Strict vim7 xml data file utility 5 1135 vim7 xml data file
withdrawn game 2 1424 -
autohi utility 21 1297 highlights words like eclipse
manuscript.vim indent 16 1609 Sets text width and formatting options for manuscript editing
screenpaste.vim utility 23 1797 pastes current GNU screen buffer in (almost) any mode
VimVS6 utility 26 1551 Compile Visual Studio 6 projects and search in MSDN help files using VIM
SwitchExt utility 0 560 Switch between source and header files
VhdlNav utility 14 674 Keeps track of your position in a VHDL file
smcl.vim syntax 4 675 vim syntax file for SMCL files
changelog utility 0 610 Create ChangeLog entry fast
ClassTree utility 7 1576 Display class/interface hierarchy
icalendar.vim syntax 40 4240 Syntax file for icalendar files
OmniCppComplete ftplugin 3412 108948 C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database
maven2.vim utility 72 1413 Compiler plugin for maven2
WinWalker.vim utility 71 3128 Vim 7 windows navigator/manager
cmaxx utility 5 1081 Expands user defined templates for any filetype.
magic.vim syntax 0 735 Syntax highlighting for file's magic
vbnet.vim syntax 181 5048 Syntax highlighting for VB.NET
javaimports.vim utility 0 1182 Inserts all import clauses to your java source file
habiLight color scheme 54 3273 A light color scheme with support of Vim 7 features
comments.vim utility 1085 17831 To Comment/Un-Comment single/multiple lines of code for different source files
FlexWiki syntax highlighting syntax 20 1755 syntax highlighting for FlexWiki wiki
timing.vim utility 1 1026 stopwatch timing of execution time of vim commands and command sequences
[backburner]Edit_Visual_Block.vim utility 1 914 Edit text from Visual Block as if a virtual window.
txt.vim syntax 133 5314 Universal syntax script for all txt docs, logs and other types
amarok.vim utility 24 1152 amaroK integration for vim
vimproject utility 4 1130 A Python script to create nested menus in gvim to open files in a project
TagsParser utility 115 3583 Automatic tagfile updating and tag viewer
remind syntax 39 2579 remind syntax
plugin/backup.vim utility 119 3901 Numbered Backups.
colors/martin_krischik.vim color scheme 54 3250 My own color scheme for all OS I uses.
Highlighter.vim utility 43 1718 Want to mark up your files with a highlighter?
mousefunc option patch utility 0 1278 Patch set to create a mousefunc option
GetChar event patch utility 20 885 Adds a new event intercepting char reads
pythoncomplete ftplugin 1317 54445 Python Omni Completion
Tabline wrapping patch utility 8 860 Allows tabline strings to wrap onto new lines
foxpro.vim syntax 0 486 syntax file for MS Foxpro v2.6 for DOS & UNIX
abolish.vim utility 496 4123 Work with several variants of a word at once
perl_search_lib ftplugin 0 639 update &l:path by tokens from perl "use lib" sentence
compiler/gnat.vim utility 17 1517 Compiler setup for GNAT (inactive, replaced by vimscript#1609)
ftplugin/ada.vim syntax 12 2174 Filetype plugin for Ada (inactive, replaced by vimscript#1609)
bluez color scheme 14 1081 Dark blueish coloscheme for urxvt  (keywords: urxvt cterm 88 color)
jVim utility -2 600 A vim plugin which tries to make vim's keys compatible with other editors.
Simple Color Scheme color scheme 10 1122 Light blue background and simple
ScreenShot utility 92 3656 ScreenShot.vim enables you make screenshot of your VIM session as HTML code.
autoproto.vim utility 44 4001 Auto display function parameter in preview
autoload/adacomplete.vim ftplugin 21 1876 Omni-Competion for Ada (inactive, replaced by vimscript#1609)
CD_Plus utility 8 1997 cd completion accelerator & file browser
xul.vim syntax 0 1233 Support autocompletion (CTRL-XCTRL-U): balises and attributes with XUL files.
Toggle Window Size utility 6 676 Toggle the OS Window size(s) of GVIM
icansee.vim color scheme 27 2405 Custom color scheme for maximum legibility on dark background.
KDE GVIM vimopen utility 21 556 Opens a file in a currently running GVIM instance
Neverness colour scheme color scheme 714 5546 A dark colour scheme
Rainbow Parenthesis Bundle utility 95 8001 Coloured Parenthesis
withdrawn utility 4 1290 -
patchreview.vim utility 45 4867 Plugin for single or multipatch code reviews and workspace change/diff reviews
forth.vim syntax 24 2060 Syntax highlighting for the Forth programming language
ftdetect/ada.vim ftplugin 10 1148 Filetype detection for Ada (inactive, replaced by vimscript#1609)
gtd ftplugin 36 3079 TODO List Plugin and Syntax based-on "Getting Things Done"
rails.vim utility 6421 97527 Ruby on Rails: easy file navigation, enhanced syntax highlighting, and more
abnf syntax 91 781 Initial Augmented BNF syntax script
montz.vim color scheme 151 1201 Port of montz color-theme from Emacs.
redstring.vim color scheme 6 1556 Dark background colorscheme designed for console and Gui.
php.vim syntax 853 54822 PHP Syntax
SQLComplete.vim utility 88 9440 SQLComplete is a SQL code completion system using the omnifunc framework
systemverilog.vim syntax 247 11876 SystemVerilog syntax highlighting
settlemyer.vim color scheme 35 1199 A skyblue/darkgrey/spring green color scheme with a dark background.(screenshot)
findstr.vim utility 25 2176 Using MS-Windows findstr utility to search for text with Vim
crt.vim color scheme 18 1255 A colorscheme in the spirit of old crts. Changeable selection of 20 schemes.
css.vim syntax 12 1406 CSS compiler file
tcl.vim syntax 11 1872 Tcl syntax TEST version
cr-bs-del-space-tab.vim utility 2 959 Use CR-TAB-DEL-SPACE-TAB in Normal Mode like in Insert Mode
FlagIt utility 19 1136 Add some flags to your code
lookupfile utility 782 19945 Lookup files using Vim7 ins-completion
vim-addon-background-cmd utility -1 1887 keep on working while compiling your project
tobase utility 7 1046 Convert from base(2,8,10,16) to base(2-32). Also character to html entity.
Erlang plugin package utility 94 3703 A pre-release of a plugin package for Erlang.
actionscript.vim syntax 42 2612 Syntax file for ActionScript
verilog_systemverilog.vim syntax 1459 25417 Extending Verilog syntax highlighting for SystemVerilog
myghty.vim syntax 7 944 Syntax script for Myghty
ShowFunc utility -3 690 Show/Jump to Function/Class name
skk.vim utility 117 3479 Japanese SKK
unimpaired.vim utility 348 5407 Pairs of handy bracket mappings
octave.vim syntax 39 1644 Another syntax highlighting file for octave
crestore.vim utility 0 603 Save (restore afterwards) the current file before using a quickfix command.
comment.vim utility 8 654 Comment-Uncomment Single/Multiple Files -added Tex file format
showhide.vim utility 90 2081 Show or Hide lines by folding based on pattern
warsow.vim syntax 18 1006 Syntax script for WarSoW player config and HUD files
blacklight color scheme 10 1602 Dark colorscheme. Looks like a black light.
color_toon utility 2 1455 Colorscheme utility.
yanktmp.vim utility 201 2100 enables vim to yank and paste through the multi processes
highlight.vim utility 239 7911 Highlight lines or patterns of interest in different colors
pop11.vim syntax 4 461 Syntax highlighting for Pop-11
Smooth Scroll utility 58 2804 Smooths scrolls the window for various key mappings
developer color scheme 19 1836 clean colorscheme like MSVS 8.0
tcl.vim syntax 216 7067 tcl syntax file
colornames utility 11 1862 Show named colors / cterm colors with hex code and name colorized in a window
gsl.vim syntax 5 759 Syntax file for gsl templates
HelpWords utility 5 1228 search vimhelp for paragraphs containing given words(substrings) in any order
color_peruse utility 7 1208 Peruse, compare, choose color schemes
Chrome syntax script syntax 0 442 Syntax script for RemObjects Software's Chrome compiler
Ada Bundle ftplugin 959 8128 Complete Ada-Mode (https://github.com/krischik/Ada-Bundle)
IncRoman.vim utility 1 1223 Cope with Roman numbers
Access SQL Syntax file syntax 3 903 full access syntax highlighting
vj color scheme 25 1255 color scheme
phps syntax 3 582 colors like .phps
Satori Color Scheme color scheme 46 4225 Satori is an elegant and clean color scheme for Vim
SWIG syntax syntax 54 1561 Syntax file for SWIG
tdl.vim syntax 0 399 Vim syntax file for the TreeDL 2.3 language
afterimage.vim utility 87 3259 Edit PNG and GIF icons by converting them to XPM
cshelper utility 5 800 Highlights the highlighting groups of the colorscheme you are editing.
vimtips_with_comments utility 4 955 a package of all tips from vim's homesite with all comments
scvim utility 13 1050 syntax highlighing, interaction and help/class def lookup for Supercollider
phpx color scheme 4 1194 Like phps colorscheme, similar to php net. Light background. Xterm capability.
TIMEIT utility 6 1180 Time execution of vim command(s) with subsecond resolution
phpfolding.vim utility 164 9647 Automatic folding of PHP functions, classes,.. (also folds related PhpDoc)
pastie.vim utility 215 7099 Interface with pastie.org; read and create pastes
x12 syntax syntax 6 816 Highlighter for X12 EDI(electronic data interchange) files
liquid.vim syntax 4 1191 Vim syntax file for Liquid Templates
doriath.vim color scheme 11 1647 a nice mellow dark green scheme
findfuncname.vim utility 24 2056 Find the name of the function you are editing
XChat IRC Log syntax 6 631 Syntax highlighting for X-Chat IRC log files
netdict utility 0 75 A frontend to the Unix dict protocol command-line client.
gnuchangelog utility 11 1681 Changelog support like Emacs/GNU
sh.vim indent 26 3454 Indent script for sh/bash
svncommand-tng utility 27 1648 Subversion (svn) Integration Plugin, the next generation (tng)
matlab_run.vim ftplugin 7 1057 Run matlab script using Python for Windows users
candycode.vim color scheme 122 5313 A colorful dark scheme with bright pastel colors
JDL syntax file syntax 3 596 Syntax highlighting for .jdl files (Job Description Language)
myfold.vim utility 0 608 make it easy to open/close fold and foldcolumn
SourceCodeObedience ftplugin 248 8060 Browse source code easily with cscope, ctags and marks system
MultiTabs utility 4 1237 Open N files, each one in his own tab, like this:  :NTAB file1 file2 ... fileN
cpp.vim syntax 221 14016 Extends C++ syntax highlighting to STL classes and method names
AfterColors.vim utility 49 2529 Provides support for after/colors/ scripts
zzsplash utility 2 944 Show Vim splash screen even when started with a filename argument
SuperTab utility 2950 94588 Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab.
switch_headers.vim utility 2 821 Simple switching between corresponding .h/.hpp and .c/.cpp files
tikiwiki.vim syntax 5 840 TikiWiki syntax highlighting
str2numchar.vim utility 0 1213 String convert to Numeric Character Reference
addexecmod.vim utility 16 703 add execute permission automatically at saving file
ASL syntax 11 717 ACPI syntax language
scrollfix utility 25 1213 keep cursor at fixed visual line of window
asmx86_64 syntax 21 2323 Syntax highlighting for x86_64 asm including gcc preprocessor
freya color scheme 173 11470 A dark color scheme with warm colors
highlight_current_line.vim utility 41 3143 Highlights CurrentLine
proe.vim syntax 1 448 Pro/Engineer *.pro syntax
git.zip ftplugin 89 3306 Git runtime files
cobol.zip indent 29 3553 COBOL indent plugin:  Understands COBOL's awkward use of columns
quilt utility 25 3819 Enable quilt usage in vim
doxygenerator utility 139 816 Aotomatically generates Doxygen style documentation template for C functions
The NERD tree utility 9154 254440 A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem
dw_colors color scheme 1774 7738 Set of black color schemes with some highlight variations
mint color scheme 4 990 dark background (gui only)
redocommand utility 16 2916 Execute commands from the command history.
rubycomplete.vim utility 136 7185 ruby omni-completion
asm8051.vim syntax 8 873 Syntax for 8051 Assembly (some IAR specifics)
buftabs utility 369 11405 Minimalistic buffer tabs saving screen space
tavi.vim syntax 8 549 Syntax highlighting for the WikkiTikkiTavi ('Tavi) wiki engine
Alternate workspace utility 24 1109 Switch or watch diff between alternate files from child and parent workspaces
campfire color scheme 14 1631 A feel good colorscheme
blink color scheme 1 1719 Minimal colorscheme.
Deleted utility 38 1936 Deleted
doorhinge.vim color scheme 13 1152 light blue theme with orange highlights
darktango.vim color scheme 41 4125 Tango based color scheme
blueprint.vim color scheme 17 1430 A color theme inspired by blueprint
pdf.vim syntax 22 1361 PDF Syntax Highlighting
Drupal 5.0 function dictionary syntax 6 1196 Drupal 5.0 function name dictionary for Ctrl-X Ctrl-K completition
toggle_words.vim utility 35 3064 toggle words like:'true'=>'false', 'True'=>'False' etc
twilight color scheme 261 25821 A clone of Textmates twilight scheme
Tab Name utility 69 1775 Set name for your tab-pages.
tidy compiler script utility -345 824 compiler script for tidy
Vexorian color scheme color scheme 1 845 initial release
ekvoli color scheme 59 3087 Different shades of blue (colour scheme)
IndexedSearch utility 174 8780 shows  'Nth match out of M'  at every search (index of match+total # matches)
Darcs utility 16 1110 basic Darcs support for vim
DNA sequence highlighter syntax 4 521 Highlight DNA and RNA sequences
plaintex.vim ftplugin 6 1706 Support files for editing plain TeX documents
Tango colour scheme color scheme 105 5973 Colour scheme using the Tango Desktop project palette
jdox utility 10 513 generates javadoc compatibile comments for c++ function definitions
MakeInBuilddir utility 1 944 runs :make for projects where build and source directories are separated
mail_indenter utility 61 690 pretty indentation for e-mail replying
IndentConsistencyCop utility 39 5299 Is the buffer's indentation consistent and does it conform to tab settings?
IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds utility 14 3281 autocmds for IndentConsistencyCop.vim
tailtab.vim utility 5 2015 View log files getting updated automagically
desertEx color scheme 140 5452 A desert based scheme with enhanced colors.
SnippetsMgr utility 36 1735 This script helps to work with code snippets.
StateExp utility 32 1294 Ease writing code by expanding statements.
VPars utility 17 1465 Parameter substitution functions to be used in text fragments
surround.vim utility 4170 56350 Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
C_Epita syntax 11 723 Usefull for EPITA students
vimGTD ftplugin 55 1750 frontend to PyGTD todo list manager
vimksh utility 1 529 Using MSWin Vim with MSWin SFU 3.5
Remove Trailing Spaces utility 28 1287 removes the trailing space from the file
edc support ftplugin 46 2485 Syntax/indent for edc files
vdb.vim utility 57 3074 Vim becomes an integrated debugger for any language with a text based debugger
vdb-duplicated utility 0 604 Interrupted upload duplication, do not download
redcode.vim syntax 27 822 Redcode '88 '94 and Pspace syntax for Corewars
Marks Browser utility 71 4412 A graphical marks browser
php_getset.vim ftplugin 26 1048 Automatically add getter/setters for PHP4 properties
fencview.vim utility 721 20735 Auto detect CJK and Unicode file encodings.
scons.vim syntax 59 2283 Syntax file for SConscript/SConstruct
SWIFT-ATE Syntax syntax 3 589 SWIFT ATE files highlighting
Business Objects Syntax syntax 4 471 Highlighting for Business Objects formulas
Test::Base syntax syntax 0 713 Test::Base spec syntax hilighting
darker-robin color scheme 2 1063 Dark color scheme, based on robinhood
Tail Bundle utility 66 8408 Yet another tail -f plugin
tcl_snit.vim syntax 14 1251 syntax coloring for snit, extends tcl.vim
tcl_sqlite.vim syntax 12 983 syntax coloring for sqlite inside tcl, extends tcl.vim
tcl.vim indent 87 3564 indentation file for tcl
tabula.vim color scheme 98 4355 ergonomic green chalkboard colorscheme for GUI and 256 colors xterms
WLS Mode ftplugin 17 850 Complete Bea-Weblogic-Mode as tar.bz2
gvimext.dll: support tabs under VIM 7 utility 170 2623 Support loading files into a VIM tab
renamer.vim utility 523 5984 Use the power of vim to rename groups of files
cf.vim syntax 81 2824 Syntax file for ColdFusion
vimpager utility 400 15160 Use ViM as PAGER
pyljvim utility 93 906 pyljvim - LiveJournal Plugin for VIM.
capslock.vim utility 47 2427 Software Caps Lock
ruby_imaps ftplugin -290 2604 Textmate like Ruby snippets for Vim
Templeet syntax 13 680 Syntax file for templeet
sal syntax syntax 0 553 syntax file for the SAL modeling language
exUtility utility 29 3074 Global search,symbol search,tag track...(Like IDE/Source Insight)
tAssert utility 2 2271 Simple assertions, poor man's contracts for vim script
perlcritic compiler script utility 42 1702 Compiler file for the perlcritic syntax checker
rdark color scheme 176 7679 A dark colorscheme for the GUI
aedit utility 33 2871 Advanced Edit
vbugle syntax 3 624 Highlight possibe security bugs
echofunc.vim utility 275 23571 Echo the function declaration in the command line for C/C++.
applescript.vim syntax 33 2130 Syntax highlighting for AppleScript
gnuplot.vim syntax 38 2471 Syntax highlighting for Gnuplot
RunVim.applescript utility 4 686 AppleScript to launch vim w/in Terminal (Mac OS X)
Info.plist utility 4 997 Mac OS X Property List for file type bindings to vim
filetype.vim ftplugin 0 835 Maps *.applescript, *.as to applescript, *.plt to gnuplot
R-MacOSX ftplugin 10 1524 Evaluate R (www.r-project.org) code from Vim in Mac OS X.
Utility utility 23 797 Vertical Copy
vst_with_syn utility 3 832 combine of Mikolaj Machowski's VST and Estienne Swart's rest.vim
nightflight.vim color scheme 5 1046 Yet another dark color scheme; dedicated to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
amifmt.vim syntax 0 712 Syntax for AmiFormat
compiler/flex.vim utility 11 1679 Compiler plugin for Adobe Flex 2 compiler
javascript.vim syntax 2 931 javascript highlight
toggle_word.vim utility 22 1518 toggles words, ie. turn on into off, true into false, etc.
GotoFileArg.vim utility 0 404 Jump right to file in arg list by name, substr, regex
kib_darktango.vim color scheme 8 1605 A color scheme based on DarkTango specially for Python editing
tGpg utility 14 2809 Yet another plugin for encrypting files with gpg
kib_plastic color scheme 12 856 My second theme for Python editing.
surrparen syntax 15 992 Hilights a pair of parens/braces that surround the cursor
TTrCodeAssistor utility 23 2269 Accelerate your inputing during coding,with auto-complete the function prototype
sparql.vim syntax 6 689 Syntax file for SPARQL query language for RDF
BinarySearchMove game 4 601 implements a binary search algorithm to a cursor movement
lbdbq utility 21 1867 query lbdb from Vim
kate.vim color scheme 13 2307 Kate Color Scheme
conlangs utility 1 663 Esperanto text typing plugin
lojban ftplugin 17 1140 Lojban language support plugin
surrogat utility 1 915 Surrogate alphabets handling plugin
aspnetcs syntax 39 902 Syntax highlighting for ASP.NET C# files
lua-support utility 179 5478 Lua-IDE -- Write and run Lua-scripts using menus and hotkeys
code_complete utility 1650 23475 function parameter complete, code snippets, and much more.
tcl_itcl.vim syntax 62 1070 syntax coloring for itcl, extends tcl.vim.
tcl_togl.vim syntax 88 868 syntax coloring for togl. extends tcl.vim
recent.vim utility 124 1595 Quick access to recently written files
SnipSnap syntax 24 896 Filetype and Syntax SnipSnap Wiki.
lispcomplete.vim utility 9 638 SLIME-like compound completion for Lisp
etk-vim-syntax syntax 9 602 Syntax highlighting for Etk Enlightenment Toolkit
woc utility 36 1336 A vim WoC browser. It enables hyperlinks for sources and ASCII texts.
DAMOS tools utility -1 1370 syntax-, indent- and ftplugins for files to use with DAMOS application tool
Haml syntax 166 5646 Haml syntax highlight
Menu_SQL_Templates.vim utility 3 726 SQL code templates in VIM Menu
tcl_critcl.vim syntax 4 1124 syntax coloring for critcl. extend tcl.vim
Vimgrep Replace utility 5 2234 Use vimgrep to do search and replace
cvsdiff utility 5 796 a simple shell script that invoking vimdiff to compare CVS file
Wombat color scheme 1228 32069 Dark gray color scheme sharing some similarities with Desert
tcmdbar.vim utility 53 2644 Script for use with Total Commander's button bar
scala.vim color scheme 201 4422 syntaxic coloration for Scala code
mlint.vim ftplugin 11 760 Matlab code checker (mlint) compiler file
polycl.vim syntax 0 863 Polyhedra CL syntax
cscope wrapper utility 56 2076 make gvim(WIN32) + cscope(Cygwin) work together
apachestyle indent 21 1754 Simple indent for apache config files
javacomplete ftplugin 729 29786 Omni Completion for JAVA
hexsearch.vim utility 8 1193 search with a hexadecimal string
wikipedia.vim syntax 49 4503 Syntax highlighting for MediaWiki articles
Bexec utility 62 3902 Execute script in buffer and display output in buffer.
Audacious Control utility 36 1057 A simple plug-in which let you control your Audacious right within Vim
tagscan utility 6 1482 Tag your file for better search requisite place
erm.vim syntax 11 983 Syntax highlight for ERM
fcsh tools utility 18 1347 you can compile .as and .mxml files from vim via fcsh : Flex Comipler SHell
vibrantink color scheme 131 9553 A Vim port of Justin Palmer's VibrantInk theme for TextMate
autoloadTemplate.vim utility 7 804 load the template according the filetype while editing a new file
SETL2 syntax 0 586 Syntax file for SETL2 sources
svnvimdiff utility 122 5743 svn diff + vimdiff
smarty.vim syntax 41 3317 smarty syntax file
polycfg.vim syntax 0 607 Polyhedra configuration syntax
IndentHL syntax 9 1671 Color each indent level in different colors.
c16gui color scheme -3 953 A default-looking GUI color scheme of the 16 colors
eclipse.vim color scheme 62 9336 Eclipse like color scheme
compview utility 65 1998 Creates an interactive search window
brief2 utility 1 586 Brief emulation
SearchFold utility 12 883 Search a file by folding non-matching lines with optional context.
MultiEnc.vim utility 5 1870 Autodetect multiple encodings (more than 'fileencodings')
calmar256-{light,dark}.vim color scheme 67 4328 256 color-scheme for a capable terminal
Vimplate Enhanced utility 78 1299 Vimplate template system for vim 7.0 (supports C/C++/Cpp, Perl, make, LaTeX)
guicolorscheme.vim utility 167 11739 auto convert gui-only colorschemes to 88/256 color terminal schemes
Infobasic Set (Syntax, FTDetect, FTPlugi syntax 6 842 It allows work with infobasic scripts, for jbase programming and Globus/T24 App.
Random Tip Displayer utility 15 1040 display random of "Best Vim tips"
gotofile utility -1 587 gf replacement by using the tags file
greplace.vim utility 176 3603 Replace a pattern across multiple files interactively
sqlvim.sh utility 7 661 Run Oracle SQL*Plus commands from vim
Windows PowerShell Indent File indent -205 3496 [Obsolete] Simple indenting rules for Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell File Type Plugin ftplugin -246 3421 [Obsolete] Simple ftplugin for use with Windows PowerShell
buffers_search_and_replace utility 32 2663 Simple but powerful buffer(s) search & replace tool
Yankcode utility 1 844 Paste syntax code to webpage quickly
vimbuddy.vim utility 16 585 Vimbuddy (update): An absolutely unuseful little thing
NAnt completion ftplugin 0 769 XML omni-completion data for NAnt build files
NAnt syntax syntax 0 624 Highlighting for nant build files
incfilesearch.vim utility 8 494 Incremental search for files to edit using glob
NetSend.vim utility 22 1431 NetSend.vim: Plugin for sending messages using MS net send
withdrawn ftplugin 0 1130 withdrawn
Hints for C Library Functions ftplugin 17 1721 while typing a C function, a prototype is shown (man2 based)
Hints for C Library Functions ftplugin 40 2890 while typing a C function, a prototype is shown (man3 based)
smp color scheme -14 1152 You will never bored, bcoz its simple
writebackup utility 82 5247 Write backups of current file with date file extension.
writebackupVersionControl utility 44 5650 Version control functions (diff, restore, history) for writebackup backups.
html improved indentation indent 63 4102 A better indentation for HTML and embedded javascript
VimSpy utility 109 976 VimSpy enables you to browse through all Vim internal entities.
asciidoc.vim syntax 17 1330 Syntax file for Asciidoc
des3.vim utility 16 942 Edit DES3 encrypted files and turn Vim into a simple password safe.
st.vim syntax 21 1355 Syntax highlighting for Smalltalk
RDF Namespace-complete utility -1 2004 RDF Vocabulary/Model Omni-Completion for Vim 7+
bufpos utility 40 1942 switch buffer with Alt-<number>
BlitzBasic syntax and indentation indent 4 502 Syntax highlighting and indentation for BlitzBasic.
tEchoPair utility 2 1091 Display the matching parenthesis/pair in the echo area
IndentAnything indent 62 6913 Write indentations or enhance existing indentations without writing code
Javascript Indentation indent 154 11543 Indentation for Javascript
nicotine.vim color scheme 6 1063 Light and simple color scheme for Gvim
screenplay ftplugin 58 1047 A filetype plugin to enable easy screenplay writing
jman.vim ftplugin -6 570 Initial upload
OceanBlack256 color scheme 14 1784 OceanBlack color scheme for a 256 color terminal.
haproxy syntax 27 1839 syntax for haproxy
gitdiff.vim utility 18 2809 show git diff in a split window
NesC Syntax Highlighting syntax 156 3731 The Syntax Highlighting for NesC Files
arpalert syntax 8 973 arpalert syntax file
AutoClose utility 1429 26106 Inserts matching bracket, paren, brace or quote
carrot.vim color scheme 24 1565 My color scheme based on "PeachPuff" color scheme
SearchSyntaxError utility 5 986 search for the next syntax error detected by the vim highlighting mechanism
clarity.vim color scheme 42 2650 Yet another color scheme with a dark blue background
Twitter utility 240 4068 A simple client for Twitter
Xdebugx\'s dictionary of functions ftplugin 79 571 This is simply  dictionary of Xdebug2 functions
textmate16.vim color scheme 1 1888 Textmate like colors for 16 color xterm.
Jinja syntax 209 16385 adds jinja highlighting support to vim
native.vim color scheme 24 2210 dark greenish theme for vim.
mako.vim syntax 126 5688 Adds mako support to vim
eZVim utility 1 617 eZVim adds some features to vim for eZ Publish CMS
Directory-specific settings utility 32 1396 Easily have settings that apply only to files under a given directory
errormarker.vim utility 209 6669 Highlights and sets error markers for lines with compile errors
kpl.vim syntax 21 731 KPL (A Kernel Programming Language) syntax file
tlib utility 918 22421 Some utility functions
tmru utility 12 4938 Most Recently Used Files
tselectfiles utility 884 4347 A quick file selector/browser/explorer (sort of)
tselectbuffer utility 881 4103 A quick buffer selector/switcher
doctest syntax syntax 19 821 Highlighting for Python doctest files
simplefold utility 78 2210 space-optimized, configurable folds, supports Ruby, Ocaml, Perl, PHP, Java...
genshi.vim syntax 5 1110 Adds support for Genshi HTMl Templates to vim
django.vim color scheme 17 2724 colorscheme in the colors of the django webpage
fruity.vim color scheme 79 3473 Dark Colorscheme with advanced color informations for several languages
summerfruit.vim color scheme 51 2476 Light version of fruity.vim
projtags.vim utility 24 3798 Set tags file for per project
psql.vim indent 2 838 initial upload
verilog_emacsauto.vim ftplugin 143 4813 verilog filetype plugin to enable emacs verilog-mode autos
securemodelines utility 114 3367 Secure, user-configurable modeline support
voodu.vim utility 5 477 Framework for implementing Object Oriented Programming with Vim Scripts
vimoutliner-colorscheme-fix syntax 63 1162 Allows VimOutliner files to work with *any* colorscheme.
AutoComplPop utility 4540 78139 Automatically opens popup menu for completions
ck.vim syntax 109 1086 ChucK Audio Programming Language Syntax
svndiff utility 127 5932 Shows colored signs in buffer indicating diff with original svn/git file,
Increment and Decrement number utility -19 676 Increment or decrement the number which is under your cursor
felix.vim syntax 8 422 Felix language syntax highlighting
python_import.vim ftplugin 8 967 automatically remove unused imports and clean up the rest
scmCloseParens utility 12 514 Lets you easily close all open parens up to the cursor line.
nginx.vim syntax 801 55431 initial version
AnyPrinter utility 5 501 Lets you insert a print statement quickly in any language
DiffGoFile utility 11 929 Jump to file from diff output
automated-rafb.net uploader plugin utility 7 498 only works on Windows, uploads current file in rafb.net
LustyExplorer utility 662 16333 Dynamic filesystem and buffer explorer
vividchalk.vim color scheme 359 21725 A colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X editor
CimpTabulate.vim utility 22 532 Utility script for case tabulation in C/C++
vmake utility 20 812 Use quickfix with external make
Vim Setup system utility 8 946 Vim Setup system - persistent setup directly in vim
gmcs.vim utility 35 1520 Mono C# compiler profile
ragtag.vim utility 190 8393 A set of mappings for HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, eRuby, JSP, and more (formerly allml)
synic.vim color scheme 115 5744 A pastel and high contrast colorscheme
vcsnursery utility 42 2501 Additional backends for vcscommand
FindFile utility 131 4129 Open file quickly by using autocomplete
ael.vim syntax 152 3385 Syntax for Asterisk Extension Language (AEL)
freefem.vim syntax 27 1470 FreeFEM++ Syntax File
skill_comment.vim ftplugin 8 1142 After pair of brackets auto-add starting keyword in the comment
:REPL utility -4 1010 Prompt-driven replace(substitute) for console vim, also in multiple files.
ReloadScript utility 17 3328 Reload a Vim script during script development.
camelcasemotion utility 269 8986 Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation.
tmboxbrowser utility 1 2899 A mbox browser -- Read your e-mails with vim
snipper syntax 14 1287 snippets script for vim (like textmate or scribes have)
creole.vim syntax 7 829 creole.vim is a syntax file for the creole wiki markup standard.
QuickBuf utility 257 5858 Very small, clean but quick and powerful buffer manager!
SuperPre syntax 1 1671 syntax for the text that contains several programming language
in.vim syntax 6 474 Syntax file for Silvaco/Simucad Atlas and Athena input files
perlhelp.vim utility 18 2578 Interface to perldoc
phphaxor color scheme 7 524 Dark colorscheme made for highlighting PHP especially in between HTML/JS
tbibtools utility 1 2756 bibtex-related utilities (sort, reformat, list contents ...)
vdm.vim syntax 18 964 Syntax file for VDM-SL
mySqlGenQueryMenu.vim utility 0 550 Generates vim menu from sql queries files (python required)
Scheme Mode ftplugin 13 847 As many useful commands and functions for Scheme as possible
clibs.vim syntax 22 1396 Syntax highlighting for C library functions and constants
cvsps syntax syntax 0 741 Syntax highlight for cvsps files
javalog.vim syntax 1 701 syntax highlighting for default java.util.logging output
ChocolatePapaya color scheme 12 1619 low contrast scheme, light or dark
vpp.vim syntax 11 920 Syntax file for VDM++
omniperl ftplugin 22 2007 omnicompletion for the perl language
context complier plugin utility 12 882 complier for context
bbs.vim syntax 0 1077 Syntax highlighting plugin for SMTH BBS
syntax/algol68.vim syntax 17 1152 Syntax for Algol68
Rename utility 365 8924 Rename a buffer within Vim and on disk
DBGp client utility 516 19335 a remote debugger interface to the DBGp protocol (tested only with XDebug/PHP)
maxscript.vim syntax 16 605 Syntax highlighting for MAXScript 8.0
svndiff.vim utility 23 1023 vim plugin to for visual display of svn diffs in two vim windows
visSum.vim utility 79 2526 Computes sum of selected numbers
html_french ftplugin 5 1551 view html entities as accented characters for French
git-commit ftplugin 36 1808 see your commit diff with git
rectcut utility 177 741 Rectangle Copy
OOP javascript indentation indent 243 6651 This indentation script for OOP javascript (especially for EXTJS)
Syntax for XUL syntax 92 1591 Highlighting for XML User interface Language.
todo.vim syntax 244 2145 Syntax highlighting for simple to do lists.
autofmt utility 50 3756 text formatting plugin
drools.vim syntax 21 1006 Syntax highlighting for DROOLS Rules Sets.
fx.vim syntax 22 1324 JavaFX Script syntax
stingray color scheme -4 1121 blue gray colorscheme
JSON.vim syntax 209 15292 A syntax highlighting file for JSON
QuickFixFilterUtil utility -1 999 filter matched files in the quickfix window manually/ drop .svn .hg _darcs
outline utility 0 1297 Create your own custom view of the file based on regex
Dictionary utility -1 737 English Dictionary
nothing utility 0 0 no use
VimExplorer utility 456 12724 VE - the File Manager within Vim!
gvim-pdfsync utility 8 1255 Open file in OS X Vim at a specific line. Good for PDFSync inverse searches.
systemverilog.vim syntax 75 4641 Syntax for SystemVerilog
Vimpress utility 244 4102 Manage wordpress blog posts from Vim
yavdb utility 44 2001 Yet Another (Generic) Vim Debugger Integration
doxygen-support utility 68 7455 Generate Doxygen comments from user defined templates
smart_cr utility 6 644 Inserting snippets in new line
yasnippets utility 54 1619 Yet another plugin for snippets and file skeletons
SmartX utility 3 881 Smart deletion of \X escapes with the x/X/Backspace/Delete keys
CharSort utility 0 897 Functions and mappings to sort the characters in a string
cimpl utility 31 1000 Generates implimentations for C/C++ function prototypes
Tabmerge utility 52 2691 Merge a tab's windows with the current tab
Simple256 color scheme 6 1008 Simple color scheme for using with light background
vimscript coding aids utility 5 1247 some coding aids for writing vim scripts
tie.vim syntax 9 697 Vim syntax file for Tensilica Xtensa TIE extension language
lodgeit.vim utility 203 3297 pastes code to paste.pocoo.org
Ruby Snippets utility 39 3191 Some abbreviations to use with Ruby
gvim extensions for TAL/pTAL utility 31 529 Support for TAL/pTAL source files with syntax highlighting and tags
indent/haskell.vim indent 67 5000 Haskell indent file
Highlight and Mark Lines utility 1 497 Highlights and Marks lines (up to 3) and allows moving between them.
deb.vim utility 33 2658 browse debian package
trivial256 color scheme 0 863 trivial color scheme for terminals
Parameter Helpers utility -1 613 [Programming] Useful functions for handling parameters in function calls
JET_toggle utility 17 518 Dynamically add sets of commands to toggle between with a hotkey
pyconsole_vim.vim utility 8 1014 PyConsole - embedded console session in windows Vim
lettuce.vim color scheme 120 3775 highly detalized dark scheme for gui and 256 color terminal
rcscript syntax 4 435 RcScript syntax file
rcscript indent 0 431 RcScript indent file
Easy alignment to column utility 7 1203 Quickly align a word to a predefined column
Sass syntax 37 2847 Sass syntax highlight
vimremote.sh utility 1 593 script to use gvim from IDE
halfmove utility 0 455 Move the cursor half way up or down the screen
vimff utility 1 435 Connection between common-lisp and vim.
GtagsClient utility 12 1275 A client for Google Gtags
FuzzyFinder utility 1948 44325 buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer with fuzzy matching
runtests.vim utility 93 834 Automatically generate, manage, and run test files for perl source.
mosalisp.vim game 60 3168 lisp interpreter
khaki.vim color scheme 17 1870 A light colorscheme optimized for gui and 256 color terminals.
two2tango color scheme 30 2095 Colorscheme based upon Tango palette
gitvimdiff utility 47 2866 Script to show git diffs in vimdiff format
kwiki.vim syntax 0 750 Syntax highlighting for kwiki files
Shell History utility 0 536 Autocomplete based upon bash_history
triangle.vim syntax 1 705 Syntax highlighting for triangle source files
NightVision color scheme 8 1248 Color scheme with dark background
confluencewiki.vim syntax 101 3322 Confluence WIKI syntax
railscasts color scheme 89 6822 Railscasts TextMate theme for Vim (GUI Only)
bruce.vim utility 7 622 annoy people who spy on your emails
undo_tags utility 39 2099 small utility that lets you tag undo branches
iast.vim utility 0 409 Vim Keymap file for translitteration of pāli and sanskrit with IAST mapping
sas.vim syntax 30 1813 SAS syntax file
blinking_cursor utility 2 770 Makes the cursor blink in x terms when the user is in insert mode
lookup.vim utility 12 2234 Lookup dictionary meaning of a word (and thesaurus too)
python_ifold utility 370 7428 Improved version of python_fold. Uses folding expression for python code.
gobgen utility 24 2083 GObject skeleton generator
ColorSchemeMenuMaker color scheme 101 3703 Auto-generates menu containing your colorschemes (keywords: color scheme menu)
karma.vim utility 5 1790 For given karma print how users possibly voted
progressbar widget game 619 1183 pimp your plugins
greplist.vim utility 0 896 vimgrep location list manager
buffer-status-menu.vim utility 4 561 Add modified/current status to Buffers menu
AutoClose utility 447 9754 Auto close pair of characters
sessionman.vim utility 375 8564 Vim session manager
dbext4rdb utility 0 500 dbext 506 with added capabilities for Rdb
openssl.vim utility 520 4604 Turn Vim into a Password Safe and edit openssl encrypted files
DrillCtg utility 49 1155 Allows fast drill-down search across the pathnames in your ctags file
ttoc utility 880 4229 A regexp-based table of contents of the current buffer
cheat.vim utility 10 1215 Vim wrapper for cheat (http://cheat.errtheblog.com) utility.
no_quarter color scheme 29 2435 Colorfully scheme with an nice dark gray background and low contrast
tregisters utility 892 2005 List, edit, and run/execute registers/clipboards
ttags utility 898 4568 Tag list browser (List, filter, preview, jump to tags)
3DGlasses.vim color scheme 12 3426 Dark blue scheme with parallax effect
Gettext PO file compiler utility 3 852 This is a compiler for gettext files (*.po)
headerguard utility 25 2129 Add header guards to C/C++ header files
Tailf utility 21 949 Tails a log file continuously, like using 'tail -f'
erlang indent file indent 36 2618 Erlang indent file
brew.vim syntax 6 995 Syntax highlighting for a templating system in R
camlanot.vim ftplugin 8 1059 Ocaml support for type annotation files, included support for ocamlbuild
motion.vim utility 16 694 motion text in command mode
taskpaper.vim ftplugin 546 8688 TaskPaper to-do list format support
MarkLines utility 34 1873 Toggle highlighting on important lines
4NT Bundle ftplugin 20 1361 btm (Batch to Memory - 4NT, TakeCommand Script) filetype bundle
vimblog.vim utility 206 2332 blogging from vim ruby script
makeprgs utility 15 837 Set makeprg and compiler type based on globbed files
swap parameters utility 64 2186 swap parameters of a function (requires python)
trag utility 7 5493 A language-aware source code scanner (with support for git grep, ack, ag, sift)
colorful256.vim color scheme 29 1570 initial upload
F6_Comment (old) utility 0 604 Auto commenting that accepts Visual range
F6_Comment utility 14 1277 Auto commenting that accepts Visual range
hookcursormoved utility 8 4069 Facilitate definition of triggers on CursorMoved[I] events
narrow_region utility 2 998 hide certain lines of a buffer
QuickComment utility 10 852 comment/uncomment utility
tcalc utility 4 4280 A small ruby-based RPN-calculator
AutoScrollMode utility 1 802 script to let vim auto scroll text for you
of.vim utility 74 1442 Switch between open files / Find files by parital name (Similar to TM's Cmd-T)
VimPdb utility 74 4312 Integrated Python debugging within Vim
myvim.vim utility 13 737 useful functions
mips.vim syntax 121 3084 Your standard MIPS syntax highlighting
nosql.vim syntax 1 979 Provides syntax highlighting for NoSQL tables, or any tab-separated (TSV) tables
BlockDiff utility 45 2065 Difference between two blocks (functions etc...)
vim++ utility 4 668 Object-oriented programming for vim scripts in C++ style.
LustyJuggler utility 154 8374 Switch very quickly among your active buffers
enscript-highlight syntax 0 488 EnScript Syntax HighLighting
idlang.vim syntax 10 1203 Vim syntax file for IDL 7.0
asmc54xx syntax 0 391 TI DSP Assembler for the C54xx family
TranslateIt utility 4 1326 Translate a word under cursor using custom dictionary utility
ttagecho utility 2 2590 Show current tag information
please remove me utility 4 999 please remove me
soso.vim color scheme 26 1514 Color scheme with light-gray background that supports Vim7 highlight groups
PropBank Semantic Role Annotations syntax 1 389 Syntax highlighting for PropBank Semantic Role Annotations
matchparen++ utility 44 2348 Improvement over standard matchparen plugin
winwkspaceexplorer utility 281 1722 IDE like Project explorer ( plugin for winmanager )
Warm grey color scheme 21 2753 A monochromish, light slightly warm theme
haskell.vim syntax 86 3557 Syntax file for Haskell
coq syntax syntax 44 3115 syntax colouring for coq files
(x)emacs mouse drag-copy utility 16 1413 (x)emacs style quick copy and paste
checksum.vim utility 1 1106 Compute checksums on files or lines
executevimscript utility 0 510 Execute selected vimscript lines
newlisp syntax 31 6293 newLISP syntax file
yate utility 84 4546 This plugin makes search in tags more convenient.
ttagcomplete utility 0 1427 Context-sensitive tags-based completion and code skeletons
bbcode utility 5 1547 bbcode syntax and code templates
yet another svn script utility -3 1083 makes svn add /commit much easier from vim
switch files utility -5 997 switch between .c and .h files or different path and same filename easily
rcg_gui color scheme 5 857 A dark background color scheme for GUI
rcg_term color scheme 5 873 A dark background color scheme for Terminal
indent/html.vim indent 93 13040 alternative html indent script
setsyntax utility 0 1653 Set options specific for the syntax group under cursor
phtml.vim syntax 18 1600 A syntax file to php templates.
industrial color scheme 9 1206 A Darkgrey with blue and green colorscheme.
Coq indent indent 5 1797 Indentation for coq files
autoresize.vim utility 3 1044 Automatically Resizing Splitted Current Window Size Larger.
mysqlquery utility 2 977 Simple and Easy to use utility for executing MySQL queries
comments.vim utility 21 1411 Simple, flexible commenting script
javascript.vim syntax 14 1488 powerful javascript syntax
gen_vimoptrc.vim utility 1 781 Generate vim option configuration file from option-window.
TI-Basic Syntax syntax 12 846 Syntax for TI-99/4+ Basic and Extended Basic
code-snippet utility 33 2192 Simple input assistance of code snippets
refactor utility 74 4232 C/C++ refactoring tool
WuYe color scheme 87 2239 A dark background color scheme
Acpp utility -1 672 Does a better job than A script
view_diff utility 17 1231 view diff file in an eaiser way by vimdiff
verilog.vim indent 50 4979 Verilog HDL/SystemVerilog HDVL indent file
reloaded.vim color scheme 11 2477 Simplified Matrix theme for console/gui
complval.vim utility 5 1129 complete a variable's value after :let in the command line
Puppet Syntax Highlighting syntax 701 5997 Syntax Highlighting for Puppet (Conf Mang.)
Smartput utility 98 1582 Adjust spaces and commas when putting text.
Tab Menu utility 57 2418 Tab Menu for all the tabs in VIM
narrow utility 98 3222 Emulate Emacs' narrowing feature
fakeclip utility 1863 9129 pseudo clipboard register for non-GUI version of Vim
xml_autons ftplugin 100 1135 auto :XMLns by the current content
textobj-user utility 115 5614 Support for user-defined text objects
textobj-datetime utility 4 1802 Text objects for date and time
EnvEdit.vim utility 8 1110 Intelligently edit environment variable values
kwbdi.vim utility 20 1303 Keep Window on Buffer Delete - Improved
R.vim ftplugin 51 1700 Execute R-code from vim on Mac OS X
oberon2 utility 3 631 Syntax file for Oberon-2.
hiveminder.vim syntax 6 636 Syntax for Hiveminder exported tasks (tasks.txt) files
scratch utility 8 1586 Emacs like scratch buffer
csv reader utility 10 865 Read csv file (comma or tab, choosable), easy to move to every column in color.
BBCode syntax 55 1949 Syntax highlighting for BBCode
chords ftplugin 34 1256 (Guitar) chords and tabs
robocom syntax 0 1082 Hiliting for Robocom scripts.
autohotkey (ahk) syntax 28 1843 autohotkey syntax highlighting
pspad colors scheme color scheme 3 1237 soft blue colors, similar to 'rajat' scheme in pspad
Torquescript syntax highlighting syntax 12 656 Syntax highlighting for scripting in the Torque game engines
Processing syntax 86 3436 Syntax highlighting for the Processing language
Io programming language syntax syntax 32 1054 Io language syntax support
GCov plugin utility 0 488 Simple plugin for easy access to .gcov files
gcov.vim syntax 18 1069 Highlighting for gcov files (gcc coverage)
webpreview utility 0 621 make previewing pages  in web browsers easily
speeddating.vim utility 191 7358 Use CTRL-A/X to increment dates, times, and more
HeaderCVS utility 4 761 Auto generate CVS Header before current cursor
bg.py utility 4 770 Post to your blog at blogger.com from gVIM.
basic colors color scheme 0 1261 a simple color scheme that only highlights strings, comments, and errors
Twitter utility 45 5344 Post to Twitter from Vim
SDL library syntax (for C) syntax 33 931 SDL library syntax for C
accurev utility 18 1225 AccuRev SCM Integration for Vim
Wikidoc syntax highlighting syntax 11 651 Wikidoc format syntax highlighting
symfony.vim utility 30 3929 Useful editing tip for Symfony PHP Framework
Noweb syntax 130 851 A hacked-up noweb syntax file
XmlPretty utility 2 2282 Pretty-print an xml file
Socialtext wiki syntax highlighting syntax 8 1515 Syntax highlighting and an ftplugin for Socialtext wiki
byter syntax 21 706 byter syntax support
tintin.vim syntax 5 722 Syntax Highlighting for Tintin++
tabpage_sort.vim utility -1 782 Sort vim7 tab page in 'buffer number' order.
syntax highlighting for tintin/tt++ syntax 75 2280 great little syntax file for all you mudders!
repeat.vim utility 298 10985 Use the repeat command (.) with supported plugins
Css Pretty utility 12 1798 Pretty-print a css file
PBwiki syntax highlighting syntax 4 1755 Syntax highlighting and an ftplugin for PBwiki
sgf.vim syntax 1 517 SFG - Smart Game Fomat (Go savegames)
xoria256.vim color scheme 504 28224 Soft pastel gamma on dark background, same appearence in {,g}vim
undobranche_viewer.vim utility 5 981 Undo Branches Explorer
showmarks utility 23 2212 Display marks as signs (needs +sign feat )
unibasic.vim syntax 18 1484 Programming language for the UniVerse Database
nice-vim syntax 0 723 Syntax highlighting for Nice programming language
GOBject Builder (gob2) syntax 5 771 Syntax and indent for GObject Builder (gob2)
prmths color scheme 7 987 Nice dark clean easy to look at color theme
VimTrac utility 25 3529 A vim client for the Trac wiki and ticketing system
quiltdiff utility 4 434 Shows changes of the current patch on the left as signs
ncss.vim syntax 4 679 Syntax File for NCSS
css_color.vim syntax 722 15902 CSS color preview
sessions.vim utility 193 2361 Easy session management for gvim.
snippets.vim utility 128 4021 Simple snippet storage and retrieval separated by filetype.
RecentFiles utility 129 824 Plugin that allows you to easily access recently opened files.
marvim utility 161 3825 Macro Persistent Storage and Shareable Repository for VIM
greenvision color scheme 15 1719 green colorscheme for GUI, 256 and 88 color terminals
leo256 color scheme 191 7025 A beautiful theme for dark/black background (256 colors, gui + term)
altfile utility 1 2608 easy switching between related files
diffchanges.vim utility 85 6104 Show changes made to current buffer since the last save
timestamp utility 40 1059 Add a timestamp to your source file
VFT - VIM Form Toolkit utility 5 1033 console-based forms with checkboxes, comboboxes, etc. (screenshot included)
DataStage (Server & Parallel) syntax 2 1451 Syntax file for DataStage. Includes Universe Basic, DSX and Parallel functions.
F# Syntax syntax 27 2524 initial file based on ocaml and cs syntax files.
GNU R utility 17 538 facilitates work with GNU R statistical package
renamec.vim utility 17 1121 Renaming refactoring for C symbols using cscope
ukrainian-enhanced.vim utility 16 1018 Ukrainian enhanced keymap
patran.vim syntax 4 480 Syntax highlight file for MSC Patran
dakota.vim syntax 0 592 Syntax highlight file for DAKOTA Toolkit
Doxygen-via-Doxygen utility 1 858 Generate Doxygen documentation
jammy.vim color scheme 38 1926 a great color scheme
osx_like color scheme 7 1445 Color scheme that uses MacOS X like colors
PERLDOC2 utility 8 1344 Perldoc with sytnax highlighting in vim
abcdefg utility -6 506 nothing is here。
head.vim utility 9 1174 easy reading file head or tail, with file prefix 'head:', 'tail:'.
repmo.vim utility 163 2979 repeat motions for which a count was given
Railscasts Theme (GUI&256color) color scheme 756 15673 A railscasts color theme that works in 256color terminals as well as gui
cwiki ftplugin 8 1699 single file wiki with unobtrusive syntax
rdhelp.txt utility 4 1245 Help to Rd files (R documentation) in vimhelp format
cqml.vim syntax 0 729 Syntax definitions for the Component Quality Modelling Language
Source Explorer (SrcExpl) utility 1411 29272 A Source code Explorer for viewing definition(s) and contextual info
ColorSchemeEditor utility 59 2266 PyGTK GUI to more easily create colorschemes (keywords: color scheme editor)
reliable color scheme 3 1631 A futuristic colorscheme with a bright, clean look
vimlatex utility 12 1863 Sanitizes LaTeX error messages for Vim-LaTeX.
smoothPageScroll.vim utility 20 1428 smooth page scroll
file:line utility 439 5475 Allows you to open file:line and it does the right thing :-)
git:file.vim utility 227 1941 open any version of a file in git
pig.vim syntax 411 5484 Pig language syntax highlighting
Latex Text Formatter utility 22 3304 This scripts makes it easier to format latex text
earendel color scheme 137 5862 Light and cheerful color scheme with friendly colors, highly readable
Luinnar color scheme 158 2130 Dark color scheme
dtrace syntax file syntax 17 1595 This provides excessive highlighting of dtrace script files
MountainDew.vim color scheme 5 1483 Stay awake through those long hack sessions
Syntax for Fasta syntax 15 831 Highlighting for Fasta (Pearson) format
fpdf.vim utility 29 2310 PDF writer
number marks utility 46 3098 showing marks using number array in color, easy to trace.
Unicode Macro Table utility 14 856 Macros to easily add mathematical symbols and operators to your document
antlr3.vim syntax 1 751 ANTLR v3 error parsing for ANT
beauty256 color scheme 12 1615 A beautiful theme specially designed for xterm with 256 color
rastafari.vim color scheme 25 4461 color scheme for black terminal or GUI
gauref.vim utility 5 1456 Look up a reference manual of Gauche
northland.vim color scheme 39 1498 Blueish colorscheme with dominant dark blue/red
SCMDiff utility 61 1366 Highlight changed lines in a file via SCM diff command
Boost Build v2 (BBv2) syntax syntax 92 644 Syntax highlight for BBv2 build scripts (Jamfile, Jamroot)
vimgen utility 69 1200 vim inline generator / template expander
TwitVim utility 671 22375 Twitter client for Vim
CoremoSearch utility 134 1914 A simple simultaneous search script.
runzip utility 319 1283 edit zip files recursively (zip files inside zip files)
Relativize utility 108 1016 quickly make a full path name relative to an index.html or tags file
Txtfmt (The Vim Highlighter) utility 1108 11320 "Rich text" highlighting in Vim! (colors, underline, bold, italic, etc...)
pyrex.vim syntax 49 898 Updated Pyrex.vim with Cython support
Shobogenzo color scheme 34 1656 Medium contrast colorscheme that is easy on the eyes
seoul color scheme 16 1864 Color scheme for use with the 88 color terminals (rxvt-unicode)
Obvious Mode ftplugin 32 3458 Clearly indicate visually whether Vim is in insert mode
VimTAP utility 10 2212 Test Anything Protocol for vim
Switch utility 27 1379 Quick toggling of boolean options
darkspectrum color scheme 436 14300 a gvim color scheme based on the oblivion color scheme for gedit
qfn utility 35 1660 quickfixnotes: file annotation with quickfix
groovy.vim ftplugin 51 4328 Runs or compiles Groovy scripts.
debugger.py utility 0 778 remote PHP debugger : remote debugger interface to DBGp protocol w/ path mapping
Limp utility 206 7658 Lisp IDE
bensday color scheme 10 1302 Only slightly modified version of the evening color scheme.
Allegro 4.2 syntax file syntax 8 659 Provides syntax highlighting for Allegro 4.2 API
CmdlineComplete utility 185 4488 complete command-line (: / etc.) from the current file
tinymode.vim utility 32 2775 allows definition of tiny modes for Normal mode
STL improved syntax 58 4710 Improved C++ STL syntax highlighting
sort python imports utility 10 1367 this script allows you to sort python imports alphabetically
vimwiki utility 6285 27550 Personal Wiki for Vim
browser.vim utility 214 2887 a lightweight web browser opening in a split window for wikipedia etc.
autopreview utility 176 1831 a light script to immediately preview definitions like source insight
pacific.vim color scheme 6 1179 A dark, oceany/beachy color scheme
beachcomber.vim color scheme 19 1179 A light, sandy, beachy color scheme
WriteRoom for Vim utility 21 1217 A Vim emulation of the minimalistic WriteRoom editor
h80 color scheme 6 1029 Dark blue background with high-contrast text
nc.vim ftplugin 11 1349 Neuron C (*.nc) Syntax/Filetype for Vim
rtorrent syntax file syntax 12 793 Syntax highlighting for rtorrent.rc files
previewtag utility 8 747 preview the definition and switch it to a new window
WarzoneResourceFileSyntax syntax 0 560 Syntax highlighting for Warzone2100 resource files
useful optistruct functions utility 0 469 useful optistruct functions
StringComplete utility 20 1084 Insert-completion for quoted strings
darkrobot.vim color scheme 35 1698 A nice dark colorscheme
256-jungle color scheme 186 3615 Dark-orange colorscheme for 256 color terminals (like xterm).
vcsbzr.vim utility 32 690 Bazaar integration for VCSCommand
openser.vim syntax 43 945 Openser configuration syntax
RemoveDups.VIM utility 13 792 Removing duplicates
less.bat utility 34 1006 Now less is more on Windows, too
upf.vim syntax 11 1345 Syntax for Unified Power Format  files(UPF)
darkroom color scheme -7 1615 color scheme to mimic writeroom/darkroom editors
FFeedVim utility 0 925 Post to Friendfeed from Vim
xml_taginsert ftplugin 2 794 Insert xml tags by pressing <F7>
pac.vim syntax 6 882 syntax highlighting for proxy .pac files
common_vimrc utility -17 1880 some setting for vimrc simple.
journal.vim utility 28 1771 Encrypted journal based on calendar.vim and gnupg.vim
publish.vim utility 17 5234 Publish hyperlinked, highlighted source code using Vim, 2html.vim and rsync
railstab.vim utility 1 2077 Retabbing hacks extracted from rails.vim
musicbox.vim utility 12 1401 musicbox allow you to play music files in vim
buffergrep utility 42 2425 Grep buffers, not files
dark ruby color scheme 12 2894 A dark-background color scheme.
bpel.vim syntax 0 1833 BPEL, the Business Process Execution Language
Git Branch Info utility 6 3601 A plugin for use on your status line to show info about Git branches
Named Buffers utility 5 1142 Give names to buffers
Contrasty color scheme 13 1088 Contrasty colour scheme
nagios syntax syntax 40 1764 Nagios template object configuration file
occur.vim utility 64 2194 Show all lines in the buffer containing word (grep buffer)
xtemplate utility 12 963 code template engine
EZComment utility 5 1395 Vim global plugin for manipulating comments
vera.vim syntax 9 1026 Syntax for OpenVera language
silent.vim color scheme 44 2957 Vim, GVim light color scheme
colorful color scheme 12 1225 Colorful scheme with light background
apachelogs.vim syntax 41 1803 Syntax highlight for apache log files
vim-rpcpaste utility 15 794 A ViM plugin to send code to a pastebin such as paste.debian.net using XML-RPC
pygdb utility 4 1553 pygtk interface to gdb in connection with (g)vim
AutoInclude utility 6 791 Automatically add #include statements for c++ files
nightflight2.vim color scheme 2 1126 A dark color scheme dedicated to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
gladecompletion.vim utility 0 777 IDE-like completion for projects using the Glade UI designer
flydiff utility 4 1633 on-the-fly diff
textobj-fold utility 0 1742 Text objects for foldings
textobj-jabraces utility 0 1259 Text objects for Japanese braces
DevEiate theme color scheme 53 2274 A dark theme, mimicing the TextMate theme of the same name.
jptemplate ftplugin 74 2606 A simple, yet powerful interactive template system for VIM
cmdlinehelp utility 4 2034 Display help on the command currently being edited in the command line
blackboard.vim color scheme 107 12062 Clone of the Blackboard theme from textmate
pink color scheme 9 1554 Pink colour scheme for 256 colour terminals
brook.vim syntax 0 759 Brook syntax highlighting
huerotation.vim utility 23 1753 rotate hue of current colorscheme (GUI only).
cup.vim syntax 64 1329 CUP Syntax highlighting
vmv utility 13 1090 group rename files from the command prompt with vim
Specky! utility 106 5076 Functions to help make behavioral testing easy with ruby and rspec.
fgl.vim syntax 3 1522 Syntax folding for IBM Informix 4GL or 4J programs
ctags.exe utility 79 12980 Windows version of ctags for 4GL/4Js programs
loremipsum utility 61 2859 A dummy text generator
smartchr utility 52 3135 Insert several candidates with a single key
skeleton utility 6 1955 Skeleton for newly created buffers
linglang utility 0 1380 Dynamically switch languages/settings in multi-lingual documents
Resolve utility 0 512 DNS resolver for domains or ips under the cursor
SwapIt utility 64 3341 Extensible keyword swapper (turn yes to no, True to False and more)
Glob Edit utility 0 655 Open lots of files at once.
sipngrep syntax 8 1210 Syntax file for sip captures from ngrep (udp)
sipngrep helper ftplugin 0 509 Helper functions for looking through sip packet captures
codepad utility 532 6894 Post the contents of your current buffer to the pastebin service at codepad.org
fortran.vim indent 115 13780 Additional indentation rules for Fortran 95 and Fortran 90
perl-mauke.vim syntax 230 6009 improved perl syntax highlighting
Gembase dml plugins utility 41 1603 Syntax highlight, auto-indentation and omni-completion for Gembase dml file
foldsearch utility 160 3413 fold away lines that don't match a given pattern
spring.vim color scheme 73 3222 light green style
vimdb.vim utility 3 1334 Vim plugin to simulate a simple database Table
Textile for VIM ftplugin 29 3972 Syntax Highlighting and Textile rendering / preview support
Autoresponder Hosting service utility -24 484 Start your own Autoresponder Hosting service
Text (Especially LaTeX) Formatter utility 17 1349 Format text or LaTeX text so that lines have approximately equal lengths
Clever Tabs indent 31 1526 Using tabs for indent only on start of line
Easy List-Builder & Autoresponder Script utility -33 448 Effectively Build A Hugely Profitable & Responsive List Quickly & Easily!
portablemsys utility 21 1242 Use msys as Portable GVim's shell
GoogleSearchVIM utility 4 842 Search for keywords with the Google Desktop Search engine from inside VIM
Indent Highlight indent 0 600 Yet another indentation (scope) highlighting
Banner Management script utility -28 461 Start Selling Banner Ads on multiple websites from 1 place
softlight.vim color scheme 5 1091 it's a soft and easy-on-eyes colorscheme.
sofu.vim syntax 0 384 Highlighting for sofu files
Viral Marketing Script utility -74 646 Attract A Load Of Traffic To Your Web Site With Little Or No Effort!
QuickName utility 55 1605 The most convenient way navigating opened buffers, incremental search by name
Short Url Script utility -12 648 Start your own Short Url Service
thegoodluck color scheme 21 927 Contrast colourful light-background scheme
auto_wc.vim utility -1 790 update total character count of current editing file automatically.
zoom.vim utility 136 6562 control gui font size with "+" or "-" keys.
zshr.vim utility 0 721 substitute and execute previous command.
PHP Scripts -> Advertisement / Internet utility -21 511 Start your own Url Rotator Service
TextFormat utility 42 3874 Quickly align and format paragraphs and text areas: left, right, justify, center
LaTeX error filter utility 16 814 Filters latex log file to get errors and warnings
batch.vim utility 1 911 execute vim script in selected area.
catn.vim utility 1 777 insert formatted numbering text.
nopaste.vim utility 4 658 Nopaste interface to http://www.rafb.net/ from inside vim
Tumblr utility 96 1276 Post to Tumblr
log.vim utility 12 992 logging library
chlordane.vim color scheme 81 3430 GHOST IN THE SHELL like colorscheme
pathogen.vim utility 5962 79896 Poor man's package manager. Easy manipulation of 'runtimepath' et al
session.vim utility 5 539 A simple, automatic, no-nonsense, out of your way session manager
backup.vim utility 1 582 Puts backups where they belong: out of the way
metarw utility 5 2826 a framework to read/write a fake:path
metarw-git utility 5 2352 metarw scheme: git
ku utility 40 6167 An interface for anything
bundle utility 5 2026 Load a series of files easily
simple pairs utility 78 2537 TextMate-like insert closing pair for brackets, parens, quotes (needs python)
molokai color scheme 5438 81113 A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate
postmail.vim utility 3 2010 mail message posting plugin. (python required)
dictview.vim utility 2 1023 print the contents of a variable
ku-bundle utility 0 2147 ku source: bundle
ku-metarw utility 0 2537 ku source: metarw
Vimchant utility 36 2058 Fast on-the-fly spell-checker based on Enchant
bufmru.vim utility 38 3718 switch to a most recently used buffer quickly
Trinity utility 292 13976 An IDE: the Trinity of taglist, NERDtree and SrcExpl
Chimp utility 10 1859 Chimp talks to external interpreters from inside Vim
indent/genie.vim indent 3 623 Indent script for the genie (vala flavour) language
rootwater.vim color scheme 44 2312 A dark color scheme
RltvNmbr.vim utility 127 3619 Display relative line numbers
wrap.vim utility -13 859 Word Wrap for Vim
stlrefvim utility 44 2768 A C++ Standard Template Library reference manual
FastGrep utility 6 516 FastGrep for a string using native linux commands in Ruby on Rails projects.
textobj-lastpat utility 4 1131 Text objects for the last searched pattern
Superior Haskell Interaction Mode (SHIM) utility 156 7255 GHCi integration for VIM
Nekthuth utility 35 1618 Connection with a Lisp
tags for std c++ (STL, streams, ...) utility 345 29109 Modified libstdc++ headers for use with ctags
clue color scheme 2 879 a colour scheme with a blue background
louver.vim color scheme 11 2337 A light background color scheme
diff_navigator ftplugin 4 644 Helps navigation in unified diffs
simplewhite.vim color scheme 10 1378 A light background color scheme
vimxmms2 utility 9 1795 An XMMS2 client for Vim.
autoincludex.vim utility 3 666 This script allows automatically insert statements like #include or import
ScopeVerilog utility 2 474 allows you to know the curent scope from the info.txt file created by veratags
vcsc.py utility 16 497 Convert a GUI only vim colorscheme file to a gui/256xterm compatible version
darkbone.vim color scheme 53 2305 This is a dark background color scheme for the GUI.
CCTree ftplugin 402 18518 C Call-Tree Explorer -- Cscope based source-code browser; code flow analyzer
vimmp utility 5 1116 An XMMS2 and MPD client for Vim
Duplicated utility 0 407 Sorry. Duplicated. Please remove.
sqloracle.vim syntax 1 969 color codes SQL keywords from Oracle 11g
automatic for Verilog ftplugin 134 5154 Automatic generator for Verilog HDL
ClosePairs utility 93 3830 Auto closes pairs of characters
dokuwiki.vim syntax 5 1361 A simple syntax file for DokuWiki.
if_v8 game 4 2933 V8 interface to Vim
vim-addon-sql utility 2 2516 alias sensitive SQL completion (MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite)
htmlspecialchars ftplugin 1 844 Convert special characters to HTML entities.
mlint.vim ftplugin 18 2441 Runs Matlab's mlint program and highlights the code appropriately
win9xblueback.vim color scheme 4 833 Windows9x blue back screen like colorscheme
Verilog constructs plugin utility 0 996 Plugin to insert Verilog Constructs
RemoveIfdef utility 14 914 remove ifdef macro of C/C++ program
Note Maker syntax 34 1341 Syntax highlighter for personal notes
winter.vim color scheme 73 2600 light gray style
buf2html.vim utility 12 1119 beta** - generate HTML/XHTML+CSS from a Vim buffer
sqlite_c syntax 1 556 SQLite C interface Vim syntax file.
endwise.vim utility 477 4689 Wisely add
cern_root.vim syntax 154 1478 Basic syntax highlighting for ROOT
conomode.vim utility 2 2230 Vi-style editing for the command line
pdc.vim syntax 37 2622 Syntax file for Pandoc
CSApprox utility 1237 23997 Make gvim-only colorschemes work transparently in terminal vim
MPC syntax syntax 22 1234 Syntax Highlight for MakeProjectCreator files
Django Projects utility 15 696 Allows you to use django management commands from within vim
QuickTemplate utility 11 562 create new files from existing templates on-the-fly
darkeclipse.vim color scheme 27 2064 A dark color scheme for the GUI
Fly Between Projects utility 7 544 Quick Selection Between projects
Cutting and pasting txt file in middle utility 16 765 Cut and Paste vertical
Fly Between Projects utility 16 597 Quick Selection Between projects
hfile utility -1 617 Boilerplate code for .h files
cheat syntax 8 665 Yac (Yet Another Cheat)
sql/plsql color scheme -2 1097 Good for sql and pl/sql coding
Russian PLansliterated utility 13 914 Transliterated Russian without breaking normal-mode
advice utility 4 974 alter the behavior of a command in modular way
stackreg utility 3 967 Vz-like stackable registers
Pit Configuration utility 2 1061 pit configuration library for vim
Robotbattle Scripting Language syntax 0 460 Syntax highlight for Robotbattle Scripting Language
Lissard syntax syntax 0 440 Adds Lissard syntax support to Vim.
MatlabFilesEdition utility 73 4255 A set of files useful to edit Matlab files (indent, syntax,tags , mlint use...)
Refactor Color Scheme color scheme 12 897 Refactor Color Scheme
sql_iabbr 2 ftplugin 11 802 convert SQL keywords uppercase automatically.
ku-args utility 2 2072 ku source: args
Yow game 35 1626 Random Zippy The Pinhead quotes.  A port of Emacs' M-x yow.
lastchange utility 4 647 Auto write last change time
Miranda syntax highlighting syntax 0 664 Miranda syntax highlighting
Tango2 color scheme 40 2009 A Tango based colour theme for Vim (ported from gedit)
textobj-diff utility 0 1076 Text objects for ouputs of diff(1)
jQuery syntax 299 19914 Syntax file for jQuery
Merb & Datamapper syntax 12 836 Syntax files for Merb and Datamapper
Format Helper utility 38 1362 format functions: count doc-infor, add & del list and block, etc.
quickrun utility 41 3765 run a command and show its result quickly
gadgetxml.vim syntax 4 539 opensocial gadget xml syntax
PySmell utility 24 1240 A Python omnicompletion utility
Wordnet.vim utility 12 593 wordnet.vim
Gist.vim utility 245 11828 vimscript for gist
Transmit FTP utility 52 1120 Integrates Transmit FTP (Mac) with Vim
arpeggio utility 141 4191 Key mappings for simultaneously pressed keys
nour.vim color scheme 0 688 a set of highlights that extend dw_green for a better look
code_complete (new update) utility 42 2743 function parameter complete, code snippets, and much more.
LineCommenter utility 52 1323 Toggle Comment state of line.(C/C++/Java/perl/python/ruby/awk/sh/104 languages)
autocorrect.vim utility 138 7667 Correct common typos and misspellings as you type
literal_tango.vim color scheme 19 2445 A Tango-based colorscheme with good contrast, yet easy on the eyes
commentToggle utility 17 1054 A simple line-based comment toggler.
corporation color scheme 7 1439 A dark grey, yellow and blue theme that doesn't hurt the eyes.
W3AF script syntax file syntax 1 498 Script syntax file for  w3af (Web Application Attack and Audit Framework)
Side-C utility 12 2029 a simple IDE for C/C++
Php Doc ftplugin 3 827 Open's PHP Documentation in Web Browser
fuzzyjump.vim utility 5 990 Jump to where you (almost) want
shymenu utility 1 1498 Show the menu bar only when pressing an accelerator key
EasyGrep utility 344 9334 Fast and Easy Find and Replace Across Multiple Files
Php Doc ftplugin 6 721 Open's PHP Documentation in Web Browser
TagManager (BETA) utility 0 734 Build, manage and keep tag databases up-to-date within Vim
pyflakes.vim ftplugin 973 34375 PyFlakes on-the-fly Python code checking
VimLocalHistory utility 32 645 Automatic backup and poor man's revision control.
Python Documentation ftplugin 1 1200 Python Documentation in Vim
Download Vim Scripts as Cron Task utility 49 1620 Similar as GetLatestVimScripts, but this bash script can run as a cron task
UpdateDNSSerial utility 31 1343 Update automatically the serial of DNS Zone
narrow utility 94 1015 Another plugin that emulates emacs' narrowing feature.
Pago ftplugin 104 4018 Powerful Screenplay Formatting
PylonsCommand utility 0 435 Run Pylons' commands from Vim
sqlserver.vim syntax 55 3409 Syntax file for SQL Server 2005/2008
msdn_help.vim utility 1 540 Lookup MSDN help
nightsky color scheme 7 1145 Black background, good usability.
miko color scheme 16 1662 Elegant blues and yellows on black
eyapp syntax 4 959 Syntax highlighting for Parse::Eyapp and Parse::Yapp
google color scheme 9 2385 A colour scheme based on Google's
outputz utility 6 1785 outputz interface for Vim
test syntax -9 417 xzczc
mty\'s vimrc syntax -4 782 just another vimrc
unibox utility 6 486 Draws boxes in different line styles and in all languages
enzyme.vim color scheme 8 988 A color scheme optimized for viewing in Terminal.app
AutoTmpl utility 20 519 Plugin for using templates when editing new files
AutoTmpl utility 0 414 Plugin for using templates when editing new files
Python Syntax Folding syntax 119 7302 Python syntax file with support for folding functions/classes
kellys color scheme 43 2079 A colour scheme inspired by Kellys bicycles
session_dialog.vim utility 56 1708 manage vim sessions using dialogs and the command line
wombat256.vim color scheme 654 63142 Wombat for 256 color xterms
cdargs utility 36 670 Directory bookmarking based on CDargs
submode utility 47 1347 Create your own submodes
sandbox utility 23 965 A vim script for managing subversion sandbox.
translit utility 21 1866 Transliteration mode for Vim (russian, greek)
smartword utility 67 2090 Smart motions on words
paintbox color scheme -1 1022 A colourful, happy scheme with high contrast
Csound compiler plugin ftplugin 4 697 Csound compiler plugin
python_open_module ftplugin 8 1417 open the python module file below the cursor when coding python
Gentooish color scheme 1204 5444 Dark, moderately-saturated color scheme with greens and purples
ini syntax definition syntax 15 1870 A syntax definition for ini files, including hgrc files.
cbackup.vim utility 19 616 Use VMS style versioned backup with centralized backup directory
Persistent Abbreviations utility 22 1091 Persistent abbreviations
ActionScript 3 Omnicomplete ftplugin 28 1666 Omnicompletion plug-in for ActionScript 3
grsecurity.vim syntax 1 625 grsecurity policy syntax definition
maroloccio color scheme 51 3826 An easy-on-the-eyes dark background colour scheme.
pygtk_syntax syntax 6 488 Syntax Highlighting for pygtk and friends in python
Quagmire color scheme 0 848 Army style color scheme
Gorilla ftplugin 20 1298 a SLIME like environment for the Clojure programming language
textobj-indent utility 44 2443 Text objects for indented blocks of lines
python_check_syntax.vim ftplugin 15 1731 a script that check the syntax of a python file by pyflakes
proc.vim utility 14 692 a system task manager
fortran_codecomplete.vim ftplugin 38 2526 Complete fortran constructs with <F7>
Rack::Builder syntax syntax 4 410 Syntax file for the Rack::Builder DSL
maroloccio2 color scheme -2 1346 Works only in GUI mode (gVim, mVim, etc.).
eclm_wombat.vim color scheme 10 1858 Colour scheme based on ECLM and wombat schemes
maroloccio3 color scheme 11 1654 A monochromatic colour scheme for Vim in GUI mode.
ViBlip game 11 1117 ViBlip allows to use Blip! (polish microblogging service)
pty.vim utility 4 481 Remote terminal support for vim thanks to python.  
Fruidle color scheme 26 1788 White background, happy colors, good usability
Pimp ftplugin 13 877 Pimp provides a python shell in order to support REPL style development
Changed utility 30 2038 Displays signs on changed lines.
shellinsidevim.vim utility 16 2556 Let you execute the shell command without leaving vim
note patch -13 428 hjhjhj
blood color scheme 15 1830 A dark red, still somewhat colorful colorscheme
TUT (toggle_unit_tests) utility 15 1026 A plug-in for toggling between source and unit test files
VimClojure ftplugin 650 24451 A filetype, syntax and indent plugin for Clojure
fly.vim utility 96 1723 An integrated code development environment (incl. Cscope, Web Search, Man Pages)
lightcolors color scheme 9 1486 Another light colorscheme
vanzan_color color scheme 11 1983 A dark blue (nearly black) color scheme
tetragrammaton color scheme 10 1346 dark gvim color scheme
VimIM utility 862 27923 Vim Input Method -- Vim 中文输入法
0scan utility 208 2895 Tags based search for any things you might want to find(ctags, buffers,...).
DBGp Remote Debugger Interface utility 105 5434 Debugging interface/client for DBGp protocol
Spiderhawk color scheme -4 691 Initial Upload
proton color scheme 66 7573 Another light colorscheme
RunView utility 28 1740 Run scripts through filter and display output in separate window
guepardo.vim color scheme 8 1513 Color scheme inspired by OSX Leopard with a little bit of Python
charged-256.vim color scheme 10 1163 256 color colorsheme to supplement dark colorschemes.
ctxabbr utility 4 1742 Context-sensitive abbreviations
widower.vim color scheme 4 850 color scheme mostly red on black background
lilydjwg_green color scheme 2 2101 A light-green background color scheme.
norwaytoday color scheme 11 1880 Norway Today Netbeans theme for Vim (GUI Only)
WOIM.vim ftplugin 473 5751 WOIM outliner (replaced by HyperList: Script# 4006)
Dpaste.com Plugin utility 312 1404 A simple script to send your buffer or selection to Dpaste.com and returns a url
reorder tabs utility 10 814 Reorder your tabs in a simple way.
searchfold.vim utility 49 2097 Fold away lines not matching the last search pattern
wokmarks.vim utility 27 2013 local marks usage more similar to other editors
Jifty syntax syntax 2 1567 syntax file for jifty web framework
Scratch* utility 0 687 Create and use scratch buffers in useful ways
Thousand separator utility 6 729 Vim script to put thousand separator in between numbers.
Perl MooseX::Declare Syntax syntax 59 5903 perl syntax with Moose and MooseX::Declare keywords
jpythonfold.vim syntax 323 6010 A better python fold script
Thesaurus utility 21 1147 Thesaurus suggestion script
IndentCommentPrefix utility 14 3311 Keep comment prefix in column 1 when indenting.
po.vim ftplugin 16 1503 This script is a fork version of Aleksandar Jelenak's script.
slimv.vim utility 979 17993 Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim ('SLIME for Vim')
nxc.vim syntax 12 879 Syntax highlighter for NXC language on Lego NXT System
muttaliasescomplete.vim utility 10 717 Omnicompletion for mutt aliases
d.vim ftplugin 0 564 Filetype plugin for D
cca.vim utility 15 2099 code_complete_again: a complete plugin mixed the code_complete and snippetsEmu
Lucius color scheme 790 29796 Light and dark color scheme for GUI and 256 color terminal.
earthburn color scheme 19 2023 light, earthy, low contrast colorscheme for ruby coding
ashen.vim color scheme 4 904 Grayish colorscheme for GVim
css color preview syntax 77 1258 the script made changes from the css.vim combined with css color preview
snipMate utility 6522 96437 TextMate-style snippets for Vim
Mastermind board game game 54 883 The board game
StarRange utility 29 1474 Searches a string that you selected in visual mode with * or #.
SearchCols.vim utility 22 574 Search within fixed width data column-by-column, rather than row-by-row
EditSimilar utility 32 5474 Commands to edit files with a similar filename.
Buffer grep utility 48 2488 A :vimgrep for buffers.
repy.vim syntax 2 885 Syntax Coloring for Restricted Python
xsltassistant.vim ftplugin 53 633 xsltassistant.vim helps you write the XSLT file
php.vim syntax 18 1260 phpDoc Syntax Highlighting for PHP
BusyBee color scheme 26 3900 a dark color scheme (modification of Mustang.vim)
wps.vim syntax 16 1541 Syntax for Rockbox WPS
Vicle utility 135 3019 Vim - Interpreter Command Line Editor. Like Chimp or Slimv.
jam.vim syntax 11 1259 Jam (or Boost.Build) syntax
irssilog.vim syntax 23 1088 Syntax for viewing Irssi logs
CommentAnyWay utility 0 1139 THIS IS BUGGY DO NOT USE THIS
jellybeans.vim color scheme 886 40462 Colorful, dark color scheme
myprojects utility 62 6039 Organize/Navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer/project.vim)
gitignore utility 50 2134 Set 'wildignore' from ./.gitignore
Match Bracket for Objective-C ftplugin 62 2729 Automatically inserts matching starting bracket when ] is pressed.
gams.vim syntax 1 528 Simple syntax highlighting for GAMS modelling software (www.gams.com)
numbertotext utility 11 753 replace the numbers with the equivalent text to it
NumberToEnglish utility 4 1311 Converts Arabic numerals to English
ansi_blows.vim color scheme 25 1576 Matching ANSI colorscheme for gVim and vim
bufMenuToo utility 0 462 keeps buffer menu at constant length, for tearoff usage
simple_comments.vim utility 7 1301 Add and remove comments from lines
runVimTests utility 32 4521 A testing framework for Vim.
utf8-math ftplugin 23 1206 Keyboard shortcuts for math UTF-8 symbols
Vim Rspec utility 16 1863 Enable the use of the spec command inside Vim
Blazer color scheme 11 1495 Awesome Color scheme
LogMgr utility 6 502 A simple log viewing script
vimdecdef ftplugin 2 539 Switch between C++ declarations and definitions
apidock.vim utility -1 805 Plugin that searches http://apidock.com Rails/Ruby/RSpec docs
ack.vim utility 169 8785 Plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
Darkdevel color scheme 29 2755 Vim colorscheme
codeburn color scheme 23 1290 light scheme optimized for ruby, haml
std includes utility 5 791 Add std:: includes to your file according to what you have used.
WinMove utility 23 2171 Move your gVim
summerfruit256.vim color scheme 81 6261 summerfruit color scheme in 256 colors
lint.vim utility 74 5528 JSHint integration with quickfix window
Session manager utility 5 756 Plugin for easy session management
spec.vim utility 0 1499 Behaviour-driven design/testing for VIM script
Fdgrep utility 3 626 Find a function declaration matching a given pattern
blogit.vim utility 60 5472 A script to blog on wordpress
popup_it utility 38 698 a easy config auto complete popup
quickfixsigns utility 51 6324 Show signs at lines with quickfix items (e.g. errors), VCS diffs & marks etc.
lilydjwg_dark color scheme 7 1950 A color scheme with dark background.
upAndDown utility 40 1816 Swapping a line with the line directly above or below
PDV revised utility 0 577 revised, fixed and more featured version of pdv
glimpse utility 25 1124 Use Glimpse searching easily from Vim.
vylight color scheme 80 4812 A color scheme that integrates well with OS X. Light background.
FSwitch utility 121 5185 Allows switching between companion source files (like a.vim)
HTML AutoCloseTag ftplugin 212 6734 Automatically closes HTML tags once you finish typing them.
Zmrok color scheme 38 1660 Dark, warm color scheme
LBufWin utility 0 510 List loaded buffers in a location list.
tmarks utility 5 1661 Browse, place, & delete marks
Skittles Dark color scheme 43 3778 Dark, colorful scheme
gvimfullscreen_win32 utility 516 11889 Put gvim in full screen on Windows
lighttpd syntax syntax 38 1842 syntax highlighting for lighttpd config files
reorder.vim utility 6 426 Reorder the items in natural language lists
todolist.vim syntax 21 1474 Highlights a plain-text to-do list to keep it manageable
Symfony color scheme 26 1553 Color scheme based on symfony php framework documentation
wargreycolorscheme color scheme 19 1169 Dark color scheme for terminal with full options
paster.vim utility 80 1686 paster.vim - A configurable Vim plugin for posting text to a public pastebin
Haskell Cuteness ftplugin 58 1997 Unicode cuteness for Haskell source
svk utility 8 690 syntax and a couple of useful commands for svk commit files
nextfile utility 7 1924 open the next or previous file
vimuiex utility 42 4218 Vim UI extensions: a pack of plugins that use an overlapping  popup list
TaskList.vim utility 237 19197 Eclipse like task list
send.vim utility 10 758 Send current range to STDIN of arbitrary program
PA_translator utility 49 1057 Plugin for easily translating single word or sentences without leaving your Vim
textobj-entire utility 19 1664 Text objects for entire buffer
xptemplate utility 656 10290 XP's Snippet Template engine for vim
Rubytest.vim utility 228 3539 Run ruby tests in vim
vimstall utility 3 618 vimstall is a shell script to install vim plugins from vim.org automatically
sdticket syntax 4 827 syntax support of sd (p2p bug tracking system)
vimtemplate utility 0 2097 MRU-like simple template management plugin
graywh color scheme 37 1539 My personal colorscheme
SpamAssassin syntax syntax 46 2589 Syntax highlighting for SpamAssassin config files
ctk.vim utility 16 3423 a fast compile and run plugin for Vim
textobj-function utility 10 1175 Text object for a function
neocomplcache utility 1358 34708 Ultimate auto completion system for Vim
up2picasaweb utility 7 641 upload image to picasaweb with vim
ku-quickfix utility 0 1463 ku source: quickfix
TODO List syntax 24 1559 Syntax highlighting for a todo list
ProtoDef utility 166 3357 Tool to help create skeleton implementations of c++ function prototypes
Cabal.vim syntax 135 1459 Cabal, haskell's build system syntax coloration
Vimya utility 177 2742 Evaluate buffer content as Python or MEL script in Autodesk® Maya®
exVim utility 805 8050 Turn Vim better than IDE!
Nvim-R ftplugin 1401 40509 Plugin to work with R
explorer utility 4 722 Filesystem explorer
compiler/jsl.vim ftplugin 12 2089 Compiler plugin for JavaScript Lint.
dosbatch indent indent 7 732 Indenting for filetype dosbatch
nimrod.vim syntax 8 1651 (DEPRECATED) Nimrod syntax support
csindent.vim indent 18 3843 Indent file per project
SearchPosition utility 14 4237 Show relation to search pattern matches in range or buffer.
smartmatcheol.vim utility 0 1685 Smart matching of trailing whitespace
google.vim indent 116 10358 Indent file for Google C++ Coding Style
ScmFrontEnd (former name: MinSCM) utility 11 3916 An abstract front-end for Mercurial/Git/Bazaar
blogger utility 60 3496 The only one vim script which handles Blogger. Powered by Metarw.
jlj.vim syntax 4 491 Syntax for JLJ Post files
tango-morning.vim color scheme 11 2254 Light Grey Tango color theme based on Morning
haskell.vim syntax 5 1183 Updated with `for` in standalone deriving.
PLI Auto Complete ftplugin 5 630 Complete Member Variable For z/OS Enterprise Compiler PLI
python_coverage.vim syntax -2 516 syntax highlighting for python coverage files
Erlang_detectVariable syntax 4 1081 detect Erlang variables
bandit.vim color scheme 33 5243 Colour Scheme
TagHighlight ftplugin 270 13914 Extra highlighting of typedefs, enumerations etc (based on ctags)
Templates for Files and Function Groups utility 24 1774 Yet another file template script.
darkburn color scheme 142 8169 Darkburn: A darker mod of Zenburn
PBASIC syntax syntax 43 981 PBASIC syntax file
★darkZ★ color scheme 445 3373 ★★Try my best to make it looks more comfortable:P
fitnesse.vim syntax 3 634 Syntax coloring for FitNesse Wiki Pages
bblean.vim syntax 1 682 detect keyword in bblean resource file
cuteErrorMarker utility 69 1365 Display error marks on line which contain errors after compilation
Arduino syntax file syntax 288 14548 Syntax file for Arduino .PDE files
squirrel.vim syntax 30 1287 Squirrel Language syntax file
Simple R Omni Completion ftplugin 1 588 Auto completes R identifiers from the current file and the included libraries
VOoM utility 337 17105 Vim two-pane outliner
Auto Changing color script color scheme 44 5893 Syntax highlight colors change gradually based on minutes of hour
g15vim utility 13 891 Display on the Logitech G15 keyboard LCD screen.
clips.vim syntax 25 1421 Syntax highlighting for CLIPS
plumbing.vim syntax 0 985 Syntax highlighting for Plan 9 plumbing files
ywvim utility 40 9178 Another input method(IM) for VIM, supports all modes.
mako.vim indent 10 2050 Adds indenting support for Mako HTML templates
HtmlHelper ftplugin 4 1723 Html macros and mappings
Mark utility 616 18280 Highlight several words in different colors simultaneously. (#1238 continued)
setget utility 9 672 setter and getter for php
shell_it ftplugin 0 818 No use No use
fastlane utility 2 907 a tool to help you quick edit and save abbreviation, snippets .etc
TuttiColori Colorscheme color scheme 18 1301 A port of the Tutti Colori theme from the Espresso editor
tango-desert.vim color scheme 23 2036 Dark Color scheme based on tango palette and desert
Hoogle utility 13 1850 Add commands to use Hoogle within vim
smarttill utility 8 931 Smart motions, till before/after a punctuation
cocoa.vim utility 350 10603 Plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development
altercmd utility 12 1205 Alter built-in Ex commands by your own ones
supercat.vim syntax 0 1016 Syntax for supercat configuration files
nature.vim color scheme 16 1417 colorscheme with nature tones
GoogleReader.vim utility 117 4207 vimscript for googlereader
textobj-verticalbar utility 1 648 Text objects for vertical bar
cursoroverdictionary utility 2 1479 Look up word or phrase in English-Japanese Dictionary
Colorzone color scheme 29 1932 Colorscheme Use More Soft Colors
colorsupport.vim utility 105 5635 Use colorschemes written for gvim in color terminals.
FastLadder.vim utility 24 2115 vimscript for fastladder
herald.vim color scheme 122 3252 A dark color scheme for Vim
z/OS Enterprise Compiler PLI syntax 2 511 z/OS Enterprise Compiler PLI Language Syntax File
cuteTodoList utility 42 1240 Manage to-do lists within vim
iabassist utility 4 671 some helpful commands for defining abbreviations which expand only when wanted
dual.vim color scheme 19 1640 The Dual colorscheme that you've longing for.
kalt.vim color scheme 15 1265 A cold colorscheme.
kaltex.vim color scheme 20 1474 A colder colorscheme...
fbc.vim utility 3 1173 Compiler plugin for FreeBASIC
operator-user utility 23 3957 Define your own operator easily
ats-lang-vim syntax 4 624 syntax highlighting for ATS
MediaWiki folding and syntax highlight syntax 1 591 folding support for MediaWiki-style syntax
EnhancedJumps utility 41 3527 Enhanced jump and change list navigation commands.
elise.vim color scheme 11 843 The colorscheme "Für Elise".
elisex.vim color scheme 15 1187 The colorscheme "Für die Sexy Elise".
Dictionary file for Luxology Modo Python syntax 1 734 Dictionary file for Luxology ModoScripting
argtextobj.vim utility 198 2955 Text-object like motion for arguments
PKGBUILD utility 5 1068 helps editing and working with PKGBUILD files
editsrec utility 0 882 Vim Global Plugin for Editing .srec Files
regreplop.vim utility 15 1400 operator to replace motion/visual with a register
ReplaceWithRegister utility 106 4352 Replace text with the contents of a register.
mrpink color scheme 4 1425 dark not black colorscheme
tiddlywiki syntax 10 1035 TiddlyWiki syntax file
PA_ruby_ri utility 27 772 Plugin for getting `ri` documentation while you working with your ruby-like file
EnumToCase utility 6 1970 Convert enumerated lists to case statements
commentop.vim utility 9 2232 commands and operators to comment/uncomment lines in many languages
SudoEdit.vim utility 134 7064 Edit Files using sudo or su or any other tool
vimrc utility -11 1175 Word Processing in Vim (_vimrc win32)
Screen (vim + gnu screen/tmux) utility 217 13395 Simulate a split shell, using gnu screen or tmux, that you can send commands to.
sign-diff utility 2 1750 show the diff status at left sidebar
nextCS.vim utility 1 1385 Change your color scheme easily
Tag Signature Balloons utility 32 4093 Tag Signatures in Balloon Tooltips
UltiSnips utility 806 8692 The ultimate snippet solution for python enabled Vim.
textobj-syntax utility 0 1005 Text objects for syntax highlighted items
mutt-aliases utility 2 997 another script to read your mutt aliases file
mutt-canned utility 5 551 a utility to build and use canned responses in mutt (and indirectly in vim)
Proj utility 1368 3609 Simple project tool
arc.vim syntax 10 963 A syntax highlighter & filetype plugin for Paul Graham's Arc Lisp dialect.
AutoFenc utility 69 5808 Tries to automatically detect and set file encoding
cssvar ftplugin 8 493 Use variables in CSS
math utility 23 2231 Math keymap and a menu for inserting math symbols
Rename2 utility 40 1463 Rename the file you are currently editing and keep on editing
translit_converter utility 5 1204 convert transliterated text (russian)
Syntax Highlighting for db2diag.log syntax 10 638 Syntax plug in for IBM DB2 diagnostic log file
jsbeautify utility 357 13957 a javascript source code formatter
tkl.vim syntax 2 427 A syntax file to the script files used in the Tikle tool
jslint.vim utility 77 5995 Check JavaScript files for errors with JSLint
donbass.vim color scheme 29 2440 Finely tuned, 256 color, light-grey background colorscheme
sherlock.vim utility 28 2468 Add completion in command line for '/', '?' and ':.../'
Notes utility 36 2912 Lightweight note taker plugin
Buffer Reminder Remake utility 0 1362 reopen buffers from previus session
PreviewDialog utility 7 603 Shows a GTK dialog with the color or image below the cursor
Logcat syntax highlighter syntax 57 2121 Syntax highlighting for Android logcat files
Syntastic utility 1116 17669 Automatic syntax checking
bib_autocomp.vim ftplugin 6 1033 Autocompletion of BibTeX entries
v2.vim syntax 24 1020 A syntax highligher for Adept/Staeubli V+ / V2 Robot sources
bclear color scheme 83 2294 A bright, white color scheme for gVim.
vimper utility 4 805 Yet another IDE using Vim...
blue.vim syntax 5 493 Blue programming language syntax
ruby.vim indent 15 2313 Ruby Indentation with IndentAnything
greek_polytonic.vim utility 61 1125 Keymap for the typing of traditional multi-accented (polytonic) Greek
git-cheat utility 11 1606 vim helpfile for git commands
falcon.vim syntax 12 1479 Syntax file for Falcon Programming Language
nuweb multi-language syntax 4 486 Syntax highlight for NUWEB (Literate Programming), multi-language version
d8g_01 color scheme -2 602 simple quiet colorscheme
d8g_02 color scheme -2 580 simple colorscheme for morning
d8g_03 color scheme -2 648 simple colorscheme for everyday
d8g_04 color scheme -2 642 simple red colorscheme
vimdiff+vcs utility 4 842 Drop-in replacement for vimdiff and gvimdiff featuring automatic CVS diff
falcon.vim indent 0 729 Falcon indent file
banned.vim syntax 22 926 Microsoft SDL Banned API syntax highlighting plugin
delimitMate utility 436 13234 Provides auto-balancing and some expansions for parens, quotes, etc.
evening_2 color scheme 10 1133 Few modifications on evening color scheme
color-chooser.vim utility 8 971 a graphical RGB/HSV color selector
forneus color scheme 2 1094 Grey background and soft, eye pleasing foreground colours
Mustang2 color scheme 104 5417 a small edit of a beautifully picked color scheme
Quich Filter utility 313 3708 Quickly filter all matches of a string, browse the list, and jump back quickly.
Tortoise utility 8 1036 Automate TortoiseSVN from vim
qtmplsel.vim utility 3 1748 quick template selector with expression expansion
falcon.vim ftplugin 0 522 Filetype detection script
falcon.vim ftplugin 0 687 Filetype plugin script for Falcon
dull color scheme 3 908 a very low saturation colour scheme
Better Javascript Indentation indent 140 5132 Vastly improved javascript indentation
Join.vim utility 16 1879 Improved Algorithm for joining lines in large files
emv utility 16 742 emv - external utilitity invoking vim for mass renaming
vimscript utility 0 705 use vim as an interpreter to write shell commands in vimscript like vimsh
pipe.vim utility 19 1318 make vim part of a unix pipe and allow it to edit the pipe contents
JumpInCode ftplugin 20 1126 more convenice way to use ctags and cscope in vim
Conque Shell utility 2354 28201 Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer
Smart Home Key utility 15 1066 Better Home key experience for editing, especially for coding
grex utility 2 1570 Operate on lines matched to the last search pattern (:g/re/x)
whitebox.vim color scheme 16 1058 Light colorscheme with bright colors.
logpad.vim utility 19 2040 Vim plugin for emulating Windows Notepad's logging functionality
vilight.vim color scheme 43 4038 A more literal translation of Will Farrington's Twilight color theme
tir_black color scheme 66 4448 based on ir_black colorscheme, tweaked for 256 color terms
gui2term.py utility 79 4850 Python script that add 256-color terminal support to GUI only colorschemes.
moss color scheme 127 1950 Dark color scheme for low light conditions
python tag import ftplugin 0 1831 guesses the import path of a python tag
Django helper utils utility 0 738 Url tag jump, template path import and html client dump
operator-replace utility 20 2007 Operator to replace text with register content
DumbBuf utility 5 2504 simple buffer manager like QuickBuf.vim
template-init.vim utility 0 1041 provide more flexiable template
wwwsearch utility 2 1532 Search WWW easily from Vim
cpan.vim utility 20 1807 cpan module helper
Melt Vim syntax 4 742 Plugin for Melt files
InsertList utility 0 507 Insert number-list.
rargs.vim utility 2 1028 read the contents of many files at one time.
cmdline-increment.vim utility 9 1001 increment, decrement commandline number.
popup_it utility 34 1180 Auto complete popup plugin
perdirvimrc: Autoload vimrc files per di utility 37 2325 Loads vimrc files that are above the opened file in the directory tree
hybridevel utility 0 716 plugin for hybrid program
phpErrorMarker ftplugin 18 2973 Mark syntax errors in php file
Functionator utility 25 1374 Simple script that shows the name of the current function
CheckAttach.vim utility 145 4118 Check for attachments when writing mails with mutt
SoftTabStops utility 0 1019 Set typewriter like tabstops.
Pasto utility 8 676 paste it to Pasto
tango.vim color scheme 11 2203 Full Tango based colorscheme
Windows PowerShell indent (enhanced) indent 37 1323 New version - everything indents correctly
NERD_tree Project utility 15 1072 It tries to find out root project directory, browse project file with NERD_tree.
JavaScript syntax (add E4X support) syntax 0 785 Fix highlighting on E4X (CDATA) blocks
php_localvarcheck.vim ftplugin 9 1501 highlight unused/unassigned local variable
chocolate.vim color scheme 11 990 Choclolate color scheme, based on the W3C core style
assistant utility 69 2925 Display the definition of functions, variables, etc. (Tags, PHP/JS/Vim/...)
md5.vim game 8 1219 md5() function
Nmap syntax highlight syntax 9 657 Nmap syntax highlight
haxe_plugin ftplugin 1 394 Alternative flashdeveloper for programming on haxe
fontsize utility 48 5096 Adjust Gvim font size via keypresses
InsertChar utility 46 1163 Press <tab> to insert a single character
hlasm.vim syntax 23 552 asm370 hlasm mvs
term.vim game 19 976 Terminal library
MailApp utility 11 1452 This plugin allows Mac OS X users to send e-mails from Vim using Mail.app.
PyMol syntax syntax 8 585 PyMol syntax
hornet.vim color scheme 28 1001 Hornet style colorscheme
Execute selection in Python and append utility 6 713 Execute a selection in Python and paste result after
testname utility 0 882 Generate unused file name for testing purpose
Asneeded 2 utility -1 1027 Load scripts as needed
smarty syntax syntax 2 801 Syntax highlight for Smarty Template Engine
DBGp-client utility 0 449 Initial upload
sqlplus.vim utility 67 1836 Execute SQL queries and commands from within VIM (using Oracle's SQL*Plus)
unicode.vim utility 34 6672 Various enhancements for using unicode and digraphs with Vim
baan.vim indent 61 989 Indenting for Baan scripts
libperl.vim utility 0 1366 provide standard vim functions for perl code
filter utility 7 750 apply filters to text, by filetype
multisearch.vim utility 16 1154 Search + highlight multiple search terms
RTM.vim utility -1 485 Vim plugin for Remember The Milk
Cobalt Colour scheme color scheme 53 3902 Vim version of TextMates Cobalt colour scheme
roo.vim syntax 9 689 Spring Roo syntax highlighting
csv.vim ftplugin 731 19743 A Filetype plugin for csv files.
mimicpak color scheme 494 2643 Converted colorschemes from other Editors/IDEs, plus originals.
xmms2ctrl utility 0 414 Control XMMS2 through VIM
buf_it utility 37 1464 Buffer list in statusline
template.vim utility 28 2443 Simple and flexible template engine.
phpcodesniffer.vim utility 0 424 Revisar los estándares de programación con PhpCodeSniffer
wikinotes syntax 4 810 Wikipedia syntax with added functionality for taking notes
powershellCall utility 16 1172 Allow the use of Powershell to evaluate some buffer lines
HiVim color scheme 18 1115 HiVim is a color scheme creator
QuickFixHighlight utility 12 499 Initial release
deprecated ftplugin 6 638 ..
coldgreen.vim color scheme 3 919 base on dark background and green, blue color
vorg syntax 78 1016 vim organizer syntax file
FlipLR utility 7 1659 Flips left hand side and right hand side.
simple comment utility 6 566 simple toggle comment script
ywchaos utility 14 2734 Journal taking and diary making, to record all the chaos of your life :)
haskellFold ftplugin 13 1104 Provide a foldexpr function which give nice folding for haskell files.
pod-helper.vim ftplugin 0 1149 perl pod helpers
Script Walker utility -5 1027 Walks up and down the file for you
color codes SQL keywords from Oracle 11g syntax 2 462 code update from Alvin Steele
FindInNERDTree utility 5 667 Expands NERDTree to file in current buffer
Speedware syntax 0 542 Syntax Highlighting for Speedware
perlomni.vim ftplugin 50 6028 perl omni completion  (perl-completion.vim)
go.vim syntax 20 1606 Syntax file for the Go programming language
go.vim syntax 112 9641 Syntax file for the Go programming language
github theme color scheme 477 33800 A gvim colorscheme based on github's syntax highlighting
vimmpc utility 8 462 Manipulate a running mpd daemon from within vim
exjumplist utility 0 1030 Extra commands for jumplist
textobj-fatpack utility 1 920 Various text objects in single package
grey2 color scheme 8 1698 dark scheme
prettyprint.vim utility 33 1543 Prettyprint vim variables.
i can't delete this utility 7 1133 i can't delete this
JumpInCode (new update) ftplugin 12 1862 Cscope and tags plugin , build files in your Current directory
GNU as syntax syntax 125 4186 GNU as (AT&T) syntax for *86 CPUs
NSIS syntax highlighting syntax 26 1505 NSIS syntax file for NSIS 2.46
colqer utility 35 703 switch to colemak in insert mode
gemcolors color scheme 27 1278 colorfull theme dark background
"Go" Syntax syntax 3 738 Syntax definitions for Google's "Go" language.
fortran_line_length utility 1 1727 According to the file extension of a FORTRAN source file, a valid length is set.
Ruby Single Test utility 0 861 Runs a single Ruby test under the cursor
OmniTags utility 19 1104 This plugin can help you to maintenance tags file.
FindMate utility 9 1470 Find files in your whole system or current directory
signature_block.vim utility 3 873 Add and manipulate signature blocks in e-mails
record-repeat.vim utility 3 679 Repeat sequences of commands
php.vim syntax 103 6410 PHP syntax file updated for PHP 5.3
signal_dec_VHDL utility 0 421 Defines internal signals in VHDL
HTML menu for GVIM utility 0 761 my HTML menu with Tag I use often
spinner.vim utility 28 1711 fast buffer/file/tab/window switching plugin with only 3 keys.
RDoc syntax 17 2476 Syntax highlight for Ruby Documentation
XPstatusline utility 30 1847 statusline with many infomation
rcshell.vim syntax 13 1500 syntax highlight file for the rc shell scripting language
mib_translator utility 0 1677 Translate SNMP OIDs from within Vim
Markdown syntax 261 14192 Syntax highlight for Markdown text files
growlnotify.vim utility 0 944 growlnotify wrapper for vim script.
JavaAspect utility 0 621 A script that generates aspect template for Java.
gsession.vim utility 18 2094 global session manager (improved)
cgc.vim utility 8 631 A compiler description for nVidia cg compiler
manuscript color scheme 205 3219 Dark colorscheme
CodeOverview utility 24 1450 Display a graphical overview of code alongside a gvim window.
bluechia.vim color scheme 34 919 A dark color scheme for GUI
slurper.vim utility 24 1535 Provides vim features for .slurper files.
create_start_fold_marker.vim utility 0 879 create start fold marker with level number
doubleTap ftplugin 12 548 Double Tap Certain Characters to insert and jump out of character pairs.
filetype-completion.vim utility 1 756 filetype completion
vikitasks utility 20 4131 A "distributed" todo lists manager for viki (with limited support for todo.txt)
PyPit utility 0 512 Python version of pitconfig.vim
open terminal, filemanager utility 14 889 Open native terminal , file manager app for various platforms
Chrysoprase color scheme 17 1086 A dark-on-light colour scheme
circos.vim syntax 0 399 Syntax file for Circos visualization program conf files
TxtBrowser syntax 153 7589 Browse .txt and .rst files easily(show the title tag and syntax highlight)
gitolite.vim syntax 6 2811 Syntax highlight and indent rules for gitolite configuration
ShowFunc.vim ftplugin 4 872 Show the function's define.
AuthorInfo ftplugin 68 5069 You can add your author info in any source files,such as cpp,c,java,and c#.
Cfengine 3 ftplugin ftplugin 5 1254 Abbreviations and other help for Cfengine 3 files
Cfengine version 3 syntax syntax 62 3169 Cfengine 3 syntax highlighting
vim-addon-manager utility 13 6636 manage and update plugins easily
Vim Condensed Quick Reference utility 53 2999 Vim quick reference in LaTeX, PDF and PS formats
hlint utility 5 919 Compiler definition for the hlint (haskell checker) tool
Enhanced Ex utility 3 661 Improve your efficiency in ex-mode
Flex Development Support utility 33 2273 Flex development support, ftplugin, indent, syntax, code completion, ...
restart.vim utility 36 2904 Restart your gVim
selfdot ftplugin 4 625 type `self.` by pressing `.`
syntax/Gemfile.vim syntax 47 1258 The syntax file of Gemfile which is used for a RubyGems library "Bundler"
spidermonkey.vim ftplugin 1 786
    spidermonkey syntax supports and snippets , reference query.
pep8 utility 142 9388 Check your python source files with PEP8
startup_profile patch 10 1332 Profile vim startup
extended help utility -1 903 Simple plugin to open and close help without leaving current window
tplugin utility 11 4629 A plugin loader/runtimepath manager with autoload capabilities
SpitVspit utility 36 2083 Powerful multiple files splitting.
Preamble utility 10 465 Automatically folds long licensing and copyright preambles that head sources.
Mercury compiler support utility 4 654 Ftplugin, syntax and supplemental plugin for Mercury compiler
FirstEffectiveLine.vim utility 5 760 Go to the first effective(non-comment) line of the file
vimomni ftplugin 0 2316 omni completion for VimL
std.vim utility -3 1003 standard util vim functions
tocterm utility 11 1059 Utitliy to add cterm support to color schemes without the GUIColorSchemes plugin
apt-complete.vim plugin 0 1171 provide debian package name completion
SnippetComplete utility 7 2474 Insert mode completion that completes defined abbreviations and other snippets.
Dictionary List Replacements utility 0 389 ==SUPERSEDED BY MULTI-REPLACE==
Vimrc Version Numbering utility 2 605 automatic vimrc version numbering
mark_tools utility 12 1266 Toggle and navigate marks
rfc syntax syntax 19 1755 Simple syntax highlight for RFC file
fontzoom.vim utility 21 1581 The fontsize controller in gVim.
histwin.vim utility 213 7602 Browse the undo tree
vim-addon-fcsh utility 0 963 run adobe fcsh Flex compiler shell in background decreasing compilation times
vim-addon-actions utility -3 1493 keep list of actions you can bind to shortcuts easily on demand
superSnipMate ftplugin 17 678 improved from snipMate with which you can expand your snippet within another
bzr-commit utility 0 376 Commit bazaar using splited view (diff, status and commit comment)
hexHighlight.vim utility 125 3097 Plugin to highlight hex codes in gvim.
Multi-Replace utility 9 685 Perfom non-cumulative multi-replace
strawimodo color scheme 14 808 GUI-only - colorful but sane
vim-addon-mw-utils utility 2 1080 some utilities I wrote
actionscript3id.vim syntax 4 835 vim syntax highlight identifiers of actionscript 3
Ruby/Sinatra syntax 8 1213 Syntax highlight for Ruby/Sinatra micro-framework
ccvext.vim ftplugin 21 2639 More convenience way to use ctags and cscope in vim
visualstar.vim utility 23 1933 star(*) for Visual-mode.
AutomaticLaTeXPlugin ftplugin 626 133324 Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features.
AGTD utility 48 1172 Almighty GTD File for Vim
bvemu.vim color scheme 3 1043 Another Dark Scheme for gvim
GoogleSuggest Complete utility 4 1444 complete function using google suggest API. perhaps, you should input japanese w
The Max Impact Experiment utility 16 1118 A playground to see how much we can do with pithy code
cflow output colorful syntax 37 1206 to analyze the source codes more effectively by using GNU cflow
SaneCL indent 14 1988 Quickly indents Common Lisp code and is 100% VimScript
c standard functions highlight syntax 21 981 highlight most functions in C89/C99/unistd.h
Wavefront's obj syntax -1 660 Syntax for wavefront's obj file format
hypergit.vim utility 21 1442 an awesome git plugin for vim.
hex.vim ftplugin 2 534 ftplugin for Intel Hex files
csp.vim syntax 0 419 syntax file for CSP
load_template utility 66 3834 Loading templates as html,makefile,class ... and you can make template yourself!
emoticon.vim game 4 759
    emoticon omni completion
emoticon.vim game -2 730
    emoticon omni completion
bisect utility 17 1100 Navigation via bisection
groovyindent indent 27 2483 groovy indent script
liftweb.vim utility 0 838 A plugin for vim to ease navigation for projects that use the Lift framework.
line number yank utility 2 544 yank lines with line number
neutron.vim color scheme 8 1086 Light background colorscheme
SyntaxMotion.vim utility 3 1951 Cursor motion & visual selection by syntax highlighting group
Doxia APT syntax 11 602 syntax highlighting of Doxia APT files as used by Maven
daemon_saver.vim game 42 1268 Vim version of FreeBSD daemon_saver
ikiwiki-nav ftplugin 4 1266 several helpers for editing ikiwiki pages
ucf.vim syntax 2 612 Xilinx User Constraint File Syntax
ISBN-10 to EAN-13 converter utility 7 585 Convert ISBNs to EAN-13s
sha1.vim utility 4 920 sha1() function
hmac.vim utility 0 801 hmac() function
cucumber.zip utility 91 2902 Cucumber runtime files
mrkn256.vim color scheme 17 1495 Color scheme designed by mrkn, for 88- and 256-color xterms.
fugitive.vim utility 4907 21265 A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
blowfish.vim utility 1 1070 blowfish function
underwater color scheme 65 3599 An easy on the eyes dark blue theme
trogdor color scheme 10 914 A coding theme to help minimize eye strain.
Parameter Text Objects utility 33 1133 Defines parameter text objects
php-doc upgrade utility 5 875 2005 php-doc plugin w/ added bonuses
Emmet.vim utility 2161 55771 vim plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding.
jumphl.vim utility 3 951 Highlight cursor line after cursor jump
qmake--syntax.vim syntax 12 1012 syntax for qmake tool from QT
R syntax highlighting syntax 27 3300 R syntax highlighting
BUGS language syntax 0 495 syntax highlighting
AddCppClass utility 23 866 this plugin is to help you add a c++ class conveniently
loadtags utility 13 558 Load the correct set of tags for the file you're editing
OpenCL C syntax highlighting syntax 6 1376 OpenCL C syntax highlighting
pummode utility 23 759 Select completion menu with j and k.
stickykey utility 0 1241 You don't need press very far away meta keys
rcom ftplugin 0 2243 Evaluate R (www.r-project.org) code via rcom, rserve, screen, or tmux
SaveSigns utility 1 1369 Save and Restore your Signs
ywtxt utility 1 3819 Ease vim to write plain documents.
Rackup syntax 1 483 Syntax file for Rackup (config.ru) files
colorselector utility 15 1306
    provide an emacs-like colorscheme selector buffer.
TranslateEnToCn utility 20 1372 translate english to chinese in vim
utlx_interwiki.vim utility 12 1422 A scheme that adds interwiki linking to the script UTL
BackgroundColor.vim utility 6 1127 Define a background color for your vim
django template textobjects ftplugin 0 2051 textobject mappings for the django template language
html advanced text objects ftplugin 7 1359 some alternate text objects for html
candyman.vim color scheme 19 1884 dark colorscheme based on jellybeans
tag_in_new_tab utility 10 781 Open tag in new tab.
indent/python indent 26 1137 Yet another Python indentation script
vxfold.vim utility 10 1697 Fold cycling similar to emacs org-mode (using TAB key)
simplecommenter utility 8 1221 simple commenter
CSSMinister utility 19 903 Converts colors in CSS stylesheets from one format to another
Twee Integration for Vim syntax 1 558 Syntax highlighting and compiler support for twee interactive stories creator
httplog syntax 19 3221 Highlight access log of Apache, nginx, etc
treemenu.vim utility 8 738 customizable treemenu plugin
delete-surround-html ftplugin 0 700 for deleting surrounding html/django tags
tumblr.vim syntax 25 694 Syntax highlighting for Tumblr themes
vspec utility 8 2572 Testing framework for Vim script
tcommand utility 12 1766 Select and execute a command or menu item from a list
ColorX utility 18 1288 A script that lets you insert hex color codes by using OS X's color picker
alex.vim syntax 8 685 syntax highlight for alex files
happy.vim syntax 13 718 syntax highlight for happy files
Cppcheck compiler utility 2 992 Compiler definition for cppcheck
vim-addon-completion utility -1 1553 select and cycle completion function
spin.vim syntax 14 805 Syntax file for Parallax Spin language
EasyOpts utility 3 584 Help other scripts in the option management
Find files utility 5 1147 Easy find & open using find application.
Bookmarking utility 37 1884 A bookmaking facility for Vim for marking points of interest.
tslime.vim utility 53 1457 Send text from vim to a running tmux session
vimake color scheme 4 1496 Vimake is a programming aid written in C++ for Linux
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